“Quantos, we have the news. The Watchingbird has registered the explosion in Nevada, and a few minutes ago Lexicon has transmitted an internal document of TriVex where they states that subject Cicciotto has been destroyed in the experiment. I bet Knell is really mad, as for now…”
Nevada - A Few Minutes Ago
"Subject: Cicciotto. Dangerous and unstable. We have to move fast, you never know when his powers are going manifest. This is a Red Alert, Code 692.”
The Doctor suddenly pauses as a gun is put to his head.
“Mr. Ciccotto, this is all but for ‘your’ protection.”
The bullet rips through the doctor’s skull and splatters blood all over the steel walls of the hallway. The three other doctors turn, but it is too late, they receive the same fate. One bullet to the head. Ciccotto gets to his feet and morphs into Agent 57. He moves down the hallway, setting up explosives. Finally he uses a small laser on his belt to create a quick exit. Waiting for him on the other side is an army of guards. Without any words, they all fire, bullets from all sides rip into his body. Pain. Blood. Just before his last breath he presses a small red button on his control belt.
“…for mandelovia…”
The lab blows up in a firey blaze, taking out all of the guards and a good portion of the huge MCCA compound.
“…do you think it will take to discover that him it’s not Cicciotto?”“I don’t know. At this time they should’ve crossed the Atlantic: I’m surprised Turner has not discovered it was Agent 57 disguised as Eurostar. It was such a clever man time ago. I bet he has some sort of problems in his private life.”
Agent Turner is watching as the police and medics cover the area. But it is of no use; the damage has been done. Mass murder. A meta with the power to “blow up heads.” Sick. Very sick. Other people helpless, turned into livestock. The news is gonna love this all right. They will eat it up. Make the public scared to even go out of their homes. Sick. They are just as bad as the crazy meta that did this damage.
No trace of him anywhere. No gene residue. This sucks. I’m blind, hunding down a mass murder, who could at any moment… “blow my head up” or worse. This really sucks.
As Turner watches over the streets from high above, something hits him. A surge of pain through his head which knocks him off his feet. Lucky, he falls onto the roof and not 30 stories onto the hard pavement. His last thought before passing out.
Third black out in recent weeks, something is wrong. Something is ser…