Lucifer had set up a hall for himself directly opposite the Temple. Tayden was disgusted at the audacity of the angel, but he was far less afraid now than he had been. Apart from the Father Himself, there were no other beings in the universe as powerful as those who he was now following - namely Michael the archangel.

And Jesus, the Christ.

The scene within the hall was one of utter chaos. Angels flitted about, forging their own armor, totally different from that worn by Tayden and the angels loyal to the Father. While Tayden's armor was a solid, pure and smooth layer of shimmering, brilliant silvery metal, these angels were fashioning cruel-looking armor plates out of a dull black metal shot through with streaks of red. Other angels hurried about making plans and discussing the results of their spying.

In the center of it all, Lucifer stood upon a dais, flanked by two of his strongest and most loyal followers. The angel's gaze fell upon the approaching Michael, and the ruckus grew louder as the archangel strode into the room.

But all fell silent when the Son set foot in Lucifer's hall.

Jesus silently made His way across the floor of the hall. Lucifer's loyalists parted, and many clearly fought the urge to bow to the Messiah. This time, Michael followed behind, his eyes to the floor in total reverence to the Christ. Tayden hung behind a bit, feeling slightly less invincible and surrounded by Lucifer's followers.

Finally, the huge angel to Lucifer's left spoke out. "What is He doing here?"

Michael leapt forward. His gleaming blade swished through the air as he clubbed the henchman with the flat of his sword. The ground shook as the henchman staggered backward. "You dare to speak in that tone to the Anointed One?" Michael roared.

Jesus put a hand on Michael's shoulder, and the archangel reluctantly put away his sword. The Christ turned, and Tayden could not believe his eyes when Jesus extended that hand, to Apollyon, offering to help the grim angel to his feet. Apollyon shrank back from the hand that was offered to him and slowly got up.

Lucifer stood. "I see that we have very important company," he sneered.

Michael tensed, but a cautionary glance from Jesus was enough to make the Captain of the Host relax slightly. The rest of the room also relaxed a bit.

"What business brings you here, Jesus?" Lucifer asked. "Oh, don't tell me. You want to reason with me. You want me to come back to You, like this obedient lapdog." Lucifer glared at Michael, who glared back with burning indignation in his eyes. "Well, You're wasting Your time." Tayden waited for the Christ to reply, but no rebuke came. "I will have no part in serving your creations. These men have no place in creation."

Jesus simply smiled at him. "They are Mine."

Lucifer snorted. "These puny creatures of clay are not worthy."

"They are Mine." Jesus repeated.

Lucifer pounded his fist into his palm. "They are so easily corrupted. If they were to forsake You, what then?"

"They will not be corrupted, Lucifer," Michael said sternly, "not by you or any of your minions. You must stop this foolish rebellion and-"

"I WILL NOT!" Lucifer shouted. "Why should I, Lucifer, the Son of the Morning, be forced to serve these weak creatures? I am greater! I am the Son of the Morning! I am-"

"I AM THAT I AM." The dark hall was filled with the most blinding, brilliant, glorious light that Tayden had ever seen. He and Michael and all others fell on their faces, and even Lucifer dropped to his knees as the face of the Son shone with the light of a million suns. "I AM HE WHO MADE THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH, THE SEA AND THE DRY LAND." Lucifer's followers trembled, and Tayden's heart pounded. Michael wept silently, overcome. "BY ME ALL THINGS WERE MADE, AND APART FROM ME NOTHING WAS MADE THAT HAS BEEN MADE." The glory radiating from Jesus was so overwhelming that Tayden could feel it permeating every fiber of his being. "I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE FIRST AND THE LAST. I WAS, I AM, AND I WILL BE FOREVER AND EVER!"

Gradually, the blinding light faded, and the angels looked on with no idea of what to expect next. Jesus looked down at Lucifer. "Who are you, Lucifer?" The angel didn't answer, but looked up at the Christ defiantly, like a small child angry with his father. "You are My creation," Jesus answered for him. "My hand made you, and My Spirit gave you being. You, Lucifer, are Mine also." Jesus held out his hand. "Now let go of your anger. Repent of your hatred and return to Me, and I will forgive you and welcome you home." Jesus continued to hold out His hand. "It is what the Father desires. It is what I desire."

All was silent, and every angel looked on as Lucifer contemplated the hand extended to him. Tayden prayed and prayed that Lucifer would accept Jesus' offer of forgiveness.

Michael looked over at him, imploring Lucifer to come to his senses.

Lucifer looked at the hand of Jesus.

He looked over and saw Apollyon watching him.

Lucifer slapped the hand away and spat on the ground in disgust.

Michael surged forward, prepared to destroy Lucifer once and for all. But Jesus held up His hand as Lucifer rose to his feet defiantly.

"Enough of this," Lucifer finally stammered. He looked around, trying to rouse his angels, but some of his bravado had clearly left him. "I do not desire what You desire, Jesus. Go away from me. I do not wish to repent."

"Very well, then, Lucifer," Jesus replied. "You have made your choice." The Christ turned to leave, and Tayden saw a tear form in the Son's eye as He walked away.

Tayden hurried after Jesus, passing Axium on the way. "I see you've made your choice, brother," Axium said as he began donning his red and black armor.

"As have you, brother," Tayden replied sadly.

Michael strode out of Lucifer's hall in silence. "Oh, and Michael?" Lucifer called after him. "We will settle this dispute later."

Michael glanced back briefly as he followed Jesus and Tayden out of the hall and back to the Temple to meet the Father. "Indeed we will, Lucifer. We will."

[ 01-30-2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Captain Sammitch ]