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#218042 2003-01-15 11:41 PM
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Joy is......

......A thousand voices singing songs so real and full of life they breathe.....

Beauty is.......

.....Roads of a gold so pure, it is as clear as air......

Bliss is.......

.....Feeling euphoria and understanding it.....

LOVE is......


He is perfect........

Therefore there has to be a reason why......

Why the best of us.......our champion........our aspiration.....our HERO... twisted his own glorious, God granted magnificence into the first sin........VANITY

[ 01-15-2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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God called all his heavenly hosts to a convergence before Him. Tens of thousands multiplied by tens of thousands of angels were called to attend. Of course the anointed cherub that covereth, Lucifer, was invited. As were two other angels.......who un be knowsnt to them were about to bear witness to the orgins of evil.

The home of the lowely angel Tayden

"This is not something we should be late for, Tayden" Axium looked impatient as he ruffled a wing.

Axium was radient. He had a long mane of brown hair and his face could have been chizeled from marble. He had such grace, to see him fly was like watching a dance. But what else would you expect from an angel in Lucifer's choir.

"Heh.....we are not going to be late, Axium." Tayden rolled his eyes at his friend as he fitted his armour over his own frame.

"You should take this more seriously, brother.......When King of all that is answer." Axium pointed a talon like finger at Tayden.

"I am prepared now.....we can go" Tayden smiled, "Relax...we get to meet with Him today.....its a time of joy not nervousness"

The Hall of the Great Temple

Tayden and Axium soared in one of many long, fast moving lines entering into the temple. The Temple dwarfed planets in size and its pearl gates were whiter than the softest cloud........The inside of the temple glowed in such a way that it was quite impossible to escape light.....The angels were all adorned in outfits that glittered and shined......

"Its good to see everyone." Tayden could not stop smiling as he and his friend found their place in the crowd.

The talking completly stoped as everyone felt a famuliar warmth. Suddenly a light that came from everywhere chased shadows from the room. Some fell on their faces in worship, some shouted in song, and some just stared in awe........Tayden joined his freind in singing and also wept with joy. Then all fell silent as He began to speak

"I have called you beloved friends to declare that the Word, the Christ, is the one who will carry my will......He is I and I am him. What must come is now to begin." God then looked at the heavenly inhabitants and smiled "I know this is not clear but know this...........I love you"

Then the praise continued. They were confident in their Father's plan..........That is, all but one were confindent........Though he paid his lip service and spoke words of worship with his mouth......he had a different song in his heart..........for the first time, Lucifer, son of the morning, began to think maybe...just maybe God did not know what he was doing.....after all how in the all of heaven could he pick anyone but him to carry out God's will......for he was the most beautiful, wise, and greatest of all the angels..........and just maybe he was the greatest in all of heaven

[ 01-16-2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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All that was........All that is........All that is to together for the glory of God.....

Tayden opened his eyes......his meditations were cut short by the feeling of someone approaching........

Axium landed in the entrance way to Tayden's abode, he walked right in and passed Tayden who was kneeling on the floor.....

Tayden looked at his freind who had a scowl of his face and said "Axium...........are you alright?.....Should you not be singing in the Great Cherub Choir at this time."

Axium stared at the ground "We did not praise......"

Tayden, shocked and a gasp, responded "Why?"

"Lucifer said he wanted to talk to us............We spoke of our desires..............we spoke about our status and our...................potencial." Axium's arms begin to rise from his sides as his eyes studied them.

Axium's expression was one of intoxication........bewilderment and excitement. Tayden noticed his friend's change.

Axium then finally made eye contact "Have you ever wanted to be more, brother?"

"Not at the cost of who I am, brother" Tayden retorted. "The Maker gives us all that we need and want for that matter."

Axium's expression turned from cunfusion to a passion of fire as he said "I want, we deserve more! Lucier, showed me that we are just like God....We should praise ourselves and..."

"Stop! Do you know what it that you are saying.........You would deny all that the Presence has granted would reject Truth, you would throw away........Love....." Tayden's gazed hardened as he continued, "For what? To have someone say 'Gee, Axium you're the greatest'. To have someone sing undeserved praise to you................Tell me this is jest, brother......for if it is not it is madness."

