The three "heroes" were bound and gagged with plums in their mouths.
Then thrown on to a truck, causing even more headache and some bruises.

A hooting withch doctor jumped up on the truck, spreading some white pouder over them.
They could feel their bodies going numb in an instant.

And so the truck started, bumping along the ill kept gravel roads for about 4 miles.

The truck stops and hands take hold of their bodies and they are thrown of the truck.
Great pain!
SamĀ“s ankle seems to have twisted the wrong way.

Someone takes them by the hair and drags them towards a huge white manison.
Drums can be heard inside.

The door opens and a huge well trained man with a painted skull on his face, and a weird looking chopped of, white smoking jacket and white shorts, comes out.

"Hello, my friends. Aah i see you have the sacrifice ready." he says with a wide smile that shows an impossible row of white teeth.

"As you command, Ton Ton!" the group of men say in unison, letting go of the three heroes...