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“She will come with us!” I say. What could I do, differently? This woman comes out of nowhere, claiming he knows where Danny is, and I should not trust her? What else can I do? There is absolutely no clues to the whereabout of our time-displaced friend. If this woman says he is held prisoner in the Malvan X complex, I can’t do anything else than trusting her, and going there. And pray Gods to find him there, and that this is not a trap. “Let’s go, guys. And lady. Ehy, Naecken, are you allright?” The dark demon being raise his head. “Yes, Euro. I am fine” he says, in a low tone. “Mxy, can you open a portal?” “No, sorry. I am too tired. I have opened two a few hours ago, and transformed those two into cows. I need rest” says the man from the fifth dimension. “No time to rest, sorry. But we will go with a different mean. On the van, everybody”. We squeeze ourselves into the little van we use for announcing the arrival of the circus in the towns we visits, and left. I know were Malvan X is, I have been there before, not many months ago. But it seems a lifetime. So, it’s all of us versus a tower full of guards, to free a prisoner. Deja vue. The same situation we had in Thunder last week. That time the prisoner was my son. And we did fail to free him. I wonder where he is now.
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AS IF ON CUE..."Coochie coochie coo!" The snake-headed baby gurgled and cooed as the beautiful Vidalia Owens tickled him slightly under the chin. "He's a cute little fella!" she exclaimed, smiling softly at the child. "Yeah," Reynolds quipped, "...for a freak..." "He's not a freak!" she contested, putting her hands on her hips. "He was manipulated by that Tri-Vex Corporation! He can't help it!" "Either way," the blue outfitted agent said as he turned to leave the room, "he still looks like a freak to me..." "Andy!" the woman yelled after him, but the young man had already gone. As soon as the door had closed, it opened again as Walt Curie, Dr. Walker, and "John Doe" entered. "Agent Owens," Walker said, nodding to the blonde at the testing booth next to the Cicciotto clone. "Hi, Doctors," the woman said, a bit seductively. Walker rolled his eyes as Curie blushed ever so slightly. John seemed completely unphased. "What have we found out, Agent Owens?" Walker asked, crossing to the child. "Well, scans basically say that he's got the potential to have all of Cicciotto's powers manifest themselves." "Potential?" Curie said, obviously curious. "Basically, cutie, he'll probably end up getting all of Cicciotto's powers when he grows up..." "And the gene match we found on the masked man? It matches our suspicions?" "Correct," Vidalia said, handing a print-out to Dr. Walker. "He's Cicciotto, alright, just like we thought. Now that we know who he is, it's only a matter of time before we can start putting this stuff together like this..." Pressing a button on a console, the current roster of the "Hero Revolution" appeared on the screen. "Wait..." Walker said, holding up his finger and pointing toward one of the men on the screen. "Is that...?" "Test subject 43-A," Owens nodded. "Also known as 'Tom B. First.'" "Mr. Lawrence Lance," Walker said, scratching his chin. "John, do we have I.G.O.R. up yet?" "No," the man said, a bit perturbed. "It's going to be difficult to repair the damage Turner did to him. There was apparently a failsafe program that allowed Turner to revert I.G.O.R. back to his first loyalty - the MCCA, the head of which was the man Turner was cloned from." "You, Tweed, and Vidalia get on that ASAP," Walker said. "Curie and I are going to check the DNA matches to see if we can get any positive IDs on the remaining 'revolutionaries'..." "What about Reynolds?" Owens asked as the two doctors walked out of the room. "He's training," Walker said as the door closed, leaving Vidalia and John in the room to tend to the baby.
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As the van took of for Malvan X, a small dark Fiat, started it´s engines and slid up to the caravan. Two men in black suits and well endowed hats, sneaked up to the door. "I must say, this is a rather scruffy looking van. One would think that they would have chosen better accomodations." said the man we can call Agent B (for Black). "I agree, this is not suitable at all. I shall write a note of complaint to them." answered the other man we can call Agent D (for Dark). Agent B silently picked the lock and cleaned the tools quickly with a small white cloth. "After you."he said to Agent B, who climbed inside. Agent D closed the door with a slow silent motion. Inside they started to go through the belongings of our heroes. "Make sure to get all samples you can find." said Agent D. They made fast progress and pretty soon declared that they should hurry off. Ever so slowly they opened the outer door and tip-toed out to their car. The engine started with a roar, and the circus manager looked out of his window. He only managed to see the car take off in a whirling dust cloud.
