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Well, it is time for this classic thread:
everybody please posts the skinny of their characters.

Also, I ask Gooz to do a piece about the story of the MBL, Bibbo about TOMB, Chewy about JAMB, and, since I-Man is not here, Mxy about TIAMAT.

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The Eurostar Family


Eurostar was born in 1967 as the heir of a family with great tradictions in heroing.

Going back, we have LocoMotor, Golden Age Master of Disguise, Italian, which was active in from the first half of the eigthteen century to 1940, then time displaced in 2000. Died as a member of M.A.N a few months ago.

His son, Captain Nemo, currently active in TOMB (see).

His son, Trivia Lad. Kidnapped from Nemo by LocoMotor, to cure genetic alterations due tio the fact that her mother was a disguised Basilisks alien, TL became a sidekik for the old hero. Gifted with unmbelievable memory, he fought with the Smart Ass Squadron, a junior branch of the All Ass Squadron, until 1945, when was transformed into a stone statue by Medusa Lass. Revived in 2000, now he has regained his true age and has given up heroics.

His son, Tailcoat-Man. Stranded in the South Pole, he was adopted and raised by a family of Penguins, until a Argentinian Polar Mission brought him in Buenos Aires. Fighting in the Falkland War, he met Nowhereman on the other side of the conflict, that discovered his true origin. TM went back to Italy to find his root, bringing with him his son Eurostar. Then he was displaced in the distant future, wghere he found a race of Retcon Penguins, lead by Beckeneker (see). He and his animals were later resqued by Eurostar during his space adventure, and brought back to earth. After an adventure where all the Retcon Penguins were killed, minus Beckeneker, TM lost his memory. Nothing is known of his currents whereabout.

His son, Eurostar,was adopted by the cook Ciccio Cicciotto, and as a teen ager worked in the restaurant of his father. At the age of 17, three superbeings from the year 2001 called him to help. He stayed for some time at the TIAMAT Institute, and then joined JAMB, regularly coming back to his own time, thanks to a device invented by the Time Trust Infinity and adapted by Doctor Quantum.
His secret base was the Eurocave, located under the Beautiful Dreamer castle in Eurodisneyland.
At an adult age, Eurostar went to America to join the MBL. There, during his first adventure, was cloned by accident, and his evil twin was born, called firstly EuroTsar, and then Doktor Klone (see). Then he had been raped by a sex changing demon, called MeDuSa, which gave him a son, the Snake Headed Son (see). After a battle with the Anti-Moderator, he went to space, where he , after many strange adventures, entered into symbiosis with a race of microscopic superbeings, that inhabited his body and granted him uncanny powers.
Back on Earth, Doktor Klone stole his symbioticized body, leaving him in the fiorm of a Ghost, while the body was transformed into a stand on exoskeleton, and called Colony.
Finally the Ghost of Eurostar died saving the MBL from the Hyperboard Entity.
His spirit became an angel, and after having fought for the choir, he was givent the riole of Guardian Angel, role that he chose to do guarding his own son.

Looks: tall, blonde, green eyes. Features like Nicholas Cage.

Powers: originally, supervelocity, flash vision, superwhistle (like Canary Cry).
With the Colony, shapeshifting, flight, superstrong, ability to split up parts of his body and send them to other places, ability to survive under water or in the empty space.
As an angel, he can be everywhere at once and can suggest peoples near him to do things.

The Snake Headed Son

Son of Eurostar and the evil MeDuSa, after the death of Eurostar was first captured by Klone (see), and evolved into the monster Snake Headed Demon, then his mind was planted inside Captain Nemo (see), and finally replaced inside his former body, retrieved from the Phantom Board.
At that point, the Indestructible Man, that some months before was cured from a hard illness with a sample of blood of the SHS, took care of him and placed him in his Institute for Gifted Metahumans, TIAMAT.

Looks: a very little child, with a hundred snakes planted on his heads.
Power: stone vision, and the bite of the snakes is mortal.

