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#223189 2001-08-11 4:51 AM
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It's another new talk thread! I'm going to start something hopefully resembling a storyline, guys! I have no long plotline or anything. Just something to get our feet wet!
It may be fast and loose and funny or it may bedead serious. Even I don't know yet!

#223190 2001-08-11 6:06 AM
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Several thoughts NOT set in concrete on this storyline I've started.

This tale can occur in the recent past if everyone desires.

This tale does not have to be very long or very involved (Unless the story really starts clicking)! Do have fun doing it!

I think Joker1 (with help) would be very effective against knights on horseback as he could easily spook the horses with his sonic scream.

Nemo (with help) should battle the Nazi's along the coastline.

Nerverian science/magic to stop the dinosaur stampede?

The evil Mastermind behind all this? The renegade Time Trust android is a possibility.
A new villain I've simply dubbed the Timemaster is another. Any third possibilitys anyone?

Their motivation? No idea yet! Hopefully you guys will come up with one!?!

Basicly, I just want to get us kickstarted again.

#223191 2001-08-11 12:15 PM
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I set the story in the present, after the return from the TOMB Forever storyline, that one day I hope Pro will finish.

I changed the setting of the dinosaur incursion from Thunder City to another place, since at THunder there are others things happening right now.

At the end of this story, I hope to have all the TOMB members starring in the End of the MBL story, which is, finally, the summer crossover we talked so much.

Whenever (if ever) I-Man will return, will post his annual. Let's do MINE for now.

Ah, I made Ghaleon join. Hey Drax, are you ready to play?

#223192 2001-08-11 5:18 PM
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OK, Ghaleon is in, I guess. I didn't really want to get too involved because I've gotta get ready for work soon. someone else can choose which mission he goes on. I think it would be interesting if he and Joker1 went on the same mission. The clash between their personalities would be entertaining, I think.

#223193 2001-08-11 8:24 PM
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Due to things which I hope will get fleshed out in TOMB: Forever eventually, Avatar is slightly less caustic than the last time we saw him at the end of "One Sunny Day".

#223194 2001-08-11 8:55 PM
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Supposedly posted by LLance:
The evil Mastermind behind all this? The renegade Time Trust android is a possibility.


The original Time Trust android was reprogrammed and controlled by Medusa Lass, and then his shell was destroyed. The Council of Seven restored him and removed his emotions, hoping that they could avoid that from happening ever again. He himself was not at fault, of course, and was NEVER truly a villain. He is now The Time Trust Infinity, a demi-god with the full powers of TIME itself at his fingertips. He's a Spectre type with a lot of responsibility, and will not go astray at this point.

There was Killer Weed, from I-Man's anti-matter dimension, who was once a Time Trust android who went bad (presumably he was changed earlier by Medusa Lass's counterpart on that world, and went bad thereafter for real), but was destroyed. He was brought into the MBL universe by Lord Entropy, I believe, but was destroyed once again. I guess he could pop up once again, somehow, as a "Sinestro" type, since the Time Trust Android Corps is sort of like the Green Lantern Corps and all... I dunno.

#223195 2001-08-12 12:44 AM
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Since they have time capabilities the renegade android could pop up anytime from anytime!

I'm leaning towards "Timemaster" anyway. So it appears to be a moot point.

#223196 2001-08-12 6:22 AM
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Since we are in Crossover mode right now, expect the inexpected...

#223197 2001-08-12 6:08 PM
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I'm going to be revamping the character of Chewy Walrus as soon as Pro shows up and brings him back to the team. I have plans that involve every character I've ever written and some weird new developments for Chewy and his friends...

#223198 2001-08-13 5:28 AM
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Does that mean I'll need to do a new pic of Chewy?

#223199 2001-08-13 12:54 PM
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'Fraid so, Bibbs...

#223200 2001-08-13 1:47 PM
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Chewy, does this mean that Chewy will be free from Viper possession at the end of TOMB forever?

This would contraddict the statement of the story not altering the courrent status quo.

Since in story time, that story has happened, and you are not back, why don't have Chewy coming back in the TOMB Annual that will follow this courrent story?

If you don't want to spoil anything, please, Chewy, e-mail me, I need to know about the destiny of Viper, because he should be one of the major player in the upcoming crossover...

#223201 2001-08-13 8:46 PM
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I believe that I've talked enough with Chewy about this to field this particular question. Chewy will not be back after TOMB Forever, but Chewy and Pro (with a very little input from me) have discussed the exact methods and specifics of Chewy's return. Chewy simply wants Pro to write it. (I mean if YOU had something you wanted done right wouldn't you want Pro to do it?)

#223202 2001-08-14 6:42 AM
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Yeah, I have another thing in the story that must be written by Pro.

