The Jeep Wrangler slammed to a stop just before a dock filling the air with smoke and dust.
The water was a beautiful blend of green and blue, clear to the bottom.
Sam pulled a map from the glove compartment, "Ok, out of all the possible Islands, the only one I could see this cult keeping hidden on would be this one." Sam pointed to the smallest Island, almost shaped like a skull. "It is the most undeveloped Island, or atleast was a few years ago, it is also believed to be haunted, or some other urban legend like that."
"Cult? Haunted Island? We did we decide to do this case alone again?" Mick asked only to be answered by Larry with a tilt of the head and open palms.
"You worry too much man, let loose."
"Ahhh, sure... MXY! Howdy"
Sam and Larry just strugged their shoulders.