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Role call: In the Hyperboards In the Klone Dome: Smasher, Doc Quantum, Disco Steve, Jason, Lorelei, Giovacchino the supercat, the young Eurostar, Beckeneker the retcon penguin, Joker2, Hourlyquinn, Crush and Supersloth. Somewhere: Igor JR and Igor JR On Earth On Edge Island: Gooz, Daniel Page, Changeling, Sir Justin, Bibbo, Captain Nemo, LLance, Joker1, Redros, Shock, Danny Hearn, Eurostar, Snake Headed Son, Pete McLebovich, I-2, Ry-Chard, Dev Em, Zod and his parallel MBL, Kid Bucket, the MBCorps, Captain Carrot, Bombshell. It’s been a week after the end of the great battle in Thunder City. The Army of Hell has left the surface of the planet, but many cities, like Mandelovia and Thunder City, have been destroyed. The remaining members of the MBL and TOMB, with the reserves and the MBCorps, and also the god Ry-Chard, also known as the Watcher, have spent the last seven days helping the world to recovering from the war. But the damage has been much more than material, because for humankind to see demons standing in front of you is umbearable. So, there has been a large spread of suicides, conversions, spiritual crisis, many nation are turning into foundamentalists countries, either muslims or christians, and a spree of crazy things are happening in the whole world.
But for the heroes of the Earth, at last for the surviving ones, it’s the time for the mourning. Tomorrow will be the day of the funerals for the MBL.
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Funeral for many friends It’s four past meridian in Athanon County, and over the rubbles of the Castle X, right in the middle of the destroyed Thunder City, the new “MBL Memorial Cemetery” sees the biggest gathering of metahumans Earth has ever seen. The vast area has been transformed into a grass field thanks to the power of the new heroine Hybrid Onion, and now hundreds of white crosses are dotting the place. The names over the crosses are from heroes and villains that fought for the freedom of Earth. MBLeaguers, TOMBers, Warriors, MBCorpsmen, MAN agents, Young Boarders and many others, from America and abroad. H2O Man, Energie, Shadow Coat, Walt and Louise Simonson stunt doubles, Lucky, Howard of the Warriors, Mighty Aphrodite, KidKarma, Glass Eye, Bomb Boy, Doggy Dude, Buzz E. Rante, Ack, Crisco Steve, Terry (He/She), Nowhereman II, Corpsman Hubba, ex MBLeaguers Renegade, Luvaduck, Morpheus Constantine, Agent Tuxedo, Max Yezpitelock, and TOMB member Avatar are the first names to read. But there are many many more, and only a few of them have been found on the battlefield. Many have disappeared, vanished under the attacks of the demons, and no body has been found. Peoples like Ghaleon, Mordecai, Malvana, Prometheus; luckily the ones that for a long time have been considered the frist victims of this war, the MBL and TIAMAT members displaced since the first attack of the Colony are alive and well, and on their way home. Tobias has met them, and told Gooz about them, before disappearing after the death of his nephew. Now all the heroes of the Earth, and many from outer space (the MB Corpsmen) and from other Hyperboards (Zod’s MBL) are gathered on the lawn, ready to follow the ceremony taking place. Cosmic Bob, the newly elected major of Promethean City, and Michael De Saint George, a metahuman priest that crossed paths with TOMB one time before, are about to officiate the funeral. The MBL, which is now reduced to only four members, is in the front line of the crowd. They are Changeling, Daniel, Sir Justin and Gooz. Near him, his son, Little Richard. Now that the power of the X and the V have been banned from the Hyperboards, he is no more a god, he has returned to be the teenager he was before. Behind them, the few remaining TOMBers: Bibbo, LLance, Redros, Shok, Danny, Joker1 and Captain Nemo. After only a few minutes have passed, the blue sky is suddenly covered by a thik layer of violet clouds. And then, a powerful scream shakes the place. It’s Little Richard, which is phasing continually from his normal body and his godlike form. He whispers: “The V… the X… they are returning…” and then falls to the ground, inconscious. Gooz shouts: “What’s happening?” A voice from inside the crowd says “I know” A men with a long, black canvas coat, bald and with a beard comes out from the moltitude of metas. On his harms, the Snake-Headed-Son. Gooz widens his eyes. “Eurostar!” he exclaims.
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man 15000+ posts
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10 minutes before the funeral...As people start getting to the cementery, someone watches from the roof of the church. He is waering a multicolored uniform, a mixture of several uniforms and armors. He choosed not to attend to the funeral like the other metas because he thinks he doesn't deserve it. He looks at the names of all the people that formed him, and feels incredibly guilty. He doesn't know what his place is in this world, or even how to call himself...
