Okay guys. Against my better judgement I've jumped into your new universe.

I'm going to be using Turkish Stringfellow from my The Order concept, as he, and the rest of his team exists within it already.

The Order itself will not be involved anytime soon, mind you, as that is a seperate story with a beginning, middle, and ending.

Why is Turkish here? Why is he, as I will reveal, amnesiac to a point? What's his role going to be? All in good time.

Please understand that I don't want him brought into the capers, or even meet the team members yet. I'm going to be out of town every weekend for the forseeable future, and I'm very busy right now.

But, I'm in. I don't know diddly-fuck about this universe of yours, so, Turkish will be learning about you at the same time I will.

Come Monday or Tuesday I'll begin getting him involved.

As for the character, here's the only brief things I can really nail down about him:

Name: Turkish Stringfellow

Origin: To be revealed.

Physical Description: Don't worry, just because he's bald does NOT mean he is Prometheus, or in anyway connected to that character. I just like my characters bald. He's a slender 6'7 (Yep. he's a TALL bugger), light-purple eyes, tan....caucasian, but maybe something more. He wears a gray jedi-styled robe-mix-tunic, with bare feet.

Abilities: Think of him as a Jedi from STAR WARS. No, no "lightning" and "lightsabers" and the such. He's got the "These are not the droids you are looking for"-type mental accuity, but he's got the agility and inverted-gravity abilities of Chow-Yun Fat from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Neo from The Matrix. He can run up walls, divert bullets with concentration........hell, just go read my The Order prelude and you will see the extent of his abilities. Basically, he not only can defy the Laws of Physics, they're his bitch! He's not all-powerful, mind you. He can only do so many things at once, and it takes concentration. But, if you are looking for cliched abilities, then this is the wrong character for you. He can run on falling droplets of rain just as easily as "convincing" physical objects to perform strange stunts (SEE: The wall seperation in THE ORDER prelude). When I start writing him, you'll see what I mean. He's "The Once-and-Future Prophet of the 21st Century".

Personality : Much like Pro, he is wise, but does not have that all-knowing thing going for him. He is attuned to nature, and the like. But, can be just as clueless as anyone else. He generally gets along with everyone, and is always curious about everything. But, in a fight, he becomes an improbable force of aggression and precision.

So, that's about it. If anyone has a problem, let me know. And, sorry for writing your characters wrong ahead of time. [Smile]