
Larry Lance was a young man, twenty years old, when turned over to the EPS by the Chicago Police Department during the early days of the initial meta-gene explosion. Larry Lance had been walking his girlfriend's scotch terrior, Fluffy, when he inexplicably began floating off the ground. Terrified neighbors called the police and a stunned Larry Lance dropped like a rock from the air when several police had drawn guns on him. Unaware of what was happening to him, Larry pounded on a police vehicle, completely smashing in the front of the hood and radiator. A rookie policeman fired out of fear, but the bullets bounced off of Larry's super-dense skin. Unfortunately, a stray bullet had struck Dinah, Larry's girlfriend. As he ran to her fallen body he was gassed by the police and taken away. He still does not know if Dinah survived. Larry is even unsure of the length of time he has been test subject 43-A in this scientific installation. Please read Tom B. First's posts in the second Hero Revolution. storyline, Return to Thunder City, to continue with LLance's story. It is obvious that Larry's meta-gene activated density control of his own body. It is also apparent he has no control over this strange ability...yet.

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: LLance ]

[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: LLance ]