"The dinner is ready!"

Sam was greeted by Mick vocie as he entered the Apartment Complex. He couldn't tell exactly what floor Mick was on, but it had to be the second or third. His voice was too loud to be any higher.

Sam stepped onto the huge spiral staircase to the second floor. He slowly walked up and upon reaching the top he noticed many of the others entering Apartment 203.

Just outside the door, Lil' Jo ate from a small bowl. He purred as Sam passed, finally used to the young man's scent.

The "gang" was sitting around a huge old wood table. Mick brought out a few different plates.

"Ah, I hope you guys don't mind rice and beans," Mick cracked a smile, he forgot to mention to everyone his limited knowledge in the cunary arts. "I also made some hotdogs and stuff."

Sam took a seat at the table, for the first time in a while he almost had the feeling of a... family.