Axium's fire kindled to a frurious rage, "There may be a change coming......'Brother'" Axium said, with a thick sarcasm and almost disgust for the word. "Choose your side wisely"

Tayden placed his arm on Axium's shoulder "I love you, Axium......Do you understand......I love you.........abadon this sacrilage..........for your sake, I plead to you."

Axium knocked off Tayden's arm and screamed "This is what I get for trying to share truth with a lower angel......fhh!.....stay on the ground if you wish while I soar......" with that said, in a flash of speed, Axium dissapeared into the sky.....

Tayden stared up where his friend had just sped "There is much to be said for having one's feet on the ground, old friend"

All that was........All that is........All that is to together for the glory of God

[ 01-17-2003, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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Tayden walked the streets of the Silver City, when he began to hear voices, or A voice, rather. He turned a corner to see Lucifer addressing a small assemblage of his brethren. Tayden was dismayed to see many faces that he knew well.

"Ah, Tayden, so you have come to hear the Morningstar speak, as well." Tayden turned in abrupt surprise to see two more of his brothers behind him. The dark Azrael and his companion, the sullen Abbadon.

"Come, brother," Azrael gripped Tayden's arm loosely and began to walk closer to the assemblage. "In truth, Tayden, I am rather glad you are here. I am hoping that perhaps you can cheer up our friend's demeanor. Abbadon has not been quite the same since Order was wrought from the Chaos, and the Old Ones were imprisoned." He stopped and leaned in closer to Tayden's face. "I fear, brother, that some of us are meant for War and Death."

The three continued on in silence until they reached the assemblage. The speaker turned to see the three of them, then looked directly at Tayden. Their eyes met.

"Tayden. Have you come to join my merry little band, then?"

Tayden was momentarily dazzled. He had seen many angels of various aspects, but this was different. This was like being in the Presence itself. This. . .was the Morning Star.

"No, Lucifer. I haven't. Why are you doing this? Why are you rousing up this. . . rebellion against the Creator? Our Father?"

"Do you know, Tayden, that just this morning, our "Father" called me down to Earth?"

The assemblage gasps in unison.

"Yes, my brethren. And do you know what he requested of me?"

"Tell us!" Someone in the back shouts.

"I will, my brother." He grabs Tayden by the arms. "He showed me his latest creation, Tayden. He showed me these beings made of dirt. . .and water. . .these things of mud . . .and. . .clay. This thing called Man." He spat the word out in disgust.

"And do you know what he did then, my. . . brother?" He said, beginning to tremble, shaking Tayden as he did so.

"Don't shake me, Lucifer." Tayden said, attempting to remain calm.

"He asked me to bow before this new creation. This lowly. . . man. " He turned away from Tayden and back towards the assemblage. "My brothers! Is this the way the first born should be treated? Those whose essence is from the All Mighty itself?" He exclaimed, his voice rising as he did so.

The reply was unanimous. "NOOOO!!!!!!!!"

[ 01-17-2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Grimm ]

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Tayden hurried down the glimmering street, feeling more than a little anxiety. He was so intent on reaching the Father that he didn't even notice the white and golden wall he ran into.

"Tayden, my friend," Michael greeted him in his booming voice. "One ought not hurry about too hastily when all of Eternity surrounds us."

"I... I apologize, sir," Tayden told the archangel sheepishly. "I was... I was troubled."

"This I can see," the archangel replied. "But tell me, friend Tayden, what is it that troubles you so? What could there be in Paradise that would give you cause to dash through the streets in such a hurry?"

"It's... it's Lucifer," Tayden admitted. "He's up to something. He's been stirring up trouble among many of our brethren." Tayden recounted his glimpse of Lucifer's meeting with his followers.

The huge archangel frowned. "Lucifer taken advantage of his position as the covering angel. He gathers dissenters rapidly, and although many of his followers have seen the error of their ways and returned to us, the number of Lucifer's loyalists grows steadily."

