On almost the opposite side of the world a beautifull event took place.

Waves upon waves of Aurora lights flowed across the night sky of Island.
The listening post, Urtråkig, found itself engulfed in radio static and stormy winds.
The listening post was situated on the brink of an enormous crater.

Inside the grey box called "Base1" Agent Winter sat with his earphones on, listening for anomalies in the airspace around the crater.
His jacket had a small patch with the sign "Trans-D Dep." on it.

The rythmic signal he had been listening to started ever so slowly to increase both in pitch and speed.

He activated his intercomm;
"We have a 4th Shadow scenario, I repeat we have a 4th..."
The intercomm died and all electricity shut down as if blasted by a EMP wave.

Agent Winter cursed loudly and put on his coat and headed for the door, when his colleague came into the room.
"Hey, man. What´s happening? Why hasn´t the reserve generator switched on?"
"I don´t know, but I´m going to find out." he said putting his boots on.

Outside the sky was lit up like a christmas tree, and the wind howled in his ears.

Cursing out loud again he entered the hut where they kept the generator.
It all seemed in working order.

Suddenly the sound of the tractor starting, was heard.
He went outside again, only to see his friend running after the tractor, waving his arms.
He decided to go inside and fix the generator, whoever had stolen their tractor wouldn´t get very far. This base was in the middle of a glazier, and the next morning when the wind should clear up, he would go after him.

The tractor drove for hours until it reached the coast. No one stepped out of it.
It just stood there until morning.

The Aurora lights had disappeared and the wind slowed down to a breeze.

a small fishing boat was anchored about two miles from the shore.
The being who stole the tractor decided it was time to change mode of transportation, and entered the boat´s radio, causing havoc with the settings and interupting a football game.
It son familiarized itself with the functions of the communication aparatus, and decided to ask for help.

The fishermen sat with their mouth open in shock when their radio suddenly said;
"Hello friends, my name is T5, and I need to travel far. Will you help me?"