"Are you planning to resist?" Nemo, surrounded by an army of... several things... said to the group of shocked freaks.

"Uh..." Mick said, looking at his friends "Yes?"

He watches as the dazzled look on their faces is replaced with a deadly serious "ready for rumble" look.

"Yes!" Mick says as everyone takes fighting possitions, and then he turns to Shirley "You stay over there, li'l lady!"

"I won't argue with that..." she answered, getting back into the train.

"All right..." Nemo said, sighing. He turned his back to the team and started walking... then he added "Attack"

The robots seemed to wake up all at once. All the guns clicked on the same second.
Without wasting any time, the group jumped at the army.

"...mxy..." whispered Mick, as a small explosion covered his eyes with light.

Sam seemed nervous at first, but the confidence the rest of the group soon spread to him, and the fear was replaced with the excitement and adrenalin rush everyone else was feeling.

All the kinds of robots reacted inmediatly to the movement and jumped too, to meet the guys in the air.
All Shirley could hear from the safety the train gave her was a gigantic clash when robots and freaks collided.

"Oh my God..." she said, covering her mouth, unable to close her eyes or look away "Mick..."

The next thing she saw was a rain of metallic pieces ad dust. When the view cleared, she could see the group standing truimphant in the middle of a mountain of destroyed killing machines.

The soldiers where as amazed as Shirley was to see this. For a minute, all they could do was scratch their heads, waiting for Nemo's orders.

"How the hell did we do that?" Sam asked Lance, that was standing next to him, without moving from the herioc position the group was displaying.

"Don't ask me" Lance said, without looking at him "I just made everything except my knucles intangible, closed my eyes, and started punching around"

"So that was you" Sonja said "Try to watch who and where you are punching, or next time I swear I'll kick your intangible ar--"

"YOU LEAVE US NO CHOICE" Nemo yelled from afar, interrupting Sonja's arse "BUT TO EXECUTE YOU THE OLD FASHIONED WAY"

"Whadda he means 'ol fashioned' way?" Pete asks.

His question is answered when all the soldiers make their guns click once again, and prepare to shoot our heroes to death at Nemo's order...