Captain Nemo

A general in the French Navy in the eighteen century, after discovering that his own government was selling Earth to the invading Basilisks, he saboted the Spaceship to ahve it to fall over Tunguska, in Siberia, after having killed all the alien occupants.
He left the Navy, to became a pirate, to fight the western nations and help the third world countries. After his submegible Nautilus was sunking after a last battle, he was taken out of time, and brought by Doktor Klone in the year 2000. The Mad Doktor transformed him into a waterbreathing creature. At first a pawn in the hand of Klone, Nemo then rebelled and joined the MBL and later TOMB. Doctor Quantum built for him a device to breath outside of water.

Looks: tall, bearded, blue eyes. Like Sean Connery in his sixties.
Powers: breathes underwater, swims very fast, able to jump over tall buildings, mental powers that allow him to see and to project images into other's minds .

Doktor Klone

A mad scientist cloned from Eurostar, he has a secret base, called the Klone Dome, in each Hyperboard. There is only one Doktor Klone in all of the Hyperboards, with no parallel versions around. There is a secret chamber, the Klone Dome Kore, that phases from Dome to Dome each ten seconds, to make it virtually inespugnable.
Inside the Kore, there is the Kloning Machine that, every time Klone is killed, built a new versions of him, with all his previous memories. After some tampering made by Lord Entropy, now the Machine works bad, and each time Doktor Klone is reborn with a partial set of abilities, and different features. One time he has been reborn as a hero, and he joined the MBL!

Looks: Like Eurostar, but each time he appears, can be younger, older, twisted, scarred...
Powers: originally, as EuroTsar, he was a Bizzarro Clone, then after being hit by a retcon ray, he became an evil mastermind genius. He mastered first science, and the process of clonation, then dark magic. Now every time he is recreated, can sport different abilities. Sometime a mad scientist, sometime a mage, sometime a supervillains with the original powers of Eurostar.
Technology: the Klone Dome, the Ragnarok Machine (a flying fortress).
Pet: the sheep Dolly.

Last of the Retcon Penguins of Tailcoat-Man, after a battle that brought every member past, present and future to the end of time, was stranded away in a forgotten Hyperboard, ending to join JAMB.

Looks: an Emperor Penguin, just three meters tall.
Power: he can recons anything, but the result of the transformation is anyone guessing.

Giovacchino the supercat
A supercat whose origin has not yet been told, he was the cat of Eurostar before he went to America. At the same time Giovacchino choose to roam the Galaxy, but returned on Earth during the last attack of Lord Entropy, and then remained as a member of the MBL, where he has developed a special friendship with Tobias Christopher, which call him Lil'Jo.

Looks: a tabby. With a red cape.
Powers: like Superman, but has a weakness to cat's grass.

Mighty Aphrodite
Sixteen years ago, young Christina Krakatopulos was born in a little village on the mountains of Greece, after a one night love affair between Tailcoat Man and her unnamed mother.
After some years the girl, which was orphan by then, began manifestating powerful acttractive powers over every male member of the village.
The women hunted her away from the village. After some strange adventure in a wacky dimension, she heard of the MBL, the only place where a person like her could find place.
She tried to join during aaa membership drive, but was suddenly rejected by the utterly annoyed Gooz, I-man and UUG, which had examined tens of stupid metas until that moment.
Scorned, MA grouped the rejected applicants to show their usefulness to the MBL, but they were caught in a mess caused by the C-Men and the Legion of Chosen Freehiolders invading the Headqurter at the same time.
Under the control of Anal Retentive man, one of the others rejected applicants, later MA attacked the MBL with robots coming from the dimension where she lived for some times.
After explaining her reasons during the Springer Show in TV, MA disappeared...

