The snowy moiuntain tops of Austria is a wonder to see.
it´s like a god knew there would be someone here to admire them.
At least this is what Stephan Hannoval thinks. His time at The Castle had been a great strain these past years. The Hoods were on the march, and more metas were showing up in the world everyday.
He sat on his balcony on one of the slender towers facing the Wolfgangsee lakes. The crystal clear blue water almost had a hypnotic clarity to it. Sitting here almost made him feel young again...not the ancient, burdened and grumpy old man that had become.
Being the leader of a world spanning organization had it´s moments, but most of the time it was just trouble...conspiracies here, conspiracies there...which goverment should the endorse? Which goverment should they change? Who should be the president?...Just bothersome trivial matters that had gotten out of hand...their true mission...the safe guarding of this world, was almost forgotten...they were on the brink of becoming the enemy...
This had to change...but first they had to do something about the Hoods...and their blasted Georgios...
They would have to create a counter agent...
His eyes rested on the newspaper and they happened to see a small article about a young man saving a group of children from a blazing fire in America. Apparently he called himself [Hero].
Hmmm corny name...and why use those brackets? But this lad had caught his attention...maybe worth looking into...this man could be what he was looking for.......