LLance: Guiness is the drink of choice for ALL mad bastards.

Danny: Women suck. Women rock. You can't live with them. You can't live....well..with them. But, you might as well get used to the sordid, psychological confusion you get when attempting to understand one. It's yet to be proven humanly possible for males to do so, even at this level of evolution. Trust me. Better yet, trust my 'Malvana' template, Jamie. Not that I'm ever about to allow her to meet any of you loons. Hell, I can barely convince her I'M sane. Barely. 
Avatar, I got your E-Mail. I'll get in touch with you soon.
Gooz, write me again with the details, cause I don't think I ever got that e-mail.
Nemo, you around? 
As for the story thus far:
I've eliminated the dinosaur and multiple Joker1 problems. I figured it was better to concentrate on the real enemies, like the Nazi's and Larry Lance's army. I left it open for Nemo to go ahead with his Hitler conflict, and for LL to be able to handle the D'Goon and Larry side of things.
Joker1, Mordecai, and Nemo are battling in the harbor. LL, D'Goon, and Danny are near the mountain range, fighting Larry Lance. Pro, Ghaelon, Avatar, and Bibbo are together, in front of the Palace. Malvana's in the M-X. And Shock position is open to wherever, now.
Whew! What a story.