Somewhere else...

"THEY ARE GONE!!!" somebody shouts, with a voice that sounds like two voices at once, both filled with hate.

"Now, now, Ktl... don't get excited" another voice says.

"What doessssss he mean gone? Whosssss gone?" a reptile voice asks.

"Who do you think, Knell??? THEY left the country!!!"


"They will be back eventually"

"You knew about thissssssssss????"

"Of course I did. They don't worry me at all, but I must keep an eye on them anyway... just as I keep an eye on many people on this planet"

"You knew this and you didn't tell us? You KNOW getting rid of them is the only reason we put up with you!"

"K is right. No Ciccioto, no help, misssssster mysssssssterious!"

"You are wrong, my friends. Something much deeper than that unites us. Something I pretend to gather... And don't call him K. That could lead to confusions"

Ktl and Knell gather together to discuss the situation...

"I sssssssay we trussssssst him thissssss once..."

"Yes... His plans, or what we know of them, can be very persuading... besides, he's incredibly powerfull..."

Before they comunicate him his decition, the mysterious man smiles...