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The Nexus of Time "The War's over. Why am I still here?" Jake asked. "We have to be sure that you can't interfere." Randy said. "Interfere? How the hell can I interfere? Everyone's dead!" Jake shouted. "Exactly." Randy said. "If we sent you back, someone's going to make a wish that results in the Colony returning to his evil self." "So, when do I get to go home?" Jake asked. "What century is it?"
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Someone steps toward the graves of Howard and Lucky and lays a flower down on each grave. "You." Grover said. "What are you doing here?" "I came to say goodbye." "Why?" Andy asked. "Why now?" "There's been some things... I can't explain what I did or why I did it. But I loved them. Howard was special to me, and Lucky-" Grover and Andy turned to walk away. They had nothing else to say. Carol turned around and shed a tear. "Goodbye, Lucky."
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Evil twin 1500+ posts
Evil twin 1500+ posts
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At the funeralI can't believe they're gone, Bibbo thought to himself. These last months, he had held out hope that Chewy would return. He had touched his mind when VIPER had tried to control him. Now Prometheus and Avatar were gone. Despite their fights since the debacle with Saros, he wished that the incredible power that the hyperboard access ring gave him could somehow bring Kreagan back. Then there were Prometheus and Malvana. Maybe it was childish of him, but he was not ready to give up hope yet. He looked at his teammates. Some were crying, and some held their faces like stone. Compared to the losses of the MBL, TOMB got off light. Still, Mandelovia was all but destroyed. So many lives were wiped out. His mind wandered to a certain waitress. Maybe it would be better to just join the priesthood and save the lives of a few more women, but after what had happened, faith was one thing that he did not have left. Who had they lost? Prometheus and Avatar joined the Time Tryst in the retired column. The Indestructible Man was missing again, and they had never really gotten over the loss of Chewy and Dan. Would TOMB survive? It was hard to say . . .
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The Night After [the wars end] Thunder City is pitch black, most of the city has been devastated, and the remaining people have been evacuated, moved to near-by cities. The bodies and remains have also been removed. For the last 24 hours the World has stopped, in morning of the death toll. Leaders throughout the World held press conferences, expressing their sorrow and offering help in this time of need. But for now, the people of the United States sleep, hoping to forget their sorrows for the night, hoping to relax for the first time in much time.
All but one man, Ritchie Stevens, the hero known as Gooz, the leader of the team once known as the Message Board League. He stands over the remains of the huge castle, neither costume nor “coat” on. His chest is exposed, a freshly made wound reaches from his left shoulder to just above his right hip, the blood still wet. The wound was received in the final battle. Once, he was a God, than just a man. Than a leader. His most important role and some of his proudest moments of life. But now things are different, his team is dead. He holds the guilt in his heart. He did what he had to. The only thing he could do to save the World. But one thing occupies his mind. One thought above all others. ”WHY!” He falls to his knees, tears in his eyes. “…why am I still alive? I SHOULD BE DEAD! Why do you damn me? Why God, WHY!” Silence follows for a few moments. “Because I need you, Dad.” A voice from behind says, “I lost my Mother and Father twice, I can’t lose you again!” Gooz doesn’t turn around, he just punches the huge stone in front of him, shedding more blood from his bear fist. “I don’t deserve to live. Two cities died on my watch. Millions of people. Millions…” Gooz tries but can’t continue. He can’t hold back from breaking down. Ry-Chard walks closer, he is now only 16 years old and is powerless, stopping just before his father. “You did all you could. Sometimes, things are out of our reach. It is impossible to save everyone, sometimes… things like this can’t be stopped. Remember back on my old World, when my adopted Mother when crazy and almost destroyed the universe. How I wished that there could be another way, but there wasn’t and we had to stop her.” Gooz slowly looks up to his son. “You did what you had to. You asked for help and they all came on their own free will. You had no control over what happened next. While many died, many others were saved. The World was saved. I was saved.” Ry-Chard pauses for a moment holding back tears, “and I need you. Please.” Silence follows as Gooz gets to his feet and hugs his son.
