I posted Mxy's in the first page of this thread, but I haven't posted Mick's!
NAME: Michael Harrison
AGE: 23
HAIR: Large and brown
POWERS: Mick's metagene gives him interdimentional communication abilities, that are pretty much useless.
HISTORY: Mick Harrison has a metagene, but since he didn't display any abilities the goverment assumed it was an useless metagene, and decided he wasn't a risk, so they'd watch him from time to time but they wouldn't imprision him like most metahumans. Mick entered the Law faculty when he was 18, but he dropped his studies when he turned 21 and moved out of his parents' house in Boston to a friend's house in Chicago.
When he was 23, the fifth dimentional being known as M X Y P L T K used Mick's metagene to take possesion of his body and enter the third dimension.
Since Mick's body was too "small" for the entire being, M X Y P L T K split in two beings, Mxy and Ktl. Mxy, the "good" part, stayed in Mick's body, and Ktl, the "evil" part, looked for another body with interdimentional powers.
Still, Mick's brain was too simple for half a fifth dimentional being. Mxy couldn't think clearly and started using his powers to cause mayhem by turning people into cows.
He was arrested and taken to a hospital as a mental patient, where he was kept uncouncious while the authorities waited for the MCCA to take him away.
He escaped the hospital and... the rest can be found in the first New Universe thread.