quote:Originally posted by TheTimeTrust: Yes. And, as Eurostar explained to me, this story will retroactively have taken place only a few days after the last one (the Tiatucura case), rather than a whole month. However, the MBL will have entered the Castle of Crossed Destinies and only experienced a few hours passing by, while for the rest of the world it will be a few months. Thus when they re-enter the REAL world, it will be the present day (August 2002) since time passed normally in the real world even though it seemed to them like they were only gone a few hours.
That's at last how I see things here, to reconcile Pro's idea of having a story set after the courrent one, where the heroes heal from the wound of this war amd begins to know each other, and TTT (and mine) will to have the time progressing "how much possible" with our real time.
But, for the future, I think we shouldn't be burneded by the need to explain in detail the timeframe.