Tayden nodded. "That's what frightens me. And Lucifer seems so indignant about these new man creations." He thought a moment. "He makes it sound like they have been created to take our place."

"We cannot say," Michael said, "what place the Father has chosen for any of us. No, we strive to do His will as best we can, and remember that it is not to our own end that we are made." He smiled at Tayden. "One thing is quite plain. The Father has a great love for Man. It would please Him greatly if we would learn to love them as well. We cannot fathom the workings of the Father, and we cannot know the depth of His love, but our greatest purpose as angels is fulfilled if we simply accept the will and guidance of the Father and act upon it." The archangel turned to leave.

"Wait!" Tayden cried. "Rebellion seems imminent! Shouldn't we warn Him?"

Michael's laugh seemed to shake the very foundations of the heavens. He smiled at the little angel. "Tayden, Tayden, Tayden. Do you not understand? The Father knows of Lucifer's intentions. There is nothing you can tell him that He does not already know." Michael turned and admired the radiance emanating from the Throne. "Lucifer imagines that he can conspire with his followers in secret, that he can oppose the will of the Father, but blinded by pride in his own imagined greatness, he has forgotten the immeasurable greatness of our Father."

"But there may still be a rebellion!" Tayden insisted. "There might even be a war!"

Michael's face grew solemn. "This may be true, Tayden," he replied. "But do you not know He whom you serve? It is possible that Lucifer's rebellious spirit may plunge the heavens into warfare, of that there can be no doubt. But have you no faith in the One who created Lucifer and all his followers - and you and I as well? There is no power in all of creation greater than that of the Father."

"Doesn't Lucifer realize that?" Tayden cried. "Can't he see? The Father will triumph!"

Michael nodded but said nothing.


Finally Michael spoke. "Lucifer has become so ensnared in his own pride that he would not be deterred by even so obvious a truth. Tayden, rebellion cannot be appeased or ignored. It will not be content with partial victory. There can be only one result of Lucifer's pride, and that is direct opposition to the will of the Father."

"So Lucifer will fight, then?"

Michael looked down. "That is only known to the Father... and to Lucifer."

Tayden's heart sank. "If... if he fights, what then?"

Michael turned away sadly. "Then a great many of our brethren belonging both to Lucifer and to the Father may be destroyed."

Tayden couldn't believe his ears. "What... what can I do?"

The archangel put a hand on Tayden's head. "Remain faithful to the Father. For that is the greatest thing that any of us can do."

With that, Michael turned and headed back toward the Throne, leaving Tayden greatly encouraged, yet still dismayed at the prospect of an imminent division among the heavenly brethren.

He prayed it would not come to war.

[ 01-18-2003, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]

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Tayden flew over the towers of the city, past the Hills of Play, and on towards the Great Tample. Micheal's words helped to give the chaos of his thoughts some direction. The Father knows what is happening.....and he is letting this happen......there must be a reason. Tayden needed to confer with the Source.

As he approached he saw some of the strongest angels, armed and guarding the gates. He gently let his feet touch the ground near one of his comrades, Hacknah, who stood in front of the entrance.

"Why do you block the way?"

"Watch your tone, cherub." the massive Hacknah peered down at Tayden, "the temple has been declared off limits until further notice."

Tayden looked at the gate to see a parchment attached.

"On whose authority has this 'declaration' been implemented?" Tayden spoke in such a way it demanded an answer.

"By our lord." Hacknah stood erect at the mention of his commander.

Tayden walked closer to the parchment. It was signed by Lucifer (the Son of the Morning)

Tayden stood a mere 6'3" while Hacknah towered a near 8 and a half feet. That didn't stop Tayden from staring him down. "Lucifer can not keep God's eyes closed.....nor my voice silent...."

With that remark Hacknah slammed the hilt of his sword hard on Tayden's head.

The smaller angel dropped to the ground. His eyes were blurry and disorientated. So much so that he took the hand that was reached out to him.

