Shirley was having a good day. She read something in the paper about a terrorist group on the mid-west suddenly turning themselves in and donating all their money to charity. Also about a scientist on England that was about to destroy the World with a machine he spent his whole life creating, but suddenly decided he wouldn't and turned himself in. The paper says he's working on a cure for cancer now.
Everything seems to be OK with the world... She decides to go to the kitchen to see if Mick is there. She thinks she was a little harsh on him last night, and maybe she should make up for it...

"SIR!" Mxy yells at the fridge "I'm going to ask for the last time, PLEASE GIVE ME THE CHEESE!"

The fridge doesn't answer.

"FINE!" Mxy yells as he walks away in anger "I don't need your stinking cheese anyway..."

He doesn't see Shirley coming into the kitchen, and they bump into each other.

"Hey there" she says.

"Hey... there..." he replies.

"So... how did you like the couch, Mick?"

"Craig T Nelson?"

"I mean the couch you slept on last night, silly! You think you'll get used to sleeping on it every night, Mick? Cause I was thinking you could come over to the bed tonight..."

"Oh, yeah, THAT couch..." Mxy answers, confused "...oh, and please call me Mxy"

"Mxy? I thought that was your codename or something... You want it to be your nickname too?"

"Sure... I mean, I should be called Mxy when I'm Mxy to avoid confusions, don't you think?"

Tobias walks by and overhears the conversation.

"'When you are Mxy...'? What does that mean...?"

Tobias remembers Mick told him Shirley isn't aware that he and Mxy aren't the same person. He quickly gets into the kitchen.

"Hey there guys!Mxy!I mean Mick!I need you to do something for me!Come with me!"

"Call me Mxy when I'm Mxy, dude..." Mxy says as he and Tobias walk away from the kitchen.

As soon as they get where Shirley can't hear them, Tobias starts whispering...

"Call Mick, Mxy..."

"But I don't wanna call Mick -- do that, Lance?" Mick says, and then looks around "Where's Lance? Ooooh, I hate when that happens!"

"Mxy almost blew it, man" Tobias says, going straight to the point "You obviously still haven't told Shirley about him..."

"He did? Daaamn... What did he say?"

"I'm not sure but Shirley's pretty confused... You gotta do something about this, man"

"...I probably should..."

"You should do something NOW, before it's too late!"

"You're right. You're right. Is she in the kitchen?"


"Ok. I'm going in. Wish me luck..."

Mick walks into the kitchen and closes the door behind him. The door stays closed for the next two hours...
From outside the kitchen (actually, from most part of the building), the rest can hear several "I hate you!", "How could you?", "I'm sorry babe!", and Sam swore he could hear his fridge talking for a moment.

Then Mick opens the door and walks out.

"How did it go...?" Tobias asks.

"Well, lets just say I'm not her favorite person right now..." Mick answers "...but we're still alive"

"Not if you decide to keep something like that from me ever again..." Shirley says from behind him "You don't have any other people living inside your head you wanna tell me about, do you?"


"Then everything's OK" she says with a kiss "...but you're still sleeping on the couch for the next century..."

"I'm so glad to hear that" Tobias says with a smile.

"Yeah... And, hey, buddy..." Mick says "I might wanna borrow that cat of yours later..."

Somewhere Else...

"Still in there?"

"Still in there" Red Scorpion answers.

"Sigh... I don't know why I bother asking anymore... He's been there for, what, a week...?"

"Maybe the old basssssstard realizzzzzed hisssss plan wassss ssssshit and decccccided to run away while he could..."

"Don't count on that"

"Why not?"

"The door just moved..."


The huge metallic door opens, and a naked man surrounded by shadows comes out of the dark and mysterious room behind it.

"Ahhh..." he says "That's what I call a good--"


"No, you fool" the man continues "A good banquet. The midwest terrorists were delicious. And the englishman... oh, I haven't had something like that in years..."

The man grabs a cape to cover himself, and starts walking around the room as he continues talking.

"And, some days ago, I had some exquisite robots... resembling dogs or something like that"

"Robotsssss? I thought you could only have..."

"You thought well. There were human brains inside them. I have to get myself some of those..."

"A brain? That's obvious to anyone..."

"Oh? Do I feel resentment? Ah, but it's justified. I have forced you to wait for too long, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait some more. But don't worry, my loyal friends. I was just having a taste. The next time I get in there, it will be the real deal..."

The four villians assambled in that place felt a chill after they heard those words...