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OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Mr. T forever!

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Hmmm read "Through the looking glass" have we?

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I aint flyin' with that crazy foo' Murdock!

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Originally posted by T5:
Hmmm read "Through the looking glass" have we?

Who hasn't?

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Lewis must have been taken a few peyote shrooms before he wrote that book

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Bite your tongue, boy! That's fiddling with heresy!

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It is a most...provoking thing...

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Now it would be a good time if someone would introduce a story in the story.

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Vas is das?

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You know, something that happens and that causes the guys and gal to do something to thwart/counteract/explore/fight/help it.

You know, a story.

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How about getting our first client? Or is it too early for that?

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In essence there already is a story. A story isn't just an event causing the characters to mobilize and overcome, a story is simply the telling of things that happen. We've had a story since the first post, maybe not an action packed one, but an interesting story nonetheless. I personally like it better when stories happen like this than when someone chooses a threat and initiates it from the first post. That was the crud we got ourselves into last time: no downtime to explore our own imaginations.

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Ahaa?! thereĀ“s a concept

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Euro, please get my consent before doing something drastic to my character, like infecting him with a deadly virus. Mess with your guy all you want, but leave my guys out of it unless you talk to me beforehand. I've undone what you've done this time, but just a warning for next time...

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OK, but that's not funny.

I mean, last time you where right, I wrote the EPS way out of character, you have all the reason to want to undone what I did.

This time I have tried to be correct witing both Walker and Doe, just I did something unexpected to your character, showing him that he can't have total control on what happens.

If we have to agree on all that happens to us, I would ask to Gooz to go back to the third story and undo Turner's attack on the circus, because I can imagine at last a dozen way the heroes should have averted that, and he didn't ask me to have my character to be unable to organize a defense toward his character.

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By the way, now that I have read your post, I wouldn't say that you have "undone" what I did, you just progressed from it, showing another aspects of your character, very interesting.

It's psycological war that for me is deeply fun, I am sure it's better if we fought it not always asking for permission.

Anyway, at this point I would really see how the EPS positions in the gray area you and Walker talks about. So far, I can't stop to see them as totally evil.

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Alright, here's the deal.

In occordence with what we've set up in this little 'comic RPG' we've set up, we've agreed that everyone who writes a character gets the final say of what happens to that character.

Walker is my character, not yours. If you want to give someone the Pathogen, give it to Eurostar or Sonja or even Nadia, but don't give it to characters that are not your own without first consulting the creator.

I'm not talking about writing "in character" anymore. I'm talking about common courtesy. Having a deadly virus is something that can drastically effect a character and, to be totally frank, that is not a decision that you are entitled to make. It's my call, not yours.

Secondly, I can tell from how you worked up to this that this is something that you had been planning. Discussing it with me first would have been the right thing to do, especially if this were planned out by you. By choosing not to consult me, you violated the order of creator/creation privilege and stepped out of your own boundaries to write.

Minor things, I don't mind. Walker's been beat up before. I've allowed it. Walker's been surprised before. I've allowed it. However, to do something so major to my character without my permission is something that I cannot and will not allow.

I was half-tempted to return the favor to you by having Eurostar infected with the Pathogen, but decided against it, having learned my lesson the last time. Fighting with you will solve nothing. I realize this. Doing the "you hurt my character, I'll hurt yours" is childish. Instead, I'm trying to point out your fault so that it doesn't happen again.

As a side-note now, and in Gooz's defense, his "Turner kicking the crap out of the circus" post had a point other than walloping the heroes. It led up to his eventual attack of and capture by the EPS. Had Turner been defeated by the 'Revolutionaries,' he wouldn't have been able to then attack Walker. Had Turner's attack been evaded, then Turner would have followed them, again, not attacking the EPS. Gooz and I had pre-arranged his arrival into the group, so anything that would have delayed/hindered that would have been in conflict with the story.

