It was when me and Naecken were returning to the circus camp that the fireworks began.

Explosions from the business district of the town. I took Naecken by his left arm and run. We were there in less than two minutes. The scene was amazing. The two metahumans we saw from our flight were fighting a duel, and each hit of their swords caused an explosions shattering the glass of the many shops on the road, or opening large cracks on the ground.

“It looks this time we must intervene, pal” I said to my demon friend. “Put the bystander to safety, Necken, while I go to the circus to alert the others”.

And I run to the circus; I called on Tobias and Nowhereman, asking him to awake all the others. Me and Tobias left instantly to give help to Naecken.

While the two tall brothers, the Red and the White Scorpions were fighting totally careless of all the innocents around them, the black short horned demon was securing the people, bringing them to safety. Me and Tobias began to do the same, because I didn’t want to attack the two before all of our friends had not arrived.

A “pop”, the noise of one of the portals opened by Mxy, announced their arrival. Mxy, Nowhereman, Kristogar Velo and Larry Lance appeared out of nowhere.

And now I begin to shout orders. “Me and Tobias will take their swords away. Then Naeken and Kristogar will attack the two Scorpions, bringing them close together; at that point Mxy will create a cage for them. In the meantime, Lance, Nowhereman and Danny will keep to put the pople to safety”. But suddenly I realize that Danny is not here.

“Nowhereman! Where is Danny?” I ask.

“His van was empty. I haven’t been able to find him!” responds the Brit.