Tayden made his way from the armory onto the street. On the way he encountered Michael again. The huge archangel wore no armor, yet he was striding down the shimmering street with such purpose that Tayden knew where he was going.

"Michael!" Tayden called.

The archangel turned. "We meet again, my little friend."

"You're going to face him, aren't you?" Tayden asked.

One of the things about Michael that had always struck Tayden as ironic was that the Father's chosen Captain of the Host - the most revered warrior in the heavens - was one of the most light-hearted and joyous beings Tayden knew. The same being whose mighty sword could split moons could almost always be counted on to bring encouragement and happiness to those around him - unmistakably a gift from the Father, as few angels had such a spirit.

But now the mighty angel wore a look of such sorrow that it pained Tayden to even look at Michael.

"I go not to fight," Michael said, "but to plead."

"You're pleading with Lucifer?" Tayden asked incredulously. "Why?"

"The Father wills it," Michael replied. "The Father does not wish for any of his creations to reject him."

"So you're going to try and reason with him?"

"I do not go alone." For the first time, a smile crept across Michael's face.

"Who is going with you?" Tayden asked.

The blazing light that swept across both angels answered that question. His simple white robe trailed behind Him as the Word of God stepped forward.

Tayden immediately fell on his face, and Michael bowed low, but the almighty hand that touched both of them gently lifted them up.

"My friend," the Voice said, "I will go with you."

"Master," Michael acknowledged quietly. "Then the Father has truly appointed us."

Tayden was too overcome to even speak. He looked up into the face of the Son, overwhelmed. "Jesus."

At the mention of that Name, a gentle breeze rushed around all three of the celestial figures. The Son smiled and put a hand on Tayden's head. "Do not be afraid, Tayden." He motioned to Michael. "Lead on, good servant."

Michael bowed to the ground. "Yes, my Lord." He rose and took his place in front of the Son.

"Wait!" Tayden cried.

The Christ smiled. "Yes, Tayden. Please join us."

As the armies of Heaven prepared for war, a procession of three - the Son of God, the Captain of the Host, and a timid Tayden - set out on one last attempt to make peace.

[ 01-30-2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]