Sam walked down the darkened streets of Puerta Mibela.

Street lights and candles illuminated the beautiful brick pathways that streeched for miles along the roads, empty with cars but filled with people. A mix of late teens to families and older couples.

Vendors and entertainers moved through the crowd, people laughed and appluded.

A little boy sat on a chair, restless and excited. His parents only feet away, "Stay still, its almost done!" "It looks so much like him!" A beautiful young woman, with light brown hair, stood behind a pad, sketching away with charcoal and chalk.

Sam smiled and made his way into the line behind the young boy's parents.

Within a few moments, she was done and gently blew the extra chalk dust off of the picture, which bore a striking resemblance to the young man, who smiled with glee, and was finally able to jump to his feet and watch the near-by clown. The boy's parents gave the young woman a 20 for her services and than an extra 10, just because.

"Next?" her voice was sweet with almost a pince of innocence for one her age.

"I guess that would be me, luv."

The young woman turned, as the shock of a two years lost friend was there.

"Sam? My god!" She wrapped her arms around him, almost taking him off his feet.

"It's great to see you too-"

Before Sam could finish she slapped him across the face.

"Yeah I deserved that." He said, with a smerk and rasied brow.

"I can't believe that you would just go like that, no goodbye, no nothing!" She closed her sketch pad and continued, "Two years, no calls, nor letters. I thought you were dead."

"I wish I had been, trust me luv the last two years have been anything but." He turned away "Never once thought that I would be back here. Never wanted to even think about...'here.' Ya know?"

"Yeah," she leaned in closer to him, her hand sliding gently across his cheek, "but you left so much behind."

"I'm back now luv, can't we just continue where we were?"

"I'm sorry, but too much has changed."


A figure moved towards them, a taller man, clean cut and tan.

"Michelle? I've been-" He paused at the sight of Sam, "No way! Sammy? How have you been buddy?"

The large built man, Clark, wrapped his arms around Sam, almost lifting him off the ground.

"It is good to see you too man. But I still need air-"

"Welcome back! You moving back here, or on vacation, or-"

"I'm back man, not sure for how long, but I'm back."

Michelle smiled, "When you do go, don't forget to say bye this time."

"Never again." Sam answered, for a few seconds their eyes met.

"Michelle, the movie is gonna start any minute-" Clark, a little uneasy turned toward Sam, "Your welcome to come along too man, its-"

Sam backed up, "Nah, I have some stuff to finish up back at the old place. And I-"

Michelle brushed Clark's arm, signing for him to go ahead, that she would catch up to him.

After Clark had taken a few steps away, Michelle put her hand on Sam's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, things have changed a great deal."

Michelle's voice seemed softer, her own words almost hurting her.

"Welcome back, you better keep in touch!"

She hugged Sam again, holding their bodies close together for a few moments. Upon releasing him, she quickly moved into the shadows in the direction Clark had gone. With a simple wave, she was gone.

I'm sorry, things have changed a great deal.

Things, they would never be the same.

[ 04-27-2002: Message edited by: GoozX ]