Upon mysteriously awakening in Hong Kong after fighting with doppelganger Francie in Los Angeles, Sydney learned that two years had passed and everyone presumed she was dead … and she has no recollection of those years. Returning to the world that she once knew will turn out to be both enlightening and painful, as Sydney searches to discover where she has been and what had transpired during the missing time. She will soon learn that her memories contain pivotal information that numerous members of the intelligence world are interested in — and may kill for.
In the season premiere episode, with no memory of her life during the past two years, Sydney struggles to come to grips with a reality that is both foreign and frightening. To begin her journey back, she confronts Vaughn about his marriage and learns the shocking fates of Jack and Sloane. Meanwhile, Sydney is granted temporary CIA clearance on a case that may help her regain her memory.
Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but seeing the new teaster on ABC has got me anxious for the 28th!
Seeing Syd walk down the street carrying that gun, and then shooting it like she doesn't give a shit what's going on . . . man, that's just good stuff!
Can't wait! Two more weeks! <img border="0" alt="[woooOOOOoooo!]" title="" src="graemlins/smilewoo.gif" />