"Are you sure they're in there, Pete?" Kristogar asked, as he, Pete and Naecken ran to the big white mansion Danny had just broken into.

"Larry said in a mansion!" Pete replied "And I don' see no other mansions here!"

When they reached the mansion, Neacken threw the door down and they could walk in. Before getting into the mansion, Kristogar looked back at the road and said "Where's Tobias? He should be here by now..."

"Why didn't he come with us?" Neacken asked, as they looked around the hall found it surrounded by weird looking statues, and doors everywhere.

"Apparently he was too busy sleeping" Kristogar replied without ceasing to carefully examine the place "He said he'd join us when we got here, something he's capable of doing but hasn't done yet. We need him to fight whatever is helding Lance, Mxy and Shift here and he knows it. I find this highly irresponsible of him"

"Oh" Naecken said, and the asked "Um, don't you think that if there was a fight going on here there would be more noise?"

"Mebbe the fight's over! Mebbe they got some o' that super luck o' mine!" said Pete, following Neacken as they opened doors and checked the other side.

"Could be" Kristogar said "But things are too quiet here anyway... Something's wrong"

"Um..." Neacken said, looking at the other side of a door "You're right on that one"

Kristogar approached the door Neacken and Pete were standing next to, and looked inside. They saw Sam, Mxy, Larry and Danny lying in the ground... and woman standing next to them.

"Whu...? Wha...?" Pete said.

"My name" she said, before getting ready to attack "Is Ma Kalunga"