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NOWAt the top of the Citadel Tower, the surviving MBL and Tomb members are gathered to heard the words of Eurostar, the late hero just returned from the land of the dead. In the meeting room only Gooz is absent, being in the infirmary to watches his dying son, Richard. At the round table sits Changeling, Eurostar, with his Snake Headed Son in his arms, Sir Justin, Daniel Page, Bibbo, LLance, Redros, Joker1, Shock, Captain Nemo and Zod. Eurostar stands up and begins to speak: “Well, I think that first I have to explain how I am here. After our battle with the HE, nearly two years ago, I died, and went to Heaven. There, I enlisted for a flock of angels to battle the Basilisks off Paraxus. I did well, and was rewarded with the position of Guardian Angel for my son. Then, last week, during the battle in Thunder City, two demons were about to kidnap my son. I had no other choice, so I had to fall over the mortal plane to save him. So, now I am back as a mortal, but all my powers, even my original powers of a speedster, have been stripped away”. The eyes of everybody are wide open. “Well, never mind. The only thing important is that I know what’s happening, and I own the Book of the Revelations, that the Courts of Light handed to me during the Battle with the Dark X”. The Changeling looks at the book in the hand of Eurostar and says: “Talk, friend. I haven’t been able to contact the Courts since the end of the battle. What’s happening?” “After the suicide of Avatar, he has gone to Hell, like every suicide does. But there, Michael, the archangel, which was the one that gave humanity magic, empowered back Kreegan and gave him a mission. Avatar, down in Hell, has killed Viper and freed Chewy. Chewy and Avatar now are in Heaven, and finally they have peace.” On the face of Bibbo, a sad smile appears. “The spirit of Viper has been banned in the Pit. At the same time, the spirit of the X as been freed from the possession of the Zod of this Earth, and in that moment Ry-Chard has been stripped of his role as the Watcher of Light and Darkness. But it was only a moment”. “Sadly, the Circles of Darkess still held prisoner the God Continuity. He is playing with his counterpart, Cancellation, a chess game, of which we heroes are the pieces. Until he plays, there is hope for Earth to survive. If he loses, the Circles of Darkness will overcome the Courts of Light, and humankind will be slave of Hell.” The others begin to speak to each othes loudly, the most obvious remark is: “But we have just won the War!” Eurostar watches the Changeling, then replies: “You have won a battle, not the War. And for this first victory, Continuity has sacrificed his most important pieces. The ten Promethei.” “The ten Promethei? There is only one Prometheus in the whole Hyperboards!” says Joker1. “No, that’s not the truth. The MBL have met the other Promethei during the clash of the Moderator and the Anti-moderator, three years ago. I was there!” exclaims Zod. “It’s true” says the Changeling. “After the Voice created Light, his embodiment, Aura Mazda, splitted into ten separate beings, to be not overcome by the infinite power at his disposal. Only in time of greatest crisis the ten beings would be reunited, just like during the antiModerator comings. But this time, Continuity has kept the first nine separated from the tenth, the X, to lessen his powers, that this time were on the darkness side”. “Sadly, the only place where he could hide them, the only place where Viper wouldn’t have look for them, was in Hell. I don’t know anything else, because I have been separated from the Courts, since.” “I can continue” says Eurostar. “With the death of Viper, his four lieutenant has begun a struggle to rise to power. They are Azazel, Dark Fury, Carriel and the Fog King. They were about to divide the Circles of Darkness in factions, when Lucifer Morningstar, the keeper of Hell, has bartered the unity of the Circles with the powers of Viper. To be short, he has handled the nine Promethei to the four Lord Demons. They have used their powers to bring back the spirit of Viper, and then have killed them. The result is that now the spirit of Viper is back on Earth, without an X to held it in check.” “So, the sacrifice of Avatar has only been a waste?” asks Shock. “No, Avatar has freed Chewy, and that was the most important thing. But the fact that Michael tough that killing Viper and banning him to the Pit would have been sufficient to erase him from the Hyperboards, shows how even the Courts are helpless in this War” says Eurostar. “Now the spirit of Viper lives inside the Tetrarchy, the four Lord Demons. Now, they, which hated each other the most, are willing to cooperate to bring the Darkness to win over Light. Now, after the battle in Thunder have killed so many heroes, we are needed most.” “What are they doing, Eurostar?” asks Zod. quote: Book of Revelation, 9 (13 )And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar Ex. which is before God, (14 ) saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphra'tes.(15) And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. (16) And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
“They have begun four mission. The Fog King at the head of his troops has just invaded Sir Justin realm, to capture Gaia, which is hiding there. Gaia, the Earth avatar, is about to give birth to the Harbinger, the only hope for our planet to win this war. The Fog King wants to kill him before he is given birth”. At these words, Sir Justin and Nemo, the lover of Gaia, exchange sights. “Dark Fury has taken the role of Viper in commanding earthly forces, that TOMB knows as the Siecle Draco. They have been lying a net of conspiracies among the Earth government for centuries, tricked by Viper in believing he would have brought an age of Enlightenment over Earth. The true goal of Viper is to have Earth becoming the homeplanet of his elected race, the Basilisks, which are near to land on our planet.” Unheard by many, Bibbo is mumbling something about a Saros. “Azazel is preparing the attack to the Silver City, the home of the Courts of Light. He is gathering the demonic troops to launch the assault”. At these words, the Changeling’s wings becbingns to shakes uncontrollably. “Finally, Cariel is choosing the evilest damned souls to prepare an army of undead, just like the one you had fought here in Thunder, to enslave humankind in preparation for the arrival of the Basilisks. All the villain we have killed in all these years will be reborn, and aimed at us”. The grouped heroes begin to talks. “I will fight Azazel, just like last year” says the Changeling. 2I will defend Gaia” shouts Nemo. “No, we must stay united to fight the invasion” says Zod. “Silence!” shouts Gooz, just returned from the infirmary. “Days ago, at the beginning of the battle in Thunder, the X spoke to me. It was a prophecy… quote: Originally posted by GoozX:"Hell will rise. The boy. Pete McLebovich, the son of Marc Campbel, is the key. The Colony has risen, spreading throughout a city. Death will follow as you attempt to protect the next generation. You can only lead so far, others are needed. An angel will need to find his humanity to understand what must be done. Love will be taken away from he who needs it most, a god will be created at another’s death. This I warn you."