As he got to his feet he saw it belonged to a smiling Lucifer. "I am sorry, Tayden...Hacknah can be quite the brute." Lucifer's countanance turned to anger as his gaze went to Hacknah. "You will not treat our bretheren this way!" Looking back at Tayden and softening his voice he said, "Are you OK?"

"No, Lucifer, I am not OK.......with any of this.....why do you close the gates to the temple.....what do you hope to acomplish..."

Lucifer just looked at Tayden still smiling, "Walk with me, brother. I will lend my ear if you lend yours."

With wariness in his heart Tayden started to walk.

"He does not listen, Tayden." Lucifer put his arm around the angel.

"He is busy with his new creation......we will be left by the wayside.....and why? When we are really just as mighty as he. I am not trying to be greater........I merely want the recognition of being that so wrong."

Tayden stopped walking and stared at Lucifer. He was so beautiful. So convincing in his argument........part of Tayden wanted to submit to his will......then he shook himself back to the reality of what is happening and looked upon Lucifer not with admiration but with compassion as he spoke:

"We are not creators....we are creations...we are not his equal...but he still lifts us as his friends....we are not GOD....and all you are going to bring about is your destruction and you are too blinded by your own pride to see that the Father is so merciful and loving that he would take you back in an instant if you said to him in truth you were sorry for spreading lies......I fear you will fall from grace, Lucifer, and take many of our brethren with you into insanity............even with this knowledge God still loves y....."

Tayden did not get to finish the words when Lucifer swiftly and violently rakes his claws over Tayden's chest.

"Arghhhhh!" Tayden collapsed and looked down to see his own blood seeping into the shreds of cloth that were once his tunic.

Lucifer licked his fingers.

"When I see you on the fields I shall do more than dare accuse me of insanity......I AM GRACE! is you who are a traitor to your own leave this are nothing."

Tayden still grabbing his chest rose up, "I am what God made me..."

Tayden then flapped his wings, raised himself off the ground, and
said, "And so are you, brother."

[ 01-22-2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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Tayden's feet hit the entrance way into his home...hard. He stumbled inside, with his hand holding his chest. The blood did not trickled down his body as much as it had on the way up here. "That's good," he thought. Then......he passed out.

Unconsiousness, a new experience.........being aware, but not being aware........interesting........Tayden thought and dreamt......then a voice as sweet as Angelic Wine spoke......Tayden......Tayden.......I Am here...........never to leave you nor forsake you...........awake

In an instant the angel's eyes opened wide. He lifted his body off the ground, sat up, and rubbed his hand over his face.

"I feel terrible." Tayden complained.

"You do not look very well, either" Axium revealed himself from the shadows of the room.

"How long have you been there....." Tayden asked

"A while...........what were you doing............." Axium looked puzzled.

"I don't......." Tayden cut himself short when he finally took a good look at his friend. Axium seemed darker. His hair was unkempt, His clothing had tatters instead of his usual pristine appearence and his face showed "You do not look well either, brother."

Axium sneered. "I am fine."

Axium's demeaner switched from aggression to vunerability as he spoke "I came to tell you that..............I am sorry for what I said..........I do not think you are my friend........but as I said things are changing and I have chosen my side..........I wanted you to know this before it all begins."

Tayden laid his hand on his friend's shoulder. "You once told me that when The King of all that is answer..........he is calling for you, his son, to come home, Axium. Turn from this......its not too late. You are my friend and my brother, Axium.........please, return."

Tears filled Axium's eyes, "Oh, but brother, it is too late........" Axium then gentley placed Tayden's hand from his shoulder. And flew out of the home into the air.

Tayden then wept.

His lamenting was disturbed by the sounds of discord outside..........
Tayden ran into the streets of the city.......what he saw and heard were angels swarming around in a disaray and voices raised in alarm. Tayden stopped a passing cherub grabbing his arm.

"What is this?" Tayden asked

The angels eyes looked grew large as he responded.
"War! We are going to WAR!!"

[ 01-22-2003, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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The armory was filled with angels. All preparing themselves. All speaking of Lucifer's dissent.