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Mick Harrison opens his eyes and finds himself inside a van, surrounded by the people he has lived with for the last weeks. He looks around and sees that Neacken is sitting next to him, silent, Eurostar is talking to Kristogar, Tobias is in the driver's seat, and is Nowhereman talking to Lance. Mick (still sleepy): Hmmmm...? Hi...? Then he looks at the woman sitting next to Naecken. Mick: Hello!} "Hello" she says coldly, and then looks away. Mick: Ok... Mick then turns to Neacken Mick: So, where are we going? Naecken: I'm not really sure... Nowhereman: We're going to Malvana-X, baby! Mick: W-What? What for? Lance: We're going to rescue Danny. Mick: What?! Another suicide mission? Lance: Yup. Mick: Man, I'm getting tired of suicide missions... Eurostar: We must go. Danny is one of us. Mick: Yeah, but-- Nowhereman: C'mon boy! It's gonna be fun! Nowhereman notices how excited he sounded. Nowhereman: Uh, not that I'm enjoying staying with you or anything... Mick: Oh, OK... Why isn't M-X-Y here? Naecken: He said he had to rest for a moment. Mick: How am I suppoused to know when he's fully rested? I mean, no offense, but I'm not crazy HEY enough to YOU CAN CALL ME NOW come with COME ON you... stop doing that Mxy--!
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The group arrives to the surrounding areas of Malvan-X. The building is surrounded by fence 4 times wider than the building. At least 50 guards cover that area. The only way to get in is a gigantic metallic door. Eurostar, Sonja and Kristogar discuss a way to get in. "...harder than Trivex or the Zoo..." "...no windows or other doors..." "...create a distraction..." "...too many guards, and weapons..." "...I didn't bring enough explosives..." "...we could dig a tunnel..." "...Tobias and I could vibrate through the fence and the gate..." "...no way, the gate has an specific level of density that wouldn't allow you to vibrate through it..." "...how'd you take Danny out...?" "Excuse me" Nowhereman says "Can I make a suggestion?" Two guards near the fence talk...
"Quiet night, huh?" "Yeah, no curious people or anything..." Suddenly, they hear a sound. "What is that?" "It sounds like a... VAN!!!!" They see a van going straight to the fence. Inside the van, there's Lance on the driver's seat, on some explosives next to him. "Is that guy nuts?!" The van breaks the fence and goes straight to the big metalic gate, causing a gigantic explosion. As Lance walks out of it in his intangible form, Eurostar and Tobias run into the hole in the gate the explosion made. "What the hell...?! Did something fly into the building?" The rest of the group, runs to the center of the yard and starts fighting. The bullets bounce before reaching them thanks to an invisible force field Mxy created. Mxy: OK Tobias and Euro... hurry up...
