Sam had escaped.

Luck was with him. One of his new teammates, LLance, was able to give him a door to freedom.

Now, twenty minutes had passed and he could only be sure about two things. 1) These tunnels are miles and miles of mazes, and 2) he is not alone.

Sounds could be heard all around, even through the walls. Moans, screams of pain, something was wronge.

Sam formed his hands into knives and squinted his eyes, this time he would be ready for an attack.

"...wat allie we gots here?"

A deep voice rang through the tunnel. A group of savages appeared, lead by a skinny white male. His body cut. His mussels defined. His head bald. His body bruised and scarred with time.

Time hadn't been his friend.

"Mi names Razor, these air mi men. Ya fresh meat."

Sam could smell human flesh and blood in the air. These men were covered in it. These men, some sort of savages... cannibals.

"We be da discarded o' Malevilla. We be the unwanted. We BE da prison'ors condemmed to death. Welcome, to air' home, you shall be her' for a lung time."