#223203 2001-08-16 6:32 PM
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Okay, I closed the TOMB story, as per Eurostar's last post, but I am a bit confused as to the time of the MBL story, which crosses over with it.

I had always planned to write the last few days of The Time Trust's time in the 21st century, which would be about four or five days following Pro's TOMB FOREVER story, and I want any new TOMB stories to take place WELL after that was over, not immediately afterwards. However, the MBL story appears to take place at the same time as TOMB FOREVER, which makes this a problem. I think the MBL story's gotta be moved at least a month or two (or more) after the TOMB FOREVER story in order for this to work.

Any thoughts on this? I'll be the first to admit that I've only had time to glance quickly over both stories so far, and haven't contributed to them yet.

#223204 2001-08-16 6:36 PM
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Oh, and has anyone noticed that we've changed message boards about once a year, lately?

1999-2000 (and parts of 2000) was the DC Message Boards...

2000 (early) was the Yahoo MBL Club...

2000-2001 was the Promethean City/Athanon MBs...

2001 we are now in the Robert J. Kamphausen Memorial Message Boards...

I predict that by next summertime, the MBL & TOMB will have their own UBB message boards.

#223205 2001-08-16 6:43 PM
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Originally posted by Insomnia Boy:
I had always planned to write the last few days of The Time Trust's time in the 21st century, which would be about four or five days following Pro's TOMB FOREVER story, and I want any new TOMB stories to take place WELL after that was over, not immediately afterwards. However, the MBL story appears to take place at the same time as TOMB FOREVER, which makes this a problem. I think the MBL story's gotta be moved at least a month or two (or more) after the TOMB FOREVER story in order for this to work.

Any thoughts on this? I'll be the first to admit that I've only had time to glance quickly over both stories so far, and haven't contributed to them yet.

Well, I guess Eurostars last post in the story might be able to explain this...

They don’t speak, but watch three other seats, empty: three are missing from the Courts, Continuity, who watches over the Hyperboard; the Time Trust Infinity, keeper of the Timestream, and RyChard, the Watcher, one time guardian of the forces of Chaos and Order, that now are ripped back in the two original energy, the V and the X.

With out Continuity, it was only a matter of time before the world began going all freaky (time/event-wise and stuff).

#223206 2001-08-16 8:25 PM
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Yeah, but... I'm still going to write The Time Trust's last week, the first day of which began in the "Fin-De-Siecle" storyline, the second day of which was "One Sunny Day in Mandelovia," and the third day of which was portrayed in "TOMB Forever"...

The rest of that week is mine, dammit! That's all I ask.

#223207 2001-08-17 12:14 AM
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What? I got to wield some power as TOMB's leader!

#223208 2001-08-17 3:41 AM
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Dang skippy you do, Bibbs!

Originally posted by Insomnia Boy:
I predict that by next summertime, the MBL & TOMB will have their own UBB message boards.

Give you two guesses as to who's gonna wanna be moderator... and I'm sure you won't even need the second...

#223209 2001-08-17 6:02 AM
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When I began the MBL story, I tought that TOMB would have been out of reach until the end of the TOMB Forever story: I wrote in my second post that TOMB was away in the timestream, with a group of ex members on their tails.

Then LLance posted the new story, that I immediately saw it fitted well my ideas, so in the third post I made in the MBL thread, I said that the TOMB Forever story had ended, and the morning after TOMB found the threaths on the outskirts of Mandelovia.

To allow TTT to have his four days, I see these solutions:

1-there are exactly four days between the return of TOMB and the attack of Hell forces, four days that can correspond with the time between the first strike of the Colony at TIAMAT and the disapparition of most members of ther MBL.

2- time goes exactly as per my posts, but at the end of the story the whole event will be retconned, to cancel the memory in the population of Earth (not in the heroes). So, at the end no day will have passed, and TTT will have his last four days, while being able to opartecipate to the whole of this story, even if it last, storywise, months...

3-Just like Gooz said, during the War, time and space will be just crazy, so there should not be too much stiffness about how the thing interlaced.

I prefer the first solution, and also Gooz's one, while I am tired of retcons, because in afew months nobody (of the posters) will remeber what has been retconned and what not.

After all, I crossed TOMB directly into the MBL story exactly to avoid confusion about the time each event is happening. But what happened before, in a story that count only six posts, could be easily dismissed.

#223210 2001-08-18 2:03 AM
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Well, I'm back, and ready to write. I'm just now catching up on everything that's going on. You people are insane...

#223211 2001-08-18 3:47 AM
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Wait... don't tell me you're just now figuring this out...

#223212 2001-08-20 5:00 AM
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I suppose I just got used to it. Coming back off a long break lets me see you as an outsider does...