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I cough again, loudly. This has been getting worse and worse. Coughing. Headaches. Even a little vomiting from time to time. The smell of it coming from my stained shirt is making me a little nautious. "I have a theory about that, Daniel..." Quantos said. Doctor Henry Quantos. One of Malvan-X's science types. He seems to have a lot of theories. "Theory about what, Hank?" I reply. He gives me a 'don't call me Hank' look, but doesn't say anything about it. "Your apparent illness. It seems to be getting worse, doesn't it?" "Yes. Yes it does. Hank." He gives me the look again. "Remember the blood sample I took from you yesterday?" "Hmm... yesterday... I dunno, I was really busy yesterday. A lot of stuff to do. I was running around all day. There was that time in the morning I had to sit handcuffed in a cell with armed guards... then lunch... then I had to sit handcuffed in a cell with armed guards. See? A full day. I can't be expected to remember one blood sample..." I say to him. He steps back, and sighs. He grabs a chair from the corner of the room, and sits down. "Daniel... why do you have to be so... unco-operative?" "I dunno, Hank... being kidnapped and held captive against my will tends to be a little disconcerting." He sighs again. I'm slightly amused by the sound of frustration in his sigh. "Listen, Daniel. I explained this to you. You're a chronal anomaly. Having you around could be dangerous for our time." "You said you weren't sure. That it was only a possibility." "That's true... but we want to be sure. We want to help our universe. And in doing so, help you..." "Shut the hell up, Hank. Stop pretending to be my friend. I'm a prisoner here, and you're my captor. There's no trust here. There's no co-operation here. We're both silent for a moment. "Okay, Hank... you said you had a theory about me being sick," I say. "Yes, I do." "Let's hear it." "You come from a different time. 81 years into the future. The Earth's atmosphere is presumably much different there..." "Yeah, and?" "Well, there are toxins in the air there that we've never heard of here. And there are toxins in the air here that have been wiped out by your time. Your immune system isn't built to cope with this atmosphere." "...uh-huh..." "Germs in the air here that have no effect on me... well, they take quite a toll on you. You have no resistance to them. An ordinary cold virus, almost unnoticable to me, could be devastating to you." "Well... damn." "Right. On the upside, you probably have immunities to things in our air that we don't." "Probably." Quantos looks up at the guards. They remain expressionless and motionless, guns crossing their chests. Quantos leans in close my face. He has an angry expression on his face. "Listen..." he whispers, "I can get you out of here. I can see to it that you get out of here. Some people here in the organisation want to keep you around, imprison you and force you to do their dirty work. Some even want to kill you. But I can stage an escape for you..." What's this? He wants to help me? Why the hell does he have an angry expression on his face if he's being friendly? He continues. "...I just need you to co-operate for a few days. Let me confirm that it's safe for you to be running around out there. I might even be able to boost your immune system to help you handle our air better. Just give me a few days, and you'll be outta here, I guarantee it..." Ah. I get it now. He's whispering, so the guards can't hear him. This kind of talk could get him fired, maybe killed. The angry expression is the make the guards think that he's pissed off at me. That he's threatening me or something. Throw them off the track. Clever Doc... I look into his eyes, and he looks into mine. For the first time, I'm struck with the notion that I may be able to trust this man. "Okay," I whisper to him.
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Nowhereman’s idea was not really the best way to enter undetected, but at last we are in, now. And the fight out there, should make a great distraction. Now, we have to find Danny, free him and left in less time possible. I don’t want to level this building, too. It will be to easy for the press associate this kind of metahuman actions with the circus… Tobias and me are looking for our friend at full speed. It’s only a matter of minutes when he comes back. “Euro, I have found him!” It’s the same room where I awoke when they brought me here. Danny is tied to a chair, handcuffs at the hands and at the feet. When we both stop to move at superspeed, he can see us. “Go away, guys! It’s full of guards here!|” he shouts. Tobias looks at me puzzled. “What?” “Maybe he’s drugged?!” I note. “Danny, we are here to free you!” “Go away! It’s dangerous!” “No, Danny. There are no guards. They are all running down to the entrance. Mxy and the others are doing a great diversion!” I begin to work on the handcuffs, when from the dark comes a voice. “I am really happy to see you are still alive, Edulcore Cicciotto. But I wouldn’t free that kid, unless the fate of our present AND future are not your concern!” I turn, and out of the darkness steps….
