"Come on, crank this baby in to gear!" Sam yelled as the Jeep Wrangler shot down the backroad they turned on to (a short cut, you know), dush filling the air.
Larry Lance pushed his foot down to the floor, wind blasting the car. Sam stood up, over the windshield, his hair blowing into the wind. He raised his hands in the air, "WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, before catching a glimse of Michelle from the corner of his eye, she walked down a path, holding hands with Clark. Sam fell back down into his seat, changing into the appearnce of Larry. Michelle turned spotting the speeding car, looking at the twins in the front, curious as to why she just hear a fimilar voice.
"We past them yet?" Sam asked, slumpted in his seat.
"Ah, who? The cute girl?" Larry asked, now just spotting Sam's "new" look, "Wow, good disguise. A very handsome choice of appearence I must say."
Mick just watched the two, wondering if they would all die before even confronting the cult, or returing to Velo and the others afterwards.