Cool Grimmy.....I was going to post a city meeting anyway....thats cool......I think next It would be good for a couple of things to happen either I can post them or anyone who wants to volunteer there take on it.
1. I want Tayden to meet with Gabriel or Micheal and I'd like for what they say to be inspirational to him.
2. Lucier needs to approach Tayden as an individual.......telling him concievable lies...and then Tayden haveing a moment of doubt....then rebuking Lucifer and calling him on his soon to come fall.
3. One more interaction with Axium and a show of growing disent.
4. Finally the big battle begins....detail and action.
Everyone feel free to add to this....Its a solo thread but not a solo author....everybody should have a hand in creating this character......(Chewy I'd like to see your input on this)
Have fun