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...Eurostar!!! A well trained, strong, but older Eurostar! Wearing an armor with a variation in design of the current suit. A helmet is seen tucked under his arm. It reeks of glossy hightech and seems almost to be a part of him. Everyone in the room is stunned. "Aaww...it´s great to see you guys again. These were hard times, but we had each other anyway." Our Eurostar recovered from the initial shock and said; "You can´t be me! I´m fast, but not that fast. I could never break the time barrier...so who the hell are you?" "Actually I am you... but as you said, I, you, we can´t run fast enough to break the time barrier...but we had some help. The armor I now use is a gift from hir." "And who is Hir?" asked Eurostar. "No, no. That´s not a name...it refers to my benefactor who is neither male nor female. So the designation is a mix of both...hir...him and her." Tobias shakes his head; "This is nuts. Let´s take him now before the guards turn up!" The future Eurostar smiles; "No need to worry...there will be no guards, unless you choose to take action against me." "Let me explain, Daniel could, not by choice or evil thinking, but by accident disrupt certain events in the web of the current time line. Let´s say he has fight with our local...what were their names now again?...Scorpions...he may by accident make a traveling bussiness man late for a meeting. In that meeting that man was destined to meet a woman who he later on will marry. They have a kid who grows up to become...err...someone important to the world. Due to Daniel that man misses that meeting by causing a delay in the traffic...that kid never gets to be born and...well take it from me...it wouldn´t be nice." he wrinkles his nose. "That´s the biggest load of..." Tobias is interrupted by Naecken who walks into the room saying; "There are guards coming!" he looks at both Eurostars and says; "Do I know you?" The future Eurostar reveals a small circular disc in his hand; "My benefactor told me to give you this." He hands it to the current Eurostar. "In the time of fire, the Green will emerge from the Red, bringing life where none existed before." "Hir told me to tell you that. You will understand later what it means...put it on Naecken´s forehead at the crucial moment I told you about." In the corridor the guards came closer... Naecken tears down a wall to close the passage. The future Eurostar asks; "So how about this matter with Daniel, what is your response?"...
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Ever expect the unexpected, I should say. At this point of my life, I have seen zombies, demons, an angel, a boy from the future, an alien, a being from another dimension, human lizards, a marine serpent, and now I am actually seeing myself from sometime from now. I wonder what could be next. I look at the thing the other Eurostar has given to me. Then I raise my head, and look at myself straight in the eyes. “Could you bring Danny back in his proper time?” I ask. “No, I can’t. But I can take him out of this time, and in a safe place!” “In this case, Euro, I must refuse. Danny is here to stay until we find a way to bring him back to HIS time!” The face of the future Eurostar turns angry. “And I must add” I continue, “that if you don’t know what my answer would have been, you can’t be really myself.” Eurostar smiles. “I knew perfectly what your response would have been. I was testing the continuum, to see if it was altered by the presence of Danny”. “So, what happen now?” I ask. The other Eurostar turns to a little door. “That door should open, and from behind it should arrive…” The door actually opens, and from behind it appears an old but healty man. I have met this man before, in this very room. Doctor Quantos! “Good evening, sirs!” says the doctor. I can’t stop to feel… safe… in the presence of this man. He inspire a confidence even in an awkward situation like this. “Edulcore Cicciotto! I have seen report on your exploits. Now you know I was saying the truth, when I explained you about the powers you could have acquired!” “Yeah, Doctor. Actually, I had the intention to pay you a visit… if you had not forced us to enter here to retrieve Danny!” “Ah, yes. A complex question. I was forced to have him kidnapped. He is in danger, and at the same time he poses a great danger for our time”. Tobias and Naecken are both speechless. Quantum goes to Danny, take out a key from a poket of his lab coat and opens his handcuffs. “You can go. But I ask you to stay, I can find a way to solve this situation”. “A moment, Doctor!” I say. “First, please explain us how can you knows about the danger Danny would pose!” “Well, it is really not easy to explain, even if the presence of this man from the future could help. I have been warned from a friend of mine… who actually is an android from the far future who watches over the time continuum. The Time Trust”. “Hir!” whisper the future Eurostar. While the revelation leaves all of us even more puzzled than before, I notices that the sirens have stopped their noise. “Finally this nonsense has stopped” says Quantos, looking out of the window. Bibbo should have called the guards back!” After a minute, a tall, bearded guard arrive, escorting Nowhereman, Llance