Looks: very gorgeus and always half naked.
Powers: she emits feromones that control human emotions. They work only on males and lesbians.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

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Eurostar- Could you do me a big favour? Could you post how TIAMAT started? I was thinking about how to start the piece about the story of TIAMAT you asked me for, and I realized I can't remember most of what went on the first half of TIAMAT #1!
I can remember what happened after everyone started introducing their kids, because that's when I started posting, so you could just leave it on the foundation, and I'll continue, OK?

About my characters--

Max Yezpitelok
Mister Mxypltk comes from the 5th dimension. In one of his trips to the 3rd dimension he saw the MBL in action, and liked it. He remained as a member for a while, and quitted when he was blinded by... umm... Lorne Michaels (yes, Lorne Michaels). He became a bartender in Bibbo's Ace O' Yahoos, and then re-joined the MBL for a short period, staying always on monitor duty.
He was out of action for a while, and, when he came back (with a civilian identity, Max Yezpitelok) he became a teacher at TIAMAT, and his sight had been recovered. The events in wich he recovered it are a mystery.

Peter McLebovich (I posted a bio in other thread, so this is gonna be a short version)
He's the son of Marc Campbell, the former Moderator. He has his powers, but he doesn't really know how to focus them.

Nobody Else
This character is a joke. No, really. When I posted the "MBLInternational" thread at Yahoo, I said "Current Roster: Mister Mxypltk and nobody else", and when Joker1 joined, I said "Updated Roster: Mister Mxypltk, Nobody Else, Joker1". In the last SF&O thread at Athanon, I stated that he was a big puppet used to make Mxy think the MBLI had another member besides him. Now he has come to life, because of Mxy's powers. He's totally disposable.

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My characters:

Tobias Christopher:

Orphaned at fifteen, Tobias went to Underwood and joined the Warriors, a teenage superhero team. Through a long and complicated story, Underwood was destroyed, the Warriors disbanded, and Tobias joined the MBL seven years later only to be killed on his first adventure, but was later resurrected as a seventeen year old British boy.

Looks: brown shaggy hair, blue eyes, around 5'3"
Powers: Superspeed

Jake the Warrior Sprite

Jake never knew his father until he was ten. The reason was his dad was a three inch blue sprite with a mean streak. That's when Jake found out he had special "powers" and eventually joined up with the JAMB to try to make himself a decent life.

Looks: Around 5'0", light blonde hair, green eyes, pointed ears that came in around puberty
Powers: Has the ability to make things "Disappear" from existence if someone wishes for it.

Lucky Sullivan

Lucky's parents were Walker Sullivan and Carol Collins, the two founding members of the Warriors. Walker died before his son was born, and his mother abandoned him when he was three months old. His "Uncles" enrolled him in the TIAMAT school to help him control his increasing and destructive powers.

Looks: Like Dennis the Menace, only a little taller with darker hair.
Powers: Superstrength, flight, and limited invincibility

The Warriors

The teen team disbanded after Underwood and went their seperate ways, but some still possess their powers

Howard: Flight, limited strength
Jesse: Can control, create, and manipulate fire
Grover: Limited superspeed
Andy: Immune to any changes made in the time stream

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Wait, what did you guys do with the C-Men? Did they get killed? Because, if they haven't, I wanna kill them now...