#223213 2001-08-20 1:12 PM
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Ah. Okay, well that makes sense...

#223214 2001-08-24 7:30 PM
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Hello, greetings, and Ciao!

A few quick points before I have to return to some semblence of work:

1) It's good to see you all. I've missed you guys.

2) TOMB Forever WILL be finished at some point. Promise. I've got a somewhat precise structure for that tale, but, as Avatar mentioned/commented, I would be happy to work in any seriou charater development if needed. Just e-mail me : .

3) No, I won't be bringing Chewy back in Forever. That deserves a "Code 'no'" tale.

4) I am utterly baffled at what has taken place since I left. Nemo, your personal message filled in most gaps. Be patient with me, though, as I try to regain my rythym again.

5) Dan-O-rama!! Good to see you among the cyber-living again. I was afraid you had gone and gotten a life. So, what's the skinny on your latest female situation, and, which one of you is the more fucked-in-the-head?

6) Bibbo, how's College life, man? How's the women? How's getting drunk? How's getting drunk with college women? Humor me. Some of us still live vicariously through our memories, and lack therof, of that sweet, debt-ridden time of our life. Take me to that fun place in the back of my head again. Please.

7) Drax, good to see you have followed us over! I look forward to fleshing your character out in ways you completely disagree with.

8) Chewy, I swear I'll bring you back soon. Thanks for being the great TOMB martyr that you are!

9) Alas, I caught the "Now Pro's back, Mordecai is too" comment. So, are you telling me that people finally believe that Gooz and I are two different writers, but, now I'm also Mordecai? LOL! Sadly, the truth is our resident vampire has recently signed with the American Armed Forces, and is shipping out next week. He asked me, if he didn't get time himself, to tell you guys that he's sorry for having to leave, and hopes one day to come back. I'll be 'exiting' Mordecai in the writings, per his request. Until then, Mordecai finshes out the War.

10) Gooz, I swear if you don't clear up this X/V/W stuff soon, I'm going to completely speed past insanity, and go straight to drool-mode.

11) LLance you old coot! Deciever! I saw the NB Con pics, and you don't look a day over 2,314! But, I give you props. You met the real-life Franta, and lived. There goes my ax-wielding-maniac theory...

12) Joker1, the fact that you are here, as well, just makes it all the more comforting. It isn't TOMB without you.

13) Insomnia Boy?? No, no, no. "TTT" sounds SO much better than "IB"!

14) Okay, as you've seen with my absence recently, my life is in a state of flux. Thus, sometimes I won't have as much time to put into writing. New job. New location. New me. (Hell, believe it or not, I'm actually trying to quit smoking! Heh. God help us all.) So, just be patient with me over the next few months.

15) Why was Pro in the Egyptian tomb? What's going on? Well, it ties directly into the end of my planned Forever, so, just bear with it for the moment. All with be explained later.

16) You're all mad bastards. That's why I consider you excellent company!

17) Midnight is lying against the corner of my couch at this very moment, considering the Norse-level of intoxication that currently consumes him. I can't tell if he's amused, or nauseated. I swear his liver needs to be donated to science. He says "Burp!". That's love.

18) Mary Moses Magnum! Why the HELL am I numbering everything I say?!

#223215 2001-08-24 7:36 PM
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Heh. What do you know. I already had a "Prometheus" ID already registered....

#223216 2001-08-24 8:19 PM
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I did survive the Franta meeting...and had a damn good time to boot! You should really make the trip next time, Pro. It sounds as if you and Franta have a mutual fondness for consuming large amounts of liquor.

#223217 2001-08-24 11:07 PM
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#223218 2001-08-25 3:37 AM
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Originally posted by Prometheus of The X:
8) Chewy, I swear I'll bring you back soon. Thanks for being the great TOMB martyr that you are!

Well, heck... I've just gotten so used to it that I hardly notice anymore...

#223219 2001-08-25 5:52 AM
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5) Dan-O-rama!! Good to see you among the cyber-living again. I was afraid you had gone and gotten a life. So, what's the skinny on your latest female situation, and, which one of you is the more fucked-in-the-head?

I refuse to get a life while the phony world needs me.

Plus, I was dumped in painful and complicated circumstances about a month ago. She is very fucked-in-the-head, but Gob help me, I'm still in love with her.

So, anyway, sitting around moping and never going out gives me more time on the computer. Isn't that just freaking SWELL?

#223220 2001-08-26 7:29 AM
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LLance: Guiness is the drink of choice for ALL mad bastards.