and Sonja. Mxy and Kristogar are nowhere to be seen, so I hope that other part of the plan is going on smoothly. “How’s going, Doc?” asks the guard. “Well, Bibbo, very well. So, do you all agree on trying to cure Danny?” “What should I do?” asks the other Eurostar. We all looks at him, eyes wide open. “Ehy, I do remember this moment!” protests Eurostar, jokingly. “Yes, we need your help, man from the future. What I am going to try is to use the chronal signature of Eurostar to stabilize the vibrational frequency of Danny, adjusting his physiology to the present terrestrial environment”. “But that would cure me from the danger of the poisonous elements of the atmosphere, Doctor! How can this would prevent the possible paradoxes I can create?” asks Danny. I never noticed before how smart this boy is. “It wouldn’t” says Quantos. “For that, what you need is an extra dose of superluck. Fortune is that I have what we need. Bibbo, bring here Mr. Glover!” “Who?” I ask, while Bibbo leaves the room. “Oh, he’s simply the most lucky man of the planet. I am trying to switch a small aspect of that ability over to Danny. Just what he need not to alter the continuum. It sounds very complex, but I have the right technology. A little gift from the 45° century!” “Doc, you keep saying I will try” I say, “but here there is a man who knows how this will end!” I turn toward my older self. “Eurostar, will this operation work?” He smiles, and raise his shoulders. “I don’t know!” “Why? How could that be possible?” “Because now Quantos will ask you to leave the room!” “Yes, Edulcore. Now you are a threat to the continuum much more than Danny. Please, leave the room and wait outside.” I can’t believe! But Doc stick to his own position, so I open the door, and leave. I wonder where I can find Mxy and Kristogar….
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*Meanwhile* The car containing Agent B and Agent D, turns into a ordinary suburban parking lot, just outside a normal looking suburban, two floor house, with a small nice garden. The light from the kitchen window reveals a family eating a late dinner. They walk up to the door and ring the bell. The door opens a nd a typical suburban male in his thirty something years, opens the door, and greets them welcome. They all go inside.
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A prision in Mandelovia... It's late in the night, and most immates are sleeping... except two of them. "This is all your fault!" one of them says. "Whatever do you mean? The fault is not mine, but yours!" the other replies. "The fault is yours indeed! If it wasn't for your foolish behaviour I wouldn't have to put up with this embarassing situation!" the first one adds. "How dare you blame, you... foolish... fool...?!" the second one exclaims "I dare to do it because it's nothing but the truth, and there is no lack of honor in saying the truth...!" the first one says. "That could only be the truth inside your disturbed mind, brother! If it wasn't for those meddling freaks, I wouldn't be forced to stay here next to your pathetic prescense!" the second one replies. "Gentlemen, please..." a third voice says. "Do not tell us to be quiet, cellkeeper! We alredy told you we will not--" "Once again you have proved your foolishnes, brother, by failing to notice that that voice did not come from outside this cell, but from inside it. Your hearing is as unrefined as your brain is" "Why you--" "GENTLEMEN, PLEASE!" "Who are you, mysterious one, and why have you decided to join us inside this dark cell?" "I'll tell you all you need to know about me, if you agree to come with me..." "And why would we want to join you...?" "Besides from the fact that you are trapped here? Well, I can give you something that I know you want..." "Oh? And what is that...?" "...Revenge..."
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INTERLUDEElsewhere... "These 'people' are madmen!" a man at the head of the table said, his fingers steepled and held before his face. "A menace to all we stand for!" "They are surely not 'people,' you forget," a woman sitting to the man's immediate right said soothingly. "Yes," said the man to the first man's left spoke up. "They are monsters." "Good point," the man at the head of the table said again. "After the damage we've sustained at both Tri-Vex, the MCCA Headquarters, and the Zoo... no other word quite works like 'monsters'..." "The metahuman community is a menace to society at large!" the fourth man at the table said, slamming his fist on the tabletop. "You will find no dissenting opinions here," the first man said, pulling a file folder from his coat. "We are currently using a certain branch of the metahuman research field to our advantage. The name of the organization is the EPS... they are, to be sure, quite powerful - whether or not they know it yet. "All information they get is ours and every discovery made is one that we will exploit. Now... about these Revolutionaries...?" "Sir, through the organization you mentioned, we have obtaned a plethora of information. We also have new incomings from Malvan-X from one of their members... the bio-adapt," the female said, handing a printout to the first man. "Very good," he said, reading the page. "Begin Phase Epsilon..."
