MBL Consulting HQ, La Perdita
A car parks in front of the building. The doors open and a group of incredibly tired men come out of it and head for the entrance.
"Anybody has the keys?" Larry asks before they get there.
"You didn't bring them?" Sam asks, and then looks at his other teammates "Pete? Kristogar?"
"We were on a rush when we left..." Velo explains.
"Maybe I have them..." Mxy says "Lemme call Mick--Huh? Is it over yet...?"
"Yup" answered Larry "Do you by any chance took the keys when we left?"
"No... Maybe Mxy--What did he say?" Mxy asks
Lance has been knocking the door since the beggining of the conversation, but nobody answers.
Kristogar sighs and then asks "Where is everybody...?"
Naecken heads for the door.
"Do you have the keys...?" Sam asks, just before Naecken brings the door to pieces with his fist. "Oh, nevermind..."
"Sorry about that" Naecken says, walking into the building "but I have to get one of those 'Aspirins'..."
As Naecken walks to the stairs, the rest split to try to find out where Tobias, Kit and Shirley are. Pete goes to check Tobias's room, and finds the three staring at the TV.
"Guys!" Pete yells "I found 'em! Up 'ere!"
Kit notices Pete, but Shirley and Tobias seem hypnotized by the TV.
"Hey, din't you guys hear us knokin'? We were out there for like an hour! Or three minutes, whateva..." Pete says, noticing they don't pay attention to him "Hey! What's that yer watchin? What movie is that?"
"That's no movie" Kit says "That's Chicago"