"Don't worry, Mr Biggles" Larry Lance said "We will find your sister"
"Don't worry Mr Biggles we'll find your sister?!" Mick yelled at Larry after they left the room where Mr Biggles was sitting "You just took a case without consulting anyone else!"
"Ah, shut up, 'Maddie'! We've been waiting for something like this to come up for a while, haven't we?" Larry said to Mick as they started walking up the stairs.
"Yeah!" Sam added "Besides, it sounded like a piece of cake to me..."
"But, don't you think we should have talked to someone else before taking the case?" Mick asked.
"Someone else?" Larry asked.
"Like who?" asked Sam.
"I don't know, like... someone... wiser... or something..."
"Pete was there!" Sam said.
"Ok, I see what the deal is... You wanted Kristogar's approval because you're afraid he's gonna get mad for this!" Larry said.
"That, too" Mick said, scratching his head.
"I can't believe you're scared of Velo!" Larry said.
"Well, he is kinda spooky..."