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(Yet another interlude...) ELSEWHERE? The president of the United States sits behind his desk. "General Forrest, you said that the Malvan-X problem was about to being... solved." "Yes, Mr. President" says the grey short-haired men, standing in front of him, his chest full of medals. "I'm here to inform you that the operation has begun." "Good" says laconically the man behind desk, turning 180 degree on his rotating chair, to look trough his windows, to the distant horizon...
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I find Mxy and Kristogar in one of the sub basements of the Malvan-X building, working closely on some strange device. “Hi, Euro!” says the green dressed man. “I was sure you said something about honesty, sometime ago…” “To be outside the law, you must be honest…” “Yeah. But this is basically a robbery…” he responds. “Well, they kidnapped Danny, so we are taking a little in exchange for the trouble they procured us.” “Little? These devices costs billions…” “The life of our friend has no price” I say, smiling. “How’s Danny?” asks Mxy. “Fine, it seems. Quantos claims he can cure him from a sort of pollution induced illness, and also to stop him being a potential harm to the timestream.” “How?” asks Kristogar. “Boh?! He talked about some sort of luck drugs in the blood of a man. Really I didn’t understand a word..” I say. “Drugs? Chemistry? Bah! Nothing that mechanics couldn’t have solved!” mutters Velo. “It’s all?” asks Mxy. Kristogar looks around. “Yes, it seems all”. “OK!” I say. “Bring all to the circus. We will do abetter use for this than Malvan-X, I’m sure”. “Should we came back?” asks Kristogar. “No, here is all under control. Have some rest, or, if you can’t sleep, start working on the project! Bye!” Mxy opens a huge portal, and he, Kristogar and the many things disappear into it. I wonder how Danny’s operation is going on…
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I am flying up, in ghost form, floor after floor, to the upper level of the Malvan-X building, where Doctor Quantos is performing his operation over Danny. All is normal, then I begin to feel something. At first, it like a breeze. But being ghost, I shouldn’t, I couldn’t feel a motion of air. It’s a vibration, very subtle, yet it produces a noticeable resonance into my body. What is it? It comes form above. High above, well above the upper level of the building. It comes from the sky. I fluctuate outside the wall of the building. It was impossible to do it from the outside to the inside, but the opposite is quite easy to do. I watch the sky. Nothing. Then I see it. A point. A glowing point high above me. Like a star by day. And it’s enlarging at an alarming rate. It’s something falling right over the building. A missile? An asteroid? A spaceship? It doesn’t matter. It’s impact will destroy the building, the city and the surrounds. It will create another round desert. How can I think that in a moment like this? There is no time to think. I must act. There is no time also to call over my friends. It’s like they are all gone, and I have to do all by myself. I am scared to death. And the dream I had in the airplane come back to me. Your last station is near… Could that means I am about to die? What was saying the rest of the dream? I have forgot that… Superspeed. Superspeed is something strange. When you have superspeed, it’s not that you feel of being very fast. It’s the rest of the world that is damned slow. So I have like an eternity to think of what to do. I could fly up to the falling object. But to fly, I must be in ghost form, so, I wouldn’t be able to smash it. I could try to turn it ghost, but it’s a stressing thing to turn ghost another man, I couldn’t making ghost a thing the size of an house. And maybe explosive, too. The problem is how my powers work. I’m not sure, but I bet that I can send mass to some other place, another dimension, to decrease mine. And when I become superdense, I bring in mass from there. What I can try is become superharder to sustain the impact with the falling object, and then shift his mass in that dimension, turning it ghost. That should save Malvan, the city and the whole of Mandelovia. So, I take position over the top of the building. Around me, the many tall towers of the business district of Mandelovia. I began to increase my mass, to augment my density. To become superharder. An indestructible-man. But I didn’t think a detail. My increased weight was not a thing for which the ceiling was calculated. And it begins to crack under my feet. Noise. Sirens. There should be some sort of sensor. I bet it a signal for evacuation. I hope the operation was completed by Quantos. I have no time to check. The object is near. It’s not a glowing point anymore. It’s a great asteroid. Obsidian black. And carved into the form of a human skull. Funny. I am the only one that will notice this, thanks to my superspeed. I raise my hands. The impact is unbearable, incredible, impossible. The surface of the asteroids must be thousands of Celsius degree. The ceiling cracks open under my weight, while I begin to making the gigantic mass of rock turning ghost. It’s like being emptied of each gram of water. Like being left to die in the Sahara desert. Like being frozen, and dried, and smashed into tiny, microscopic pieces. I feel the building collapsing under myself, but it’s strange, since I can’t feel myself anymore. Then I understand. I can’t feel myself because I haven’t a body anymore. I am dissolving, evaporating. As the asteroid dematerialise, so it is my body. Myself.