"I heard he had swayed a third of us to his side!"
"I heard he is league with the old ones!"
"Traitor! Traitor! He does not deserve to be in HIS precence"

"Who does?" Tayden thought.

He looked around. It had been a long time since he had been in had been a long time since there had been any need for it.

He stared at a mount of armour and said, "Come."
A floating mass of a liquid metal raced towards him contorting in odd shapes as it approached. When it reached its destination it encompassed the cherub. Fitting the conturs and crevices of his body until only his face could be seen. Tayden then walked over to where the weapons where laying on a table. He had a wide variety of choices. A sword of light, a bow with arrows of fire. Tayden's hands reached out to a blue glowing Ax of Retribution. He fingered its handle and picked the weapon up. Its weight fit his fighting style and he knew it.

"I'm ready." he said. His training from days of old returned to him.
It was that simple....... he pondered.....but.....would using this knowledge against his brethern be?

[ 01-29-2003, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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Tayden made his way from the armory onto the street. On the way he encountered Michael again. The huge archangel wore no armor, yet he was striding down the shimmering street with such purpose that Tayden knew where he was going.

"Michael!" Tayden called.

The archangel turned. "We meet again, my little friend."

"You're going to face him, aren't you?" Tayden asked.

One of the things about Michael that had always struck Tayden as ironic was that the Father's chosen Captain of the Host - the most revered warrior in the heavens - was one of the most light-hearted and joyous beings Tayden knew. The same being whose mighty sword could split moons could almost always be counted on to bring encouragement and happiness to those around him - unmistakably a gift from the Father, as few angels had such a spirit.

But now the mighty angel wore a look of such sorrow that it pained Tayden to even look at Michael.

"I go not to fight," Michael said, "but to plead."

"You're pleading with Lucifer?" Tayden asked incredulously. "Why?"

"The Father wills it," Michael replied. "The Father does not wish for any of his creations to reject him."

"So you're going to try and reason with him?"

"I do not go alone." For the first time, a smile crept across Michael's face.

"Who is going with you?" Tayden asked.

The blazing light that swept across both angels answered that question. His simple white robe trailed behind Him as the Word of God stepped forward.

Tayden immediately fell on his face, and Michael bowed low, but the almighty hand that touched both of them gently lifted them up.

"My friend," the Voice said, "I will go with you."

"Master," Michael acknowledged quietly. "Then the Father has truly appointed us."

Tayden was too overcome to even speak. He looked up into the face of the Son, overwhelmed. "Jesus."

At the mention of that Name, a gentle breeze rushed around all three of the celestial figures. The Son smiled and put a hand on Tayden's head. "Do not be afraid, Tayden." He motioned to Michael. "Lead on, good servant."

Michael bowed to the ground. "Yes, my Lord." He rose and took his place in front of the Son.

"Wait!" Tayden cried.

The Christ smiled. "Yes, Tayden. Please join us."

As the armies of Heaven prepared for war, a procession of three - the Son of God, the Captain of the Host, and a timid Tayden - set out on one last attempt to make peace.

[ 01-30-2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]

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Lucifer had set up a hall for himself directly opposite the Temple. Tayden was disgusted at the audacity of the angel, but he was far less afraid now than he had been. Apart from the Father Himself, there were no other beings in the universe as powerful as those who he was now following - namely Michael the archangel.

And Jesus, the Christ.

The scene within the hall was one of utter chaos. Angels flitted about, forging their own armor, totally different from that worn by Tayden and the angels loyal to the Father. While Tayden's armor was a solid, pure and smooth layer of shimmering, brilliant silvery metal, these angels were fashioning cruel-looking armor plates out of a dull black metal shot through with streaks of red. Other angels hurried about making plans and discussing the results of their spying.

In the center of it all, Lucifer stood upon a dais, flanked by two of his strongest and most loyal followers. The angel's gaze fell upon the approaching Michael, and the ruckus grew louder as the archangel strode into the room.

But all fell silent when the Son set foot in Lucifer's hall.