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Character Name - Hybrid Onion
Real Name - Unknown; goes by the alias of Vidalia Owens
Physical Description - Onion is, quite frankly, drop dead gorgeous. She stands at about five foot six and, like a true lady, will not divulge her real weight or age. She has dark hued skin, with long flowing jet black hair. Her eyes are green in color and she is deceptively petite for as strong as she is.
Outfit - Onion wears a form-fitting black leather body suit accompanied by matching knee-high combat boots. A metallic silver belt is slung loosely over her hips.
Accessories - Onion carries with her a wide array of deadly weaponry. She carries two .45 calibers in on her belt, a sawed-off shotgun slung across her back, a machete in her boot, and a spare gun between her cleavage. Spare clips, shells, ammunition, and a few military issue hand grenades are stored on her belt.
Influence - As far as stature and build are concerned, Onion looks a bit like Jade from Green Lantern and Fire from the Giffen/DeMattieus JLA (only without the flame). Her costume looks like an amalgamation of those of Jakita Wagner from Planetary and Trinity from The Matrix. Trinity also contributes a great deal to her combat style and personality. Poison Ivy from Batman (not the movie) is another obvious influence.
Abilities - Onion is a gifted gymnast, expert marksman, and knowledgeable tactician. She is trained in dozens of forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, making her a formidable adversary. Onion’s green skin is due to her ability to produce her own food through photosynthesis. She also has a very limited control over the plant kingdom, which more feasibly translates into having a “green thumb.” Flowers bloom as she passes, wilted plants flourish at the sound of her voice, and every garden she passes through looks very much like the Garden of Eden. She is also empathic, meaning that she can control certain emotions in both men and women. This comes in especially handy when in battle, and, when combined with her fighting techniques, makes her next to unstoppable.
Status - The Hybrid Onion’s past remains shrouded in mystery, even to her. Due to her heightened psychic condition, she is aware of a particular mental block, but is, in fact, unable to break it. From time to time, she experiences flashbacks, but nothing substantial that she can grasp a hold of. Still exploring her met human abilities, Onion, in her alias of Vidalia Owens, is currently residing in California with a Hollywood make-up artist by the name of Blossom Tanner.

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Character Name - Heritage
Real Name - Major Colton D’goon
Physical Description - A soldier of the highest caliber, D’goon looks every bit as impressive as a leader should. He is barrel-chested, broad-shouldered, and straight-backed, with arms that would put Mark McGwire to shame. Due to the massive amounts of power coursing through his frame, D’goon’s skin is a glowing yellow hue and all the hair on his body has fallen off, which makes him look even more intimidating than before.
Outfit - Being the former Head of the Mandelovian Armed Forces, D’goon still goes around in his native Mandelovian military uniform, which bears no indication whatsoever of his rank. However, the Mandelovian flag, positioned on the right sleeve, still remains - a reminder of his unwavering loyalty to the nation that he loves more dearly than anything else. Heritage’s uniform is black fabric, mostly likely Kevlar, with dark gray boots, belt, and gauntlets.
Accessories - Other than a few military-issue odds and ends, D’goon has few other weapons. However, it is rumored that within his right gauntlet is a chronal manipulator, similar in composition to the one engineered by Progress.
Influence - Heritage’s most obvious inspiration is the Eradicator from Superman, in that he does everything in his power to preserve the Mandelovian way of living. He despises most foreigners and likes Mandelovia as the isolationist nation it once was, rather than the tourist nook it has become. His raw energy powers are indicative of every major superhero powerhouse you’ve ever seen. I didn’t have just one in mind, but I had that general premise when I created him.
Abilities - Thanks to the replacement of his heart with a bizarre orb artifact, Colton D’goon now has awesome powers. He has a wide array of powers, including energy blasts discharged from his hands, invulnerability to physical harm, and flight. These powers, combined with D’goon’s ample knowledge of tactical and strategic simulations, make him a lethal opponent.
Status - Heritage is currently in deep space in an effort to refrain from harming more innocent creatures. His love for Mandelovia is excruciating, and for this reason he feels that any means justify his ends - a pure Mandelovia. Commanding the Neverian soldiers against the demonic horsemen, D’goon learned of a different side of himself. He is most likely an anti-hero, who has the potential of working with or against TOMB as his needs permit…

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Originally posted by The Eurostar:
...I ask Gooz to do a piece about the story of the MBL, Bibbo about TOMB, Chewy about JAMB, and...

Oohpps... Maybe I was drunk, I don't know...

...obviously TOMB is for Chewy...

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Originally posted by Hybrid Onion:
Onion wears a form-fitting black leather body suit accompanied by matching knee-high combat boots. A metallic silver belt is slung loosely over her hips.