So, the X is suggesting us that Eurostar, the angel that has found his humanity again, knows what we have to do. I say that we follow his advice. Bibbo?” Bibbo looks at Gooz, and then at Eurostar. “Agreed” he says, laconically. “Thanks” says Eurostar. “What I know, comes from my last minutes as an angel. Sadly, now I am cut away from the Courts, and I have lost all my powers. This advice is all the help I can give you, then I will retire. I have a son to raise. I will pray for your success, I don’t want my kid to be enslaved by Hell. Anyway, that’s what I would do. Our forces are lessened, we have to concentrate over a few tasks. The most urgent things to do is to stop the Fog King and Carriel. You have to split into two group: one will be lead by Sir Justin into his Realm, to stop the fog King. The other will go into Hell, lead by Joker1” At the name of Joker1, some of the heroes begins to laugh. “It’s true. God appointed me months ago!” says Joker1 quote: Originally posted by Joker1:JOKER1, YOU HAVE PASSED THE TEST!" God's voice shouted. "Wait! Test? You mean this was fake." "WELL, YES. I WAS TESTING YOU TO SEE IF YOU WERE READY FOR THE REAL HELL AND IF YOU COULD DEFEAT THE CHALICE'S SAFEGUARDS. THE FORCES OF DARK HAVE GATHERED. THE CHALICE HAS BEEN STOLEN AND WE MUST RECOVER IT." "So, this was you all along? Dammit! I almost died and this was just a little game?" "NO! IT WAS TRAINING. YOU MUST BE PREPARED TO LEAD A TEAM INTO HELL TO RECOVER THE REAL CHALICE. YOU HAVE FREE REIGN TO PICK THE MEMBERS. "Can I use the members of the Courts of Light?" NO GODS MAY ENTER HELL. THERE IS AN ENCHANTMENT THAT WILL DETROY THEM THE SECOND THEY STEP FOOT THERE.THIS IS WHY YOU AND YOUR TEAM ARE NEEDED. GO, JOKER1, AND PREPARE FOR THE COMING WAR!"
“Right” says Eurostar. “In Hell, you will have to retrieve the Chalice of Power, the Saint Graal. That’s the key to defeat of the Circles of Darkness. Until they have it, the Angelic flocks are unable to attack Hell”. “I will battle Azazel” shouts the Changeling. “No, Collector” says Eurostar. “In Hell, you could find an ally in Morningstar. He doesn’t want this War to end with the victory of Hell because is power come only from the status quo. With humanity replaced by the Basilisks, there will be no humans to tempt no damned to rule over. You, Kyle, have met Lucifer before, you are needed there”. “OK, but don’t call me Kyle. Kyle is dead” says, with a grim face, the Changeling. Eurostar continues: “Zod, you will have command over the Corps, your MBL and the remaining metas of Earth. Some ex-leaguer have not responded to Gooz call, would be good to find them. The current displaced Leaguers should be here soon. You will have to defend Earth from the invasion of the Basilisks. “And Azazel?” asks the Changeling. “The Silver City will have to defend itself…Now form the two teams and go. There is no more time…”
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The Grand CanyonTobias stood on the edge of the cliff, just looking down. He hadn't slept in days, and his mind was filled with endless thoughts of how he was responsible for Lucky's death. He was the one who recommended that Lucky be entered in TIAMAT. He's the one who insisted he could care for Lucky if he came to the city. He's the one who said Lucky would be able to use his powers better if he got them under control. All his speed, all his power, and he wasn't able to save one little boy. The one child he had promised his best friend that he would look after no matter what. Now Lucky was gone, and Tobias was all alone. He sat down on the edge, just looking down into the chasm. He was shirtless from giving his shirt away the day before to a freezing homeless child that kind of resembled Lucky in a small way. When he realized it wasn't him, Tobias just ran as fast as he could. Tobias could feel the raindrops on his back as the storm started. He stared down into the deep canyon and wondered how long it would take him to reach the bottom if he jumped. He had nothing left. His friends were gone, the MBL was gone, and everything he ever cared about was destroyed. Tobias just sat there and cried as the rain continued to pour.