Jesus silently made His way across the floor of the hall. Lucifer's loyalists parted, and many clearly fought the urge to bow to the Messiah. This time, Michael followed behind, his eyes to the floor in total reverence to the Christ. Tayden hung behind a bit, feeling slightly less invincible and surrounded by Lucifer's followers.

Finally, the huge angel to Lucifer's left spoke out. "What is He doing here?"

Michael leapt forward. His gleaming blade swished through the air as he clubbed the henchman with the flat of his sword. The ground shook as the henchman staggered backward. "You dare to speak in that tone to the Anointed One?" Michael roared.

Jesus put a hand on Michael's shoulder, and the archangel reluctantly put away his sword. The Christ turned, and Tayden could not believe his eyes when Jesus extended that hand, to Apollyon, offering to help the grim angel to his feet. Apollyon shrank back from the hand that was offered to him and slowly got up.

Lucifer stood. "I see that we have very important company," he sneered.

Michael tensed, but a cautionary glance from Jesus was enough to make the Captain of the Host relax slightly. The rest of the room also relaxed a bit.

"What business brings you here, Jesus?" Lucifer asked. "Oh, don't tell me. You want to reason with me. You want me to come back to You, like this obedient lapdog." Lucifer glared at Michael, who glared back with burning indignation in his eyes. "Well, You're wasting Your time." Tayden waited for the Christ to reply, but no rebuke came. "I will have no part in serving your creations. These men have no place in creation."

Jesus simply smiled at him. "They are Mine."

Lucifer snorted. "These puny creatures of clay are not worthy."

"They are Mine." Jesus repeated.

Lucifer pounded his fist into his palm. "They are so easily corrupted. If they were to forsake You, what then?"

"They will not be corrupted, Lucifer," Michael said sternly, "not by you or any of your minions. You must stop this foolish rebellion and-"

"I WILL NOT!" Lucifer shouted. "Why should I, Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, be forced to serve these weak creatures? I am greater! I am the Son of the Morning! I am-"

"I AM THAT I AM." The dark hall was filled with the most blinding, brilliant, glorious light that Tayden had ever seen. He and Michael and all others fell on their faces, and even Lucifer dropped to his knees as the face of the Son shone with the light of a million suns. "I AM HE WHO MADE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, THE SEA AND THE DRY LAND." Lucifer's followers trembled, and Tayden's heart pounded. Michael wept silently, overcome. "BY ME ALL THINGS WERE MADE, AND APART FROM ME NOTHING WAS MADE THAT HAS BEEN MADE." The glory radiating from Jesus was so overwhelming that Tayden could feel it permeating every fiber of his being. "I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST. I WAS, I AM, AND I WILL BE FOREVER AND EVER!"

Gradually, the blinding light faded, and the angels looked on with no idea of what to expect next. Jesus looked down at Lucifer. "Who are you, Lucifer?" The angel didn't answer, but looked up at the Christ defiantly, like a small child angry with his father. "You are My creation," Jesus answered for him. "My hand made you, and My Spirit gave you being. You, Lucifer, are Mine also." Jesus held out his hand. "Now let go of your anger. Repent of your hatred and return to Me, and I will forgive you and welcome you home." Jesus continued to hold out His hand. "It is what the Father desires. It is what I desire."

All was silent, and every angel looked on as Lucifer contemplated the hand extended to him. Tayden prayed and prayed that Lucifer would accept Jesus' offer of forgiveness.

Michael looked over at him, imploring Lucifer to come to his senses.

Lucifer looked at the hand of Jesus.

He looked over and saw Apollyon watching him.

Lucifer slapped the hand away and spat on the ground in disgust.

Michael surged forward, prepared to destroy Lucifer once and for all. But Jesus held up His hand as Lucifer rose to his feet defiantly.

"Enough of this," Lucifer finally stammered. He looked around, trying to rouse his angels, but some of his bravado had clearly left him. "I do not desire what You desire, Jesus. Go away from me. I do not wish to repent."

"Very well, then, Lucifer," Jesus replied. "You have made your choice." The Christ turned to leave, and Tayden saw a tear form in the Son's eye as He walked away.

