The team sat around the dining table, enjoying their dinner of roast lamb and a smorgasboard of fruits and vegetables. Given the exploratory nature of their activities on the island since their arrival, they'd all been rather split up, and dinnertime was one of the few times of day that the whole group was together.

Danny hungrily consumed the portion of salad on his plate.

"Lamb, Danny?" Lance said, offering him a freshly cut slice.

"No thanks, I'm a vegetarian," Danny replied, in the third person.





Shirley sat next to Mick, and was offering him a second helping.

"Any more, Mick?... it IS Mick, isn't it?"

"Of course it is!"

"Well, it might have been Mxy..."

"Why would it be Mxy?-"

A brief pause.

"Hi everyone!"

"Hi Mxy!"

"Man, that never stops being funny..." Tobias said, laughing.

"But on a serious note everybody... Sonja has raised a legitimate concern..." Kristogar said, shooting Sonja a quick glance, "When she says that she thinks this new... endeavour may be a risk."

"Correct. We could be opening ourselves up for those who wish to track us down," Sonja added.

"Right..." Danny said, as if expecting more from Sonja's sentence.

His expectation paid off, as she continued...

"...but Kristogar has partially succeeded in reassuring me about these concerns. But I do think we should all be aware of the possibility of risk before we proceed... so we can all agree on the plan."

The group was silent for a second, contemplating.

"Well, yeah, but... anythin's a risk then, innit'..." Pete finally said.

Everyone looked at him.

"Yeah. Well. Y'know. We could all fall down offa bridge or sumthin', or get stampeded by one o' dem bulls or sumthin'... all I'm sayin' is, y'take risks every day. Doin' all sorts of stuff."

"Well, most people do. Not so much you," Danny said to Pete.

"I take yer point, but then, you take mine... there's gunna be a slight chance o' risk, we all know dat... but there's gunna be a bloody huge chance o' helpin' people out wid stuff, isn't there?"

"He's right," Tobias said, speaking to everyone at the table, "The good we can do far outweighs the potential danger."

Everybody voiced their agreement. The group seemed to have come to a final concensus.

"Well, that's settled then!" Kristogar said, sounding excited about the new venture.