While your "poisoning" of Walker may have been a fun twist for you, it could have been fun for the both of us, had you let me know and let me consent to that plan.

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I didn't planned it. It occurred to me when you put the gun in Euro's hand, and not in the beginning, just when I had "infected" the first ones.

I understand what you are meaning, yet I don't accept it totally. I absolutely don't see any difference between what Turner did to my character in his attack and what I have done to yours. I accepted that the heroes didn't organize a resistence (a thing that if Gooz would have written only the attack, allowing any of the heroes posters to wite the following, could have evolved differently).

I infected you, and you have solved the problem. I didn't hope to have you "staying" infected. But I have shown the goal of Walker: broke Eurostar's will. It is something I absolutely love about the interaction between our two characters.

I love the fact that Walker is determined to destroy Euro's mind; obviously Euro is determined to mantain it's free will. It is something we can't plan at all. You make your move, I do mine.

If you do something filthy on Euro, it will be fine, I will see how to move back.

Do you want to inject the Pathogen on Euro? OK. Just he has not an organic body, so he will not be affected.

Why I have given Euro this omnipotent body? To keep our battle exclusively psychological. There's no way Euro can be destroyed, harmed or killed, physically. But he is totally at the mercy of your mind manipulation. Allow him to know something and something not, do revelations, give him false notions, do anything you want to deceive him. Having him chained by the emotions created by Owens is extremely ingenious, and it works way better than to relie on Eddie.
When it will come the day I will leave the EPS (a thing, Chewy, it is assured I will plan long in advance with you), I will drop the elemental body, because it is obvious a too powerful devices to use in the mainstream stories.

By the way, I tough all along that the Pathogen doses Walker gave to Eurostar were false ones, only to see if he would have obey to the orders without scrambling in any ways. Obviously you were more confident in him than what I would have been, having been in your shoes.

Anyway, if you don't want the unexpected, I promise I will not do anything else without asking permission in advance.

Obviously if I find being in the EPS too boring, I will ask you to give Eddie back to me, and both my characters will leave. Eddie is my character, too, and for your own rule, you can't keep it against my will.

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One more thing: I'M NOT SONJA!

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Who else says "ehy"?

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Ok, in my defense, I warned everyone about my attack and Turner's attack was not against just Eurostar, but against all of the group (so don't make like it was a personal attack).

The attack was less about everyone getting their asses kicked but it was a natural story progression to show that the team was still inexperanced and needed training.

What I did was much different than what you did.

In fact the post of Turner defeating the group mimiced my original post with Viper attacking the "original thread" which more or less created the story form we now use and the MBL.

Euro, please keep me out of your fights.

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Eurostar's IP = 151.35.209.
Sonja's IP = 151.35.209.


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So, should we get a client or not?

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Ah, I see T5 is ahead of me! Good work!

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I was thinking... In the story, the guys should have a website, right? So, how about making an actual fake website about MBL Consulting? We could put short profiles (without revealing real names of course) and our references, and maybe a picture of a random building to make it pass as the HQ...

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I think TTT actually has planned to do something like that, unless I'm mistaken.

And, as to getting a client... the business deal was just made "this morning" in the story. The HQ hasn't even been built yet. It's still a bit too early for you guys to be getting your first client. At least at this point.

Of course, that's just me...

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You're right on both counts, Chewy. That's why I was planning on jumping the story forward a few weeks in order to set up the whole business end of things, since NOBODY but the Revolutionaries would know anything about what their plans are and thus we wouldn't have any paying clients yet...

And yeah, an "MBL Consulting" website is in the works...

[ 05-14-2002: Message edited by: TheTimeTrust ]

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Okay, I've advanced the story forward about a month so that we can go ahead with T5's plot. Thus, Biggles arrived on the doorstep of 56 Oakwood about a month after the team arrived on La Perdita, and in the last month they had been setting up MBL Consulting and had been refurbishing the apartment building to suit their needs, as well as making themselves at home on the island.

