"Pete," Sam whispers, making sure that Razor can't hear the exchange, "you calm yet"
Razor turns and looks at the two. He signs. Obviously annoyed at Pete's ramblings. He hates when his diner talks back.
"Shhhhh. Come on buddy, calm down!"
"CALMEYOUBEDOWN. MIFREAKINOUTHERE!" Pete blurs out, than quickly catches his breath.
Sam signs, also annoyed. Hits the back of his head on the stake they are tied to.
"Ok, I can-"
"WATYOUCANDODON'TMATTER." Pete looked all around, "WEBELUNCH!!!"
Lil'Jo looked up towards Pete and signed.
Sam, who finally has had enough, grows an extra arm out of his neck and covers Pete's mouth.
"SHHHHHHHHHH!" Sam looked around, noone was looking at them, "Ok, look, here is the thing, I can break us out at any moment. The only thing is that there are a lot of them, only two of us-"
"Ah, three of us? Anyhow, we can't take them all. We need back up, and fast!"
[ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: GoozX ]