I am definitely in love...

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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
Wait, what did you guys do with the C-Men? Did they get killed? Because, if they haven't, I wanna kill them now...

Only Eterosexual Man a.k.a. Homosexual Man survived, but only after having changed sex by Bombshell transegender ray...

[ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

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Originally posted by Hybrid Onion:
Onion is, quite frankly, drop dead gorgeous. She stands at about five foot six and, like a true lady, will not divulge her real weight or age. She has dark hued skin, with long flowing jet black hair. Her eyes are green in color and she is deceptively petite for as strong as she is.

Don't think that I don't know who you're describing. (except the green eyes thing) And besides the fact that I already created that character, I say hands off!

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"When nearly one year ago, Stephen Magnus, under the alias of Magnus Stephenson,
showed evidence of being the actual owner of the MBL Headquarter, he tried a
friendly arrangment with the League. He should have not reclaimed the building,
in exchange of the rights over the MBL merchandising.
He also propesed to the Leaguer to be teachers into a yet to be built School for
young superheroes.

The arrangemnet failed when the League discovered that Sthephenson was a pawn in
the hands of the alien tyrant Animecon.

Later, when the Indestructible Man returned from his apparent death totally
depowered, he took Magnus's idea, and using his vast amount of money built the
Thunder Institute for Advanced Meta-Ability Training.

Helped by former villain and anti-hero Guy (Brickhouse) Smiley and ex-Leaguer
Patrick (Smasher) Walker, and then joined by Max (Mr. Mxyzptlk) Yezpitelok, the
Indestructible Man, under the alias of John Grey II, has brought the Insitute to
attract many young gifted humans from every corner of the world".
(Thanks to Eurostar for this part! I will not enter in details in any of the kid's, since that's their creator's work)

The institute was inaugurated with the prescence of the press. A young journalist with a good perception and a desperate need for a good story, Buzz E. Randall, sensed that something else was going on in the institute besides what they were telling them, and decided to "buy" a super-power from Doctor Klone, to enter the institute. Klone agreed, because he had his own suspicions on what was going on at the institute.
Randall called the directives' attention by pretending he was unable to control his powers. He was accepted into the institute (under the name "Buzz Erante"), but John Grey always suspected he wasn't being honest. Meanwhile, Eurostar overheard a conversation were Grey revelead the true purposes of the institute. He became friends with Buzz, and revealed him what he knew.
Grey found out about the Randall-Klone connection, and payed the Doctor a visit. He left Doctor Klone aparently unable to be a threat again.
Meanwhile, Buzz started exploring the lower levels of the institute, trying to see what was hidden in the underground level, The Colony. He blasted the floor to get to it, and was discovered by Guy Smilie (I'm not sure if it was him or Walker). He panicked, kidnapped Lucky and ran away.
The young time-displaced Eurostar, along with Pete McLebovich and Tommyknockers (Jason wasn't there, was he?) followed Buzz and helped Lucky defeat Buzz. The teachers observed, amazed at the level of team-work they had.
The hole in the lower level's ceiling Buzz had made, allowed a little spider to make contact with Colony. Colony became some sort of spider being, that was able to escape to the institute's sewers. He kidnapped several kids, and kept them into "vains". The kids were found and rescued, but one of them, Harry McLarry, didn't survive.
As the teachers decided to take a course of action to find Colony, the kids decided to do the same thing, to revenge McLarry's death. They got into the sewers and started looking for Colony. Meanwhile, John Grey arrived from a trip, and brought with himself Igor Jr. As the MBL arrived to the isntitute to rescue the kids and take care of Colony, Igor Jr got intoi the sewers to do the same thing.
Pete McLebovich was separeated from the group, and found himself with Colony, that had threatened him with killing his mother, that was suppousedly in his possesion, if he didn't colaborate with him.
Following Colony's instructions, Pete teleportated the MBL and the kids (except Gooz and Lucky) to other hyperboards.
And here we are.