There is nothing more to hold my toughs. No more brain to produce them. I feel falling. In the dark. In the void. Falling. Fall Ling F
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Some days later... The destruction of Malvan-X was not limited to its Mandelovian Headquarters. At the same time, all around the world, in various country from all around Earth, in the USA, Canada, Venezuela, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Belarus, Iceland and another dozen places, all the facilities of the company (businnes towers, factories, plants, etc) were destroyed by falling asteroids. The government of the USA, after two days, diffused footage proving that the simultaneous attack was caused by a secret army of metahumans trying to overthrow the world’s governments. The press labelled them “Revolutionaries” and the secret organization “Hero Revolution”. The revelation was quickly followed by more hard laws concerning the metahuman community all over the world. Strangely enough, the only nation that didn’t tight the controls over the metahumans was indeed Mandelovia, and considering the fact that Malvan-X was a Mandelovian Corporation, it attracted the attention of the international press. After three days, the constitution of the city-state was changed, for the first time in nearly half a millennium, and instead of a president-prime minister, a dictator was given full power. The name of the dictator was General D’goon. His first decree: every American citizen had to leave Mandelovia in a week. Danny was cured, and thanks to the heroes, chiefly Tobias Christopher and his superspeed, he, along with Quantos and the little Pete Glover, was saved from the falling building. It was speculated that all of them did survive thanks to the fortune of the little man. The same was not for many of the occupants of the building, that perished in the destruction. Most noticeable, Miss X was not found. Bibbo, which survived, has embarked in a quest to find her, being certain that she can’t have died then. Another missing in action was Nowhereman. He was though dead for less than half an hour, then a little piece of paper was found in his van, where he was stating that he had to leave the circus to understand why nobody was able to see the truth. Nobody did understand what he was meaning. Eurostar was never found. After days of searching among the rubbles, it was clear that he died turning the asteroids into ghost, dissolving it, and himself, in the process. Only a small disc was found on the place of Eurostar's death, and it was taken in custody by Sonja. The future Eurostar disappeared right after the completing of the operation. Some of the heroes speculated that with the death of Eurostar, his future counterpart vanished, not existing anymore. Quantos cryptically claimed that time doesn't work in that fashion... Lorelei shed many tears for his Edulcore Cicciotto, whose death was explained as one of the many of innocent bystanders that the falling of Malvan-X tower. A deep sadness fell over the Revolutionaries, which knew the truth. A big staue of Eurostar was put into the new Headquarters of the Hero Revolution, a tessaract folder reached from one of the van of the Sardellas Brother. Pete “The Chimp” Glover and the Russian woman, Sonja Ljzavet, joined the Circus and, covertly, the Hero Revolution. Doctor Quantos returned to Canada, but accepting the role of scientific counsellor to the team, although only trough fifth dimensional computer connection. And that brings us to today, six days after the destruction and total cancellation of Malvan-X from the world. A day in which two important decision have to be made. The first regards the circus. Being every American citizen banned from Mandelovia, the circus has to left. What will be the next country to visits? The second regards the Revolutionaries. Now that Eurostar is dead, who will be the next leader of the Hero Revolution? On a smaller note, only today, under the new code of strict control over the news, on the newspaper of Mandelovia has appeared the notice that during the destruction of Malvan-X, from the National Banck of Mandelovia have been robbed two hundred billions of dollars. THE END [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]