I'm been standing right here for about three months, guys! Wave at a guy once in a while! Sheesh!

Seriously, most of you probably know I lost my Dad about a month ago. For a couple weeks or so I wasn't much anywhere on the internet. I've decided that since I have so many places I like to frequent on-line I'll just discipline myself to visit everywhere in some as yet determined pattern. My guess is once or twice a week posting here which should be plenty as nobody has posted after me in the main storyline. (C'mon, gang! It takes more than four giant mechanical worms to beat us!) I really want to figure out a humor angle for LLance and maybe a little talking doggie named Fluffy, but do these things belong in this new world? Well, DO THEY? (If I can't have my talking doggie I'm introducing a man-eating hamster that will literally tap dance it's way into your heart next week! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!)