It moved with lightning speed.
Naecken barely got a grip around it´s neck, only to be covered in hell fire.

"Get out of here!!!" yells Naecken as he stumbles on his knees with the demon in his right hand.
"Tell the others to use their abilities to contain the damage. I will try to take this fight outside..."

And with a grunt, he heaves his body out of the window and crashes on to the already rain cracked pavement.
The demons claws rip into Naecken, who is surprised that anything could actually hurt his tough skin.
A vague memory about something forced into his forehead emerges, but fades away.

The roars from the demon makes all the windows open and onlookers scream at the sight of the combatants.

Naecken realises this isn´t going as well as he had planned.
So stood up and let go of the demon´s neck.
The demon quickly blasted Naecken with more hell fire.
But Naecken ripped the roof of a nearby car, and threw it at the demon, like a frisbee.
The sharp metalic edge of the roof cut the head of the demon.
But the demon still roared, and the body ran towards it´s head, to pick it up.

When suddenly it stopped...
The head grimaced in both pain and surprise...

"Yaaaaaiii!!!...Something calls...pulls me away from here!!! The pain!!! The darkness!!! AAaaaaeeeaaaahhhh!!!!!"

And with a scream that would be remembered by children for years, the head and the body disappeared into the rainy skies of the ocean.

Inside the house a young woman fell to the floor, once again herself, after being trapped with this cold entity.