Danny: Women suck. Women rock. You can't live with them. You can't live....well..with them. But, you might as well get used to the sordid, psychological confusion you get when attempting to understand one. It's yet to be proven humanly possible for males to do so, even at this level of evolution. Trust me. Better yet, trust my 'Malvana' template, Jamie. Not that I'm ever about to allow her to meet any of you loons. Hell, I can barely convince her I'M sane. Barely.

Avatar, I got your E-Mail. I'll get in touch with you soon.

Gooz, write me again with the details, cause I don't think I ever got that e-mail.

Nemo, you around?

As for the story thus far:

I've eliminated the dinosaur and multiple Joker1 problems. I figured it was better to concentrate on the real enemies, like the Nazi's and Larry Lance's army. I left it open for Nemo to go ahead with his Hitler conflict, and for LL to be able to handle the D'Goon and Larry side of things.

Joker1, Mordecai, and Nemo are battling in the harbor. LL, D'Goon, and Danny are near the mountain range, fighting Larry Lance. Pro, Ghaelon, Avatar, and Bibbo are together, in front of the Palace. Malvana's in the M-X. And Shock position is open to wherever, now.

Whew! What a story.

#223221 2001-08-26 4:40 PM
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I'm around, as Nemo and as Eurostar, and also as Mighty Aphrodite. Today I haven't time to post, but tomorrow I will add about all my character and also about what is happening in Hell.

By the way, everyone that has plans about characters from hell (Cariel sp. by Danny, Lucifer, Viper etc.) should e-mail me, I would write a piece about the ierarchy of the Circles of Darkness.

The dinosaur were brought in the original story by LLance, but I, too, felt that it was better to have all of TOMB in Mandelovia.

Now, we have two main set: Promethan City, wiuth the Dark Prometheus X castle, and Mandelovia, which should became the open gate to hell. Soon Viper should show up (I have not read the latest addition to the story, so maybe he has just arrived...).

At that moment, Earth will be letterally caught between the X and the V.

And remember, this is only the beginning...

#223222 2001-08-26 7:59 PM
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Eurostar, Dark Prometheus X is in Thunder City...

#223223 2001-08-27 6:31 AM
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OK, but after all, it's only the other side of the river...

#223224 2001-08-27 8:13 PM
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Originally posted by The Eurostar:
By the way, everyone that has plans about characters from hell (Cariel sp. by Danny, Lucifer, Viper etc.) should e-mail me, I would write a piece about the ierarchy of the Circles of Darkness.

Check your e-mail, Euro.

#223225 2001-08-28 10:12 AM
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What's up?

My thoughts on my latest post:

I felt that we are getting bogged down a bit, trying to fight these zombies and undead. Thus, I logically came to the conclusion that TOMB and MAN should pull out of Mandelovia. The city seems lost for the moment. But, the fun in this is that TOMB has never had to run from a fight. They've always been able to handle pretty much any threat. But, this IS "THE War". So, I thought it appropriate that they should have to retreat, and regroup near/with The MBL.

If anyone has anything they want to tie-up first in Mandelovia, that's fine. I imagine Nemo has his eyes set on stopping the Hitler-demon. But, as I kind of took from the last post, the character (if not the writer) didn't know how he was going to do it. So, Euro, if you want to go ahead and deal with him, that's cool. And, as for Heritage, I imagine he'd refuse to leave either way.

Play with all of this if you want. Either way, in my mind, not only will this allow for us to move on, and deal with some of the X/V stuff, but, Pro and Malvana have a date with Gooz for this "Dark X" thing. BTW, Gooz, I'll be e-mailing you probably tomorrow with my thoughts on how all of that should go down from my end.

Oh, and Avatar, I'll be writing you back as well.

And even you TOO, Chewy!

I know. I know. Promises, promises, right?

#223226 2001-08-28 12:48 PM
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Originally posted by Prometheus of The X:
And even you TOO, Chewy!

I know. I know. Promises, promises, right?

Yes, yes... I've heard all this before... you'll pardon my cynicism, of course...

#223227 2001-08-29 3:15 AM
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Cynicism? HAH! You hardly know the meaning of the word. You should know better than to play on my turf Chewy.

#223228 2001-08-28 5:28 PM
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I haven't read the latest post so far, so I don't know at this moment if TOMB is le4aving or if is only a possibility.

I'm cool with leaving, but, even if this is only the beginning of the War, I think first the rag tag MBL should be left alone for some time, to show the inexperience of the present team (i.e., having most of the new recruits killed off).

I think TOMB should arrive just a few moment before the arrival in Promethean City of JAMB with the displaced real MBL members (plus the TIAMAT kid/professors).

Seeing that Gooz is not posting from a few days, I would heard by him what plans he have.

Couldn't we show some battle between TOMB and MAN with the demons/zombie before rethreating?

[ 08-28-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

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