The Metahuman Brotherhood of Liberation

Inspired by the "Revolutionaries" in their early appearances, the Metahuman Brotherhood of Liberation has taken up the cause of metahuman freedom. At the expense of the norms who currently run things. Early on, they committed a series of bank robberies and other small crimes, while openly proclaming themselves as meta terrorists. Now, they have the funds they need, and possibly other members waiting to strike. With the massacre and destruction of Disney World in Florida, they have made their first strike against humanity.

The known members are:

"Nowhereman" meta ability-Charisma and persuasion.

"Eurostar"-ability to mimic the meta abilities of those he meets.

"Danny"-can summon temporal duplicates of himself.

"TC"-control of kinetic energy. can speed up or slow down an objects velocity.

"LLance"-metal skin. painted to appear as a normal human.

"Naecken"-large size and strength. ram horns and face. painted blue to mimic the appearance of Naecken.

"Velo"-can project powerful force blasts from his hands.

"Mxy"-can cause people to experience poweful hallucinations.

The characters themselves do not go by these codenames, or even use names in public. These are merely the characters they are masquerading as.