56 Oakwood Ave.

A taxicab pulled up to a large apartment building, out stepped Sam, Mick and Shirley. Sam threw a few dollars to the driver and took a few steps toward the run down complex.

“Fourteen stories.” Sam said, his voice keeping a monotone beat.

“Damn man, I can’t believe your relatives are giving us this building, this place is great.”

“Yeah, about what I said before,” Sam hesitated, “My relatives are gone. They died a while ago.”

“I’m sorry.” Shirley put her hand on Sam’s shoulder.

“Nah, it’s ok. Over two years have passed. I just really didn’t want to tell the others, not yet. I can’t even remember most of the their names, let alone share secrets with them.”

“When the others get here, could you just make sure that no one uses, or even goes into the top floor.”

“Yeah sure man.”

“Ok, now I’m gonna hit the streets. It’s been a while since I was ‘home.’ Let yourself in.”

Sam threw Mick a set of keys and began walking into the heart of the City. As he disappeared into the distance, two other taxis pulled up to the complex.