56 Oakwood Avenue, Puerta Mibela, La Perdita: The Apartment Building That Dreams Built..."So... I got all'a yer phones hooked up, an' the IT wiz is comin' by later to hook up yer high-speed, Broadband Internet service. All I need is yer signature on the dotted line, Mr. Christopher... WHOA! That's one hell of a bill! Hope ya can pay fer it."
"Don't worry about the money, we can cover it. And, hey, call me T.C.," said Tobias as the telephone men and women removed their equipment just as the computer people began installing PCs, laptops, scanners, monitors and various other devices in the 14-floor apartment building. It was Dr. Henry Quantos who suggested that they do so with Pete's wealth. "And thanks a lot, man! Now I can call home!"
"Glad ta be of service," replied the telephone guy. "Ya got my card if'n there's any probs, okay, pal?"
"Great! Thanks," T.C. said as he watched the phone people go.
Tobias Christopher took a brief tour of the apartment building as he checked out the telephone installation work that had been done as well as the computer installation work that was currently being done. He carried a small pad of paper and a pen and wrote down notes as he went...
"Now, if I can remember my Dante correctly, this should be the ninth level of Hell reserved for the treacherous, otherwise known as the basement: Laundry room and run-down old gym... could use a swimming pool and hot tub, not to mention some fixing up. The elevator seems to be working all right, though it's WAY too dark for my liking down here. Got to install a few more lights or something...
"First floor: The eighth level of Hell, reserved for the Fraudulent: the Lobby, the unused landlord office, mail-room, maintenance room, and Pete's already-dingy apartment. The phones and computers seem to already be installed, but some of the lightbulbs need to be changed, and the tilework in the lobby looks to be a bit worn...
"Second floor: Seventh level of Hell, for the Violent: Main dining room, kitchen, and walk-in freezer unit. Formerly used for conventions, now the dining room of the Revolutionaries. Everything's installed already. The kitchen is temporarily stocked, but we're low on many supplies. Plus, the gas stove should be looked at. There's also some kind of horrible stench on this floor, like something died. I hope that's not in the kitchen. There's also a game room with a TV and a whole lot of boxing and wrestling memorabilia in this place. I should call a collector and have this stuff appraised. Might be worth something...
"Third floor: Sixth level of Hell, for the Heretics: Mick, Shirley, and Larry Lance's apartments on this level (of COURSE they're going to find a place close to the kitchen). And with a few posters up and some party music playing in the background, this floor already looks like it's gonna be Fun Central. Computers already installed...
"Fourth floor: Fifth level of Hell, reserved for the Wrathful and the Sullen: Kristogar Velo's floor. Well, he only occupies one of the four apartments on this floor, but it's a large three bedroom one. Everything looks all right, and everything appears to already be installed. He should be happy when he gets back. May want to take a look at that leaky faucet in his bathroom, though...
"Fifth floor: Fourth level of Hell, reserved for the Hoarders and the Wasters: (I probably fit into the latter category...) Sam's old family apartment and the apartment of yours truly, Tobias Christopher, and his cat, Li'l Jo, as well as two unoccupied ones. Everything looks good, and my computer's currently being installed. Needs vacuuming...
"Sixth floor: Third level of Hell, reserved for the Gluttonous: As yet unoccupied, but the empty cardboard boxes in some of the unoccupied apartments currently being used for storage could be a fire hazard. Sheesh. It looks like a garbage dump in this place...
"Seventh floor: Second level of Hell, reserved for the Lustful: Six unoccupied apartments and Danny's Apartment 707. He might be disappointed with the comparatively primitive so-called 'state of the art' computer being installed for him, though. It must look like an antique to him. This floor must look like a museum to him. It seems to be a bit damp, though. Damp and dark. Have to keep an eye out for fungus...
"Eighth floor: First level of Hell, also known as Limbo, the entrance to Hell. Strangely enough, nobody wanted any of these seven apartments. The power's turned off, and everything appears to be spick and span. Strange creaks in the hallway, though, and it's unusually cold in here; sends chills down my spine. May have to ask Sam about that one. Now on to Purgatory...
"Ninth floor: First level of Purgatory, where the Proud go. As yet unoccupied. Looks to be the nicest level yet, even though the power's turned off. I'm surprised nobody took this one, although it is fairly isolated, as most of the higher level apartments are...
"Tenth floor: Second level of Purgatory, where the Envious abide. Naecken's apartment's on this floor, and no computers except a little laptop. Nice view from the window, but there's a nasty stain on the rug. I'll have to call the cleaners tomorrow...
"Eleventh floor: Third level of Purgatory, where the Wrathful go. Nobody lives here yet. Everything looks okay. Next...
"Twelfth floor: Fourth level of Purgatory, for the Slothful. (That sure doesn't include me. I'm almost getting winded.) Whew...
"Thirteenth floor: Fifth level of Purgatory, for the Avaricious and Prodigal: Sonja Ljzavet's apartment, which... I'm afraid to go into on account of that she'll KILL me if I do. But the phones appear to be hooked up and one of the computer chicks is hooking up a couple of computers...
"Next... the fourteen floor: The sixth level of Purgatory, reserved for the Gluttonous: No access to it as yet, as per Sam's request. I've still gotta ask him about that. No phone or computer hookups, or even electrical. I guess there's no reason for it if nobody's living up there."
Tobias went up the stairs, bypassing the locked door to the 14th floor and reached the roof. It was still sunny and beautiful outside.
"The seventh level of Purgatory, for the Lustful... also known as the Roof: Great place to hang out and use the ol' binoculars for oogling the babes! Good for catching some sun if the beaches are too busy, too. There's a greenhouse up here for growing plants, and a few laundry lines. We might want to look into whether this roof can support some kind of flying craft, though. God knows that would be handy for traveling long distances. And we should be able to afford it now...
"I guess the only place I can go now is either up to Paradise or back down into the bowels of Hell," Tobias joked to himself. "Man, I can't believe I remember that copy of Dante's Inferno they gave me at the juvie center when I was a teenager so well. And I just realized that I'm talking to myself... I'll stop now."
[ 05-07-2002: Message edited by: TheTimeTrust ]