As the team struggled forward, Naecken tried to find a way to get water.
He asked them to stop and rest for a while.

He sensed something moving underneath his feet.
The motion seemed rythmic and regular.
He decided to test his senses...
Closing his eyes...he concentrated on the motion...
It was water...he just knew it...somehow.
He could feel the softness, the texture of the liquid.
He reached down and started to dig, using his awesome strenght like never before.

In no time at all he had managed to dig a trench deep enough for the water to be revealed.

"Great going you devil!" shouted Danny, his thirst reaching never before imagined levels.

Sonja offered her makeup box as a drinking cup.

Danny looked at him;
"How did you do that?"

"I realised I could sense the density of the ground, the crystaline shapes of the rocks between us. I think I allways could do it, but I never had a need to use those senses...and that´s when I knew that water could easily be found using this ability."

For Naecken, that was a long sentence, so Kristogar asks;
"Are you feeling allright, Naecken? You look a bit dizzy, if you ask me."

"I´m not sure...I had a small headache a minute ago...I usually never have those....and now I realise how to use this connection to the ground. It´s like I´m connected to the ground by some bond."

They drink and mumble over Naecken´s newfound ability...then suddenly a few yards ahead, a huge metal snake with rotating saws in it´s mouth, hurls itself up out of a sand dune directy in front of them.
In Italy, a group of people consisting of one middle age man and woman, one young boy and girl, pretending to be a family, step of a boat.
The little girl says;

"He´s closer now. We will find him soon."