
Dr. Charles Elias Walker
A former leading scientist in metagene research at the Tri-Vex Corporation in Lightningburgh, a suburb of Thunder City, Walker was stripped of hs position and relocated against his will to Chicago. Once there, Walker was given the assignment (by Agent Turner of the MCCA) of setting up a task force of metahuman soldiers and using them to procure metahumans to further study the metagene. Thus, the EPS was born. It is known that Walker has a latent form of the metagene, but what powers/gifts/abities/curses this gene will give him when it becomes active is unknown.

The Interactive Genetic Organiaton Regulator was created in conjunction with Tri-Vex scientists and MCCA operatives to be the ultimate metahuman machine. Able to hold vast stores of genetic information, I.G.O.R. holds dossiers on every known and registered metahuman in the world today. No one yet knows what loyalties, if any, this machine has to the institutions that created it.

William Marcy Tweed
A former Chicago crimelord, Tweed is a big man, with a minor resemblance to Boss Hog from the old Dukes of Hazzard television series. His EPS uniform includes a white jumpsuit, accompanied by a tan vest, which he wears over the suit. This vest holds any weapons, tools, and trinkets he might need for a field op. Atop his head of white hair sits a large wide-brimmed white hat. Despite his existence being stricken from any records by I.G.O.R., Tweed still holds strong ties to the criminal underground in and around the Chicago area. Just how far his reach extends, however, is an unknown matter. Tweed's metagene allows for him to become completly invisible to the naked eye and also totally intangible.

Vidalia Owens
A hooker charged with the deaths of many of her male clients, Owens is a femme fatale of the purest sense, being both seductive and deadly. Her long blonde hair is usually twisted around her head and her pale green eyes match the jumpsuit she wears as an EPS agent. A plant lover, Vidalia has set aside a section of the EPS headquarters as a hydroponics station, in order to nurture her green thumb. Owens' metagene allows for empathic and slight telepathic goads into the minds of those around her. On occasion, she's been known to make people change their minds about their deepest convictions.

Andrew 'Andy' Reynolds
A seventeen-year-old gang member from Chicago's inner city, Reynolds is most definitely a loose cannon, to be sure. He opted to wear his old gang color (dark blue) as his EPS jumpsuit, which is accompanied by a matching bandana tied arond his head. Reynolds' black hair and dark brown eyes make him appear older than he is, but his failed attempt at facial hair and his naivety betray his true age. Reynolds' metagene allows for the illumination of his skin, which, while he was still in his gang, earned him the name "GlowWorm".

John Doe
Little is known about this man, including his name, assuming he has one. This young man's affinity for leather made him select a black EPS jumpsuit with matching leather jacket. His hair is black and pulled back into a modest, yet intimidating, ponytail. His harsh grey eyes seem to peer into the soul with an age far beyond his years. His metagene, however, is the most powerful in existance and allows him control of the very elements surrounding him. His value to the EPS is plain to be seen.