Tayden hurried down the glimmering street, feeling more than a little anxiety. He was so intent on reaching the Father that he didn't even notice the white and golden wall he ran into.
"Tayden, my friend," Michael greeted him in his booming voice. "One ought not hurry about too hastily when all of Eternity surrounds us."
"I... I apologize, sir," Tayden told the archangel sheepishly. "I was... I was troubled."
"This I can see," the archangel replied. "But tell me, friend Tayden, what is it that troubles you so? What could there be in Paradise that would give you cause to dash through the streets in such a hurry?"
"It's... it's Lucifer," Tayden admitted. "He's up to something. He's been stirring up trouble among many of our brethren." Tayden recounted his glimpse of Lucifer's meeting with his followers.
The huge archangel frowned. "Lucifer taken advantage of his position as the covering angel. He gathers dissenters rapidly, and although many of his followers have seen the error of their ways and returned to us, the number of Lucifer's loyalists grows steadily."
Tayden nodded. "That's what frightens me. And Lucifer seems so indignant about these new man creations." He thought a moment. "He makes it sound like they have been created to take our place."
"We cannot say," Michael said, "what place the Father has chosen for any of us. No, we strive to do His will as best we can, and remember that it is not to our own end that we are made." He smiled at Tayden. "One thing is quite plain. The Father has a great love for Man. It would please Him greatly if we would learn to love them as well. We cannot fathom the workings of the Father, and we cannot know the depth of His love, but our greatest purpose as angels is fulfilled if we simply accept the will and guidance of the Father and act upon it." The archangel turned to leave.
"Wait!" Tayden cried. "Rebellion seems imminent! Shouldn't we warn Him?"
Michael's laugh seemed to shake the very foundations of the heavens. He smiled at the little angel. "Tayden, Tayden, Tayden. Do you not understand? The Father knows of Lucifer's intentions. There is nothing you can tell him that He does not already know." Michael turned and admired the radiance emanating from the Throne. "Lucifer imagines that he can conspire with his followers in secret, that he can oppose the will of the Father, but blinded by pride in his own imagined greatness, he has forgotten the immeasurable greatness of our Father."
"But there may still be a rebellion!" Tayden insisted. "There might even be a war!"
Michael's face grew solemn. "This may be true, Tayden," he replied. "But do you not know He whom you serve? It is possible that Lucifer's rebellious spirit may plunge the heavens into warfare, of that there can be no doubt. But have you no faith in the One who created Lucifer and all his followers - and you and I as well? There is no power in all of creation greater than that of the Father."
"Doesn't Lucifer realize that?" Tayden cried. "Can't he see? The Father will triumph!"
Michael nodded but said nothing.
Finally Michael spoke. "Lucifer has become so ensnared in his own pride that he would not be deterred by even so obvious a truth. Tayden, rebellion cannot be appeased or ignored. It will not be content with partial victory. There can be only one result of Lucifer's pride, and that is direct opposition to the will of the Father."
"So Lucifer will fight, then?"
Michael looked down. "That is only known to the Father... and to Lucifer."
Tayden's heart sank. "If... if he fights, what then?"
Michael turned away sadly. "Then a great many of our brethren belonging both to Lucifer and to the Father may be destroyed."
Tayden couldn't believe his ears. "What... what can I do?"
The archangel put a hand on Tayden's head. "Remain faithful to the Father. For that is the greatest thing that any of us can do."
With that, Michael turned and headed back toward the Throne, leaving Tayden greatly encouraged, yet still dismayed at the prospect of an imminent division among the heavenly brethren.
He prayed it would not come to war.
[ 01-18-2003, 12:33 AM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]