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Originally posted by Avatar:
Don't think that I don't know who you're describing. (except the green eyes thing) And besides the fact that I already created that character, I say hands off!

Don't worry. Yes, she was one of many influences I had for the character, but you have nothing to worry about whatsoever. Trust me...

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Originally posted by The Eurostar:
...obviously TOMB is for Chewy...

Then who's got JAMB? You? Gooz? Joker1?

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Why not you both?

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Posted by Igor:
Don't worry. Yes, she was one of many influences I had for the character, but you have nothing to worry about whatsoever. Trust me...

Alright, as long as we're clear on that point. Hehe...

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I think Chewy can definitely do more justice for a TOMB description than I can. I think he's been on the team about twice as long as I.

As soon as everything gets settled at my new place, I'll write Bibbo's and Changeling's tales.

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Originally posted by Bibbo:
I think Chewy can definitely do more justice for a TOMB description than I can. I think he's been on the team about twice as long as I.

Well, I AM the only member who's been in on every incarnation, so, yeah, I'll do both...

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Originally posted by Avatar:
Alright, as long as we're clear on that point. Hehe...

Man, dude, you're still really good at that whole paranoia thing, aren't you?

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You'd be confused if I wasn't, and you know it.

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Frighteningly enough, you're right...

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Sometime in the future (I forget the exact year. If someone has Danny's first appearance saved somewhere and could tell me what year it is, I'd be really appreciative), a scientist by the name of Dr John Feldman finished work on a new kind of nanotechnology, in which tiny biologically-grown nanites inhabit a person's bloodstream. These nanites can make instant changes to a person's DNA structure.
Feldman desired a test subject who he could use to test the nanites, and judge the success of his work. He applied to the prison system for a volunteer, and they delivered to him Danny Hearn, who had been promised a full pardon in exchange for serving Dr Feldman. Exactly why Danny was in jail had yet to be revealed.
Feldman cultivated his nanites inside Danny's bloodstream, and also inserted into Danny's head a second brain (which Danny has nicknamed "Hal"). Hal was grown in Feldman's lab and is very much like a human brain, rather than being any sort of computer or electronic device. Hal has a vast knowledge of Danny's DNA structure, as well as things like history, languages, etc. Feldman programmed into Hal a vast array of DNA sequences, mostly copied from animals. When Danny desires to change his body, he asks Hal, and Hal sends the relevant DNA information to the nanites. In this way, Danny can get everything from gills, to wings, to increased strength.
Feldman sent Danny back to the year 2001 in order to field test the technology in battle, because there was no safe way to do so in his current time; there were too many people interested in his work, who would pose a danger to both Feldman and Danny, and potentially steal or ruin the work as soon as it was displayed publicly.
Shortly after arriving in 2001, Danny discovered TOMB, who found his powers to be useful. He has been fighting alongisde them ever since.
Danny was informed that he would be sent back to the future two weeks after he arrived in the past, but this never happened. This is because Feldman was killed and his lab destroyed by unidentified men in black, who have since travelled back in time and confronted Danny, imploring him to give up his powers and return with them to the future. They claimed that Feldman was evil and had sinister intentions for the technology.
Danny doesn't know who these men are, and he doesn't know Feldman is dead; he has no idea why he stayed in 2001 past the two week deadline. But as far as he knows, he's staying with TOMB indefinitely.

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Originally posted by Danny:
Sometime in the future (I forget the exact year. If someone has Danny's first appearance saved somewhere and could tell me what year it is, I'd be really appreciative)...

Dan, I just checked out Danny's origin post in Walrus Reborn and I found no indication of any set date. As far as I'm concerned, you could either make up a date or just leave it unsettled. Either way, I'm sure, would be fine with the rest of us as well...

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Dagnabbit. I thought I set a date. Ah, well... let's just say 2072.

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