Call me Eurostar. Some years ago-never mind how long precisely-I left Italy looking for a better life in the God blessed America, like many of my countrymen did before me, for two centuries.
But I had something than most of them didn’t have.
A gift.
Powers granted by the metagene.
I was a superhero.
I was the last of a lineage of misterymen and superheroes, spawned across the centuries. My father, Tailcoat Man, disappeared under mysterious circumstances, along with my mother, when I was a little kid.
I was adopted by the owner of a well-known restaurant in Bologna, northern Italy, Mr. Ciccio Cicciotto. I was given the name Edulcore, and began studying Classic Italian Cooking. But, in the night I was practicing my powers, and when I was seventeen, in the year 1984, some heroes from the future came to ask for my help.
I ended for a few time in the year 2001, at a sort of Institute for Young superheroes, called TIAMAT, and later I joined an even much more future team, JAMB.
But, even if I prolonged more and more my time in the future, every time I came back to my present.
Finally, I graduated, took the place of my adoptive father in the restaurant and also I stepped in the career of superhero, taking the heroing more and more seriously.
At the age of 32, I considered myself to be experienced enough to go to America to ask for a place in the World known Message Board League.
It was a short but incredible part of my life.
I battled the Antimoderator, Hate Assbury, Big Bob, alongside powerful heroes like Rypta Gud’n, Zod, Nowhereman, the Time Trust, the Indestructible Man, Theory 9 and many others, and I was proud to call them friends. I had an evil clone, and went into an incredible voyage in space, where I became the father founder of many civilization, gained an uncanny powerful morphing exoskeleton and found my father alive and well, stranded in the future.
But the most incredible thing that happened to me was an encounter with a villaines, called MeDuSa, that seduced me and gave me a son. A little boy with serpents planted on his head, just like his mother, but with a little, fatty and rounded face that put smile in every person that looked at him.
He was the Snake Headed Son.
I never had the chance to give him a real name, because a short time after, I died sacrificing myself to free the Message Board League from the Hyperboard Entity.
Jack Eimann took care of my son, placing him in the newly founded TIAMAT institute, at the same time my past self was brought from the past to join the students of the Institute.
I was dead, but soon the high powers of the Courts of Light, asked me, like many others died heroes, to join the angelic flocks battling the Basilisks Armada, the fleet of a demonic alien race, off the rim of the star system of Paraxus, at the other end of the Galaxy.
I was very brave, and after the victorious battle, Metatron, one of the seven Thrones of the Courts of Light, granted me a wish.
I asked to become a Guardian Angel for my kid, the Snake Headed Son.
And now I am here, with a new name, Edulcorael, between the walls of the TIAMAT building, watching over the safety of my son. And being an apprentice, for now, I am backed by Michael, a Guardian Angel much more experienced than me, even if he is only a boy.
But time works a little different for us angels.
I am here, watching over the safety of my son.
Others are watching over the safety of the whole world, and maybe of the whole Hyperboards, the endless line of similar, yet somewhat different realities, that crosses over and then diverges along the mysterious paths of the Time.
They are the Message Board League, the mighty assembly of heroes founded many years ago by the mysterious Mad’67, to battle the evil god Viper and many many villains, monsters and alien tyrants. Many heroes stepped to membership along the years, more than sixty different gifted beings brought their force, their courage and their wisdom to the team.
Lead since the foundation by the Rhymer, Dan E. Boy, after his heroic death battling and defeating his evil twin Happy Noodle Boy another powerful has taken his place, Gooz, the master of shadows, founding member of the now disbanded Seven Soldiers of the Virtual Reality.
But the worldwide known MBL is not the only team of heroes that protect the people from the horrible menaces that every day threaten the planet.
Maybe even more powerful of the MBL, but virtually unknown outside the small boundaries of the little European city of Mandelovia, are the Timeline Ordkeepers of the Message Boards, or, like they call themselves, TOMB. A group of strange people, outcasts, but most people would call them freaks, that cruise the Time and Space to keep safe the flowing of Reality
There are even less known groups, like JAMB, young people from across the Hyperboards that, living outside the timestream, controls the safety of the Hyperboards. And M.A.N., a secret organization of professional metahumans; and there are also many gifted person that one time or another have been part of these teams, of other that were in the past, like the All Ass Squadron, the Message Board Society, the Excelsior Seven, the Seven Soldiers of Virtual reality, and the Warriors, and that today try to live a normal life, ready to come back in action whenever the needs arose.
And, sadly, that need is near. Like some of the actors of this endless drama know, the very fabric of reality is about to be shattered by the final event. Ragnarok. Armageddon. The War of Light and Darkness.
Without being seen, or maybe only noticed by someone, many things have happened in the last months, and now the scene is ready, the player are in the right position. And the Darkness has done its first move.
The moment has been chosen perfectly.
Because TOMB has just disappeared, taken away from the present by a mysterious opponent.
The MBL is battling giant spiders running across Promethean City, spawned by the Colony, the alien exoskeleton that was in symbiosis with me when I was alive, and that now has merged with a little, deadly spider.
The Colony has seized control of some students of the TIAMAT Institute, among them Pete McLebovich, the secret son of Marc Campbell, the Moderator.
The Moderator, the powerful God that much times ago sat in the Courts of Light, and that since has fallen and vanished.
But the kid has power. Power to change reality, to send people across the Hyperboards.
And the Colony is using him to do that. The first victim has been The Indestructible Man, the most powerful metahuman living today on Earth. He has been sent to an Hyperboard which he visited time ago, very similar to the Antimatter Uniboard from which he come from. A reality where anarchy has overcome America, and he his battling the FlowerPower at the head of the Republican Underground. He, there, is happy. And the memories of his true reality, buried somewhere in his brain, can’t reach him.
And now, Pete is about to send each other MBLeaguer to a different Hyperboards, to leave free reign over Athanon for the Colony.
And while the MBL and the teachers and students of TIAMAT are running toward their end, in a different part of the Hyperboards, namely Hyperboard Sector 4992150.3c the Circles of Darkness are about to strike their first hit.
There, hell broke loose, at the order of Lucifer Vandross, a name that don’t hide the true nature of that powerful being, being him the Morningstar himself. And only the Junior Adventurer of the Message Boards are there, fighting Hell while their most powerful member, I-2, a future relative of the Indestructible man is missing, having traveled back to our present.
Confusing, do you think, oh illustrious reader?
Well, that’s nothing compared to what awaits us. So, if you are somewhat interested in the tale of how the end of the Message Board League will come, keep reading.
Wondrous things are looming over the horizon.