Epilogue 1:
MBL Consulting, Inc. head office:
"This seems to have worked out fairly well for you, then," said the voice of Dr. Quantos from across the globe via the internet.
"Oh, not just for me, but for the team," said Kit Piper. "We've got an opportunity here to show that metahumans can work for the GOOD of mankind, not just the bad. Shame about Chicago..."
"Of course, our metahumans aren't exactly advertised as such, are they?"
"No, not really. Can't have their old enemies looking them up in the phone book, can we? Anyways, after all these latest problems with Sonja's strange disappearance and the boys getting themselves involved in that voodoo mumbo-jumbo, it'll be good to get them involved in some serious -- and well-paying -- cases. I've already got a few corporations, big and small, interested in our little team for some exploratory missions. They're particularly interested in our team's underground spelunking experience. One of them has a plant in South America which is constantly receiving reports of strange, giant creatures attacking it; several workers have gone missing already. Another company has a potential oil well at an underwater site off the coast of Alaska which is constantly being sabotaged, with reports of strange glowing things moving about under the water. Still another report from northern India says that several children have gone missing from three villages already, and the government has been unable or unwilling to do anything about it, so the villagers have pooled their resources together to hire us."
"It sounds like you've got your work cut out for you, Kit. Are you going to take any of them?"
"Not until I've thoroughly checked up on all information available. Don't want to send our boys out to their doom, now, do we...?"