Tayden flew over the towers of the city, past the Hills of Play, and on towards the Great Tample. Micheal's words helped to give the chaos of his thoughts some direction. The Father knows what is happening.....and he is letting this happen......there must be a reason. Tayden needed to confer with the Source.

As he approached he saw some of the strongest angels, armed and guarding the gates. He gently let his feet touch the ground near one of his comrades, Hacknah, who stood in front of the entrance.

"Why do you block the way?"

"Watch your tone, cherub." the massive Hacknah peered down at Tayden, "the temple has been declared off limits until further notice."

Tayden looked at the gate to see a parchment attached.

"On whose authority has this 'declaration' been implemented?" Tayden spoke in such a way it demanded an answer.

"By our lord." Hacknah stood erect at the mention of his commander.

Tayden walked closer to the parchment. It was signed by Lucifer (the Son of the Morning)

Tayden stood a mere 6'3" while Hacknah towered a near 8 and a half feet. That didn't stop Tayden from staring him down. "Lucifer can not keep God's eyes closed.....nor my voice silent...."

With that remark Hacknah slammed the hilt of his sword hard on Tayden's head.

The smaller angel dropped to the ground. His eyes were blurry and disorientated. So much so that he took the hand that was reached out to him.

As he got to his feet he saw it belonged to a smiling Lucifer. "I am sorry, Tayden...Hacknah can be quite the brute." Lucifer's countanance turned to anger as his gaze went to Hacknah. "You will not treat our bretheren this way!" Looking back at Tayden and softening his voice he said, "Are you OK?"

"No, Lucifer, I am not OK.......with any of this.....why do you close the gates to the temple.....what do you hope to acomplish..."

Lucifer just looked at Tayden still smiling, "Walk with me, brother. I will lend my ear if you lend yours."

With wariness in his heart Tayden started to walk.

"He does not listen, Tayden." Lucifer put his arm around the angel.

"He is busy with his new creation......we will be left by the wayside.....and why? When we are really just as mighty as he. I am not trying to be greater........I merely want the recognition of being equal.....is that so wrong."

Tayden stopped walking and stared at Lucifer. He was so beautiful. So convincing in his argument........part of Tayden wanted to submit to his will......then he shook himself back to the reality of what is happening and looked upon Lucifer not with admiration but with compassion as he spoke:

"We are not creators....we are creations...we are not his equal...but he still lifts us as his friends....we are not GOD....and all you are going to bring about is your destruction and you are too blinded by your own pride to see that the Father is so merciful and loving that he would take you back in an instant if you said to him in truth you were sorry for spreading lies......I fear you will fall from grace, Lucifer, and take many of our brethren with you into insanity............even with this knowledge God still loves y....."

Tayden did not get to finish the words when Lucifer swiftly and violently rakes his claws over Tayden's chest.

"Arghhhhh!" Tayden collapsed and looked down to see his own blood seeping into the shreds of cloth that were once his tunic.

Lucifer licked his fingers.

"When I see you on the fields I shall do more than taste.....you dare accuse me of insanity......I AM GRACE!.......it is you who are a traitor to your own kind......now leave this place.....you are nothing."

Tayden still grabbing his chest rose up, "I am what God made me..."

Tayden then flapped his wings, raised himself off the ground, and
said, "And so are you, brother."

[ 01-22-2003, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Sonhaven ]