Sonja Ljzavet: epilogue

The ferryboat struggles along the great waves of the Northern Sea, heading to the island of Helgoland, not far from the coast of Germany, just south of the Denmark border.

It’s a tempest out there, and all the passengers hide inside the cabin, watching a World Championship soccer match on the little TV, managing to recognize the forms of the players in confuse noise .

All passengers minus one. A tall woman, wrapped in an ice white trench, standing firmly on the deck, in the middle of the strong wind and rain, while flocks of gull dance over the ocean.

On her passport, the name she has tough to be her own for fourteen years, and that was nothing more than a lie. She now knows. She has died, yet she lives. She remembers the blue glow, and the smile of a friend on which she has spied for months.

Now the time of the lies has ended. She here is an intruder. This is not her home, this is not her own planet, nor her Universe. She is from earth, but a different Earth. And her only hope lies on a man that she even doesn’t know if exist on this parallel dimension. The man which she was working for in the other Earth. Grandpa Eyebrows, like she was used to call him, although he was only her employer, and no relationship existed among the two.

The place is identical. The harbor, the fishermen village, the path to the thirteen century mansion up the hill. Even the two Dalmatians playing in the garden are identical. The only visible difference are the roses. Here are pink, there were yellow.

Just as she heads directly to the main entrance, a familiar voice call her from behind a screen of perennial plants. “Nadia, I was waiting for you. Come here, baby!”

“Grandpa?” whispers the woman. The man standing on the lawn is the exact copy of the one she knew. Short, exceptionally well built, bald and with big, prominent bony eyebrows

“Have you healed perfectly, I see”.

“But… how can you know me?”

“Ah… now I see… you think I am a parallel of the myself you knew? No, I am the original, my dear”.

“Have you traveled here, too? So, you know a way to go back?” says the woman.

The expression on the old man turns sad. “No, my dear. Yes, I know how to cross dimensions, but your world is no more.”

“What? What do you mean?”
“The Earth you come from doesn’t exist anymore. The caped managed to disperse all my Encyclopaedists across many different universes, the hoods send killers to follow and kill all of you.
Meanwhile, the invasion had begun… all screwed up… and now all of Earth lies under a thick layers of ice. No place for humans or lizards alike.
I am sorry…”

The woman is petrified, unable even to shed tears.

“I have a mission for you, Nadia…”

Not the end

[ 06-10-2002, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]