Some "villains" I would like to bring in somewhere down the line (probably two or three issues later).
The Bruttes-A team of cyborg metahumans who will show up looking to "collect" Grimm for their employer. They consist of:
Rant-A cyborg designed to mimic vampirism. Rant is capable of supernormal speed, strength, and agility. He is also capable of regeneration from most injuries. Rant can emit a mist from his body which causes those trapped within to enter a highly suggestive hypnotic state. Rant's abilities come at a price, as he must feed on blood to maintain them, much like a true vampire. Rant is only 5'7" and suffers from short man's syndrome, causing him to be loud and boastful. He wears all black clothing including a long black trenchoat, and when he smiles his metal fangs gleam.
Blackwulf-Schizophrenic shapeshifter. Blackwulf is large, hairy norse looking man. About 6'9" with wolfen physical characteristics. At times, he has claimed to be a Viking, a werewolf, a former Russian Spetznaz (sp) agent, and an aggravating imp known as Mr. Annoying. It is believed that when his metagene manifested it shattered his fragile mind into these multipile personalities. When Blackwulf's personality shifts, it is usually accompanied by physical changes that he refers to as "Mutations." Blackwulf does not have full control over his ability and sometimes his transformations surprise even him. Rant and Blackwulf have a bit of a love/hate relationship in that during quiet times, they will often be found arguing and sniping at each other. However, in the heat of battle they make a surprisingly effective team.
Holocaust-Pyrokinetic sociopath. Holocaust doesn't care as long as he has something or someone to burn.
Gunslinger-Cyborg assassin. Gunslinger has two cybernetic arms that he uses as guns. He never speaks, even to his partners. He has an Old West fixation and dresses like a "goth cowboy."