I figured they needed some "vacation time" before any new cases come up, and if there are any details that need to be filled in, they can be done in the present or via flashback.

I'm not sure where this leaves the EPS storylines, but it was necessary to move the Hero Revolution storyline forward in order for us to get back to "heroing" and all.

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Actually posted by TheTimeTrust:
And yeah, an "MBL Consulting" website is in the works...

If anyone has any ideas for this website, please send me a PM about it. I'm working on it presently.

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I'M Sonja!

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Originally posted by TheTimeTrust:
And yeah, an "MBL Consulting" website is in the works...


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Originally posted by Danny:

I'M Sonja!

I'm Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer!

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Okay perhaps this debate is a bit old, but I am a bit involved so I want my fair say that good ol' American democracy says I'm entitled to.

This time I have tried to be correct witing both Walker and Doe

Not really buddy. Curie might have said what you had me say, but I know I wouldn't. Don't go mistaking my fight with Walker for softness, remember I killed those people for the sake of killing them. People climb mountains because they are there, I kill people for the same reason. (coincidentally Chewy and other real life friends would say this aspect extends beyond my characters...hmmm) Setting the record straight: Lochlan in no way wants a revolution, and he couldn't give a damn about Ciccioto's plight. If it were my (his) call I would kill the EPS and everyone else on Earth just for safety's sake.

Walker is my good side not the other way around, he at least has a mission statement. Remember this, it's actually a scary thought for those on the EPS.

Euro again
There's no way Euro can be destroyed, harmed or killed, physically.

So you think now...

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This is my 300th post! Perhaps when I'm one hundred and twelve I'll catch up to Rob! Yay!

Anyways, I'm gonna make a story addition(!) of my own probably this week, although I'll have to be sneaky about how to get it in there. Just a word of warning.

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Supposedly posted by Kristogar Velo:
This is my 300th post! Perhaps when I'm one hundred and twelve I'll catch up to Rob! Yay!

Anyways, I'm gonna make a story addition(!) of my own probably this week, although I'll have to be sneaky about how to get it in there. Just a word of warning.

Ha-ha! I'm 8 posts ahead of you! Nyah-nyah-nya-nya-nyaahh!

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Originally posted by Avatar:
Walker is my good side not the other way around, he at least has a mission statement. Remember this, it's actually a scary thought for those on the EPS.

Iroicly, Turner gave Walker that mission statement

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Originally posted by Avatar:
(coincidentally Chewy and other real life friends would say this aspect extends beyond my characters...hmmm)

And how!

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If you think Biggles story does...and thats intentional hehe.

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Hey guys.

Just got back from my six-month excursion into the heart of a dormant volcanoe. Do you realize that the civilization living in there has 142 variations on the term "Hot as hell, eh?" ?

What a wacky bunch of depth-dwellers.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know that, contrary to popular belief and Danny's most fervent wish, I'm not dead yet. Might even be on-line a bit more nowadays. We'll see. Glad to see the writing is still pumping away, and as confusing as ever.

You know, TOMB was SOOOOOO much easier to just jump into.....

But, I'll figure it all out. In time.

Speaking of TOMB/MBL (and I was), is it still okay to write Elseworld-style stories with these guys? Being so completely seperated from what you guys are doing has left me with the only option of writing personal little epics (like The Order), and varied TOMBL-universe stories. I've got one that really makes no sense, but was just a great session of mental-masturbation to write the characters again. Let me know if it's okay, and I might post it.

Mordecai says "Hey!". At the moment, he's stationed somewhere near Alaska.

Avatar, glad to see your hiatus into the Netherworld finally brought you back to our domain. Hell, I think I even saw a post from Bibbo somewhere in here. Chewy, Gooz, Euro, TTT/Chance/Monkey Paw, Mxy, T5, LLance, and others that I've never met: Hello!

Talk to you soon.

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