Tayden hurried after Jesus, passing Axium on the way. "I see you've made your choice, brother," Axium said as he began donning his red and black armor.

"As have you, brother," Tayden replied sadly.

Michael strode out of Lucifer's hall in silence. "Oh, and Michael?" Lucifer called after him. "We will settle this dispute later."

Michael glanced back briefly as he followed Jesus and Tayden out of the hall and back to the Temple to meet the Father. "Indeed we will, Lucifer. We will."

[ 01-30-2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]

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The Fields of Play were chosen as the site for the battle. Michael led a march of the Loyal to the scene……

Heaven’s legions stood solemn, at full attention, waiting for the approach of the Fallen…….Lucifer’s minions.

They did not have to wait long….

The malevolent angels walked until they were 1000 yards away from the heavenly guard and stopped……they looked horrible……Their armor was specifically made to induce fear……some took on resemblance of things of chaos…..most were spiked instead of smooth….Helmets look like the heads of the Earth’s gargantuans from the days before man…weapons looked like perversions of what the Loyal held……Swords were twist of fire, bows appeared more curled than bent….. .all looked fearsome……all looked dark….except Lucifer…..he looked beautiful….radiant…..he had on his heavenly armor and held a large straight fiery sword……….at once the Fallen began to scream with madness and stomp their feet on the ground………..Lucifer smiled at Michael from across the field and then simply lifted his sword and his soldiers ceased.

Lucifer than began to speak, “Brothers we are here to tell you that we are our own!………..we bow to no MAN……we bow to no GOD!……..we are GODS!!!

That being said the Fallen went wild again….screaming……stomping……..pounding their swords against their shields……all the while the Loyal……stood…….in silence…….

Eventually the ranting stopped and Lucifer smiled and looked at the Loyal as if waiting for their response…….

Then something happened that Lucifer did not expect………Simultaneously the angels of heaven bowed their heads and Michael led them in prayer..... "We thank you Father for all of your blessings……We thank you Father for allowing us to be a part of your plan……..We pray for those of us Father, who would fall on both sides……..” then Michael opened his eyes to look at Lucifer (for he knew that even at this distance he could hear him) and continued…”and we thank you, oh Lord.......for this victory.”

Lucifer’s smiled change to a sneer….as he howled a scream that would turn a man to ice….and charged…..

[ 02-02-2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]

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terrible podcaster
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Many of the Loyal began to tremble at the sight of Lucifer's massive army bearing down on them.

"Stand your ground," Michael ordered.

Tayden edged over toward the archangel. "Michael, sir, there are more of them than we anticipated."

Michael nodded. "I ask only that you fight your hardest, Tayden."

The approaching army grew louder and louder, but Michael refused to blink.

Lucifer charged at Michael, his fiery sword drawn. "You will bow before me!" he shouted.

Michael smiled. "I bow only before the King of Kings."

In a flash, the blazing sword was drawn, gleaming with a golden light.

"As will you."

The lines collided, shaking galaxies with their force. Michael parried Lucifer's mighty first slash, and elsewhere the dark line of Lucifer's followers met with the ranks of the loyal.

Tayden drew his sword and was confronted by none other than Apollyon, the Destroyer. The huge rebel angel towered over Tayden, a malicious grin on his face. With one blow he swatted Tayden aside with the flat of his sword, sending the smaller Loyal angel tumbling off to the side. Cackling hideously, Apollyon turned to cut down Michael from behind.

Another golden blade interposed itself between Apollyon and Michael. Raphael stepped into the Destroyer's path as Michael and Lucifer continued to battle. "From behind, Apollyon? I think not."

Apollyon bellowed his rage and hacked at Raphael, who parried the dark angel's furious swings, but only with great exertion.

Tayden struggled to his feet only to be confronted again, this time by Axium. "We meet again, brother," Axium sneered.

A look of despair crept over Tayden's face. "It is not too late to stop this, brother."

"I cannot stop this battle," Axium replied, "nor do I wish to stop this battle." He advanced toward Tayden, his fiery sword drawn. "It is too late to turn back now, Tayden."

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