MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River
The two large steel doors slide open as Gooz walks through, I-2 a few steps behind. Walls all around in a circular motion are covered with monitors; feeds from all around the world. Red lights are flashing all over the place.
I-2: Woah...
Darkness has fallen all over the world, all light from the sun has been cut off. Riots have followed in many major cities; from New York all the way to Toyko. Weather patterns have become chaos; with snow falling over the desert. To make things even worse, small quakes have begun occuring all over the world.
I-2: Oh my God...
I-2 stops dead in his tracks at the sight of all the disasters. Gooz keeps on walking, using all of his willpower to block out the hell that is unfolding.
He has to concentrate.
A Small House - Athanon County
Winds raging over sixty miles an hour have begun to plow through anything in there path; including homes, roads, buildings, people... The winds are heading straight for a small white house. Three figures are standing by the cellar doors; a man, a woman and a baby girl.
The Woman: Just come inside, you willn't be able to stop it, please!
The Man: No, I have to try. I can't lose everything that I have worked for... This life, my home!
The Woman: I don't want to lose you.
The Man: I'll be right back.
He kisses the woman and hugs both her and his little girl.
The Man: I will, trust me...
He closes the cellar doors behind him, locking it tight. As he rushes in front of his home, we can see his long fury floppy ears and pink nose.
Captain Carrot will do anything to protect his new life.
MBL HQ, Med Lab - Power River
Lucky is sitting on a table, Bombshell is bandaging his wounds.
Lucky: Is this nessary? I mean I'm fine, Really.
Bombshell: [Yes. You should fix yourself up before attempting to fight again.]
Lucky: Why? I'm just gonna get more wounds and injuries.
Bombshell: [Yes. But you should fix yourself up before attempting to fight again.]
Lucky hits himself on the head and turns; seeing Speedy laying on one of the beds, wires hooking him upto a computer.
Lucky: What's wrong with him?
Bombshell: [Speedy? He is in a coma. He got shot at point blank rage a few months back.]
Lucky: Is he gonna be ok?
Bombshell: [Unknown. It is the risk that comes with the life of a hero. Pain. Death.]
Lucky: Yeah, tell me about it.
Small Apartment - Uptown, Thunder City
Out of nowhere; an Earthquake hits, rocking the building. Only 6 or so seconds later, its over, but the damage has been done. The walls are crumbling and falling over on themself.
Daniel was on the street just outside the building, trying to find reason for the sudden blackout. His apartment, hell, the whole apartment building was breaking apart.
Daniel: No.
Focusing all of his energy, he holds it in place. Giving some people time to escape. Then, another quake hits, knocking the hero off of his feet. He watches as the building, his home, collapses into a pile of rubble.
MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River
Gooz puts a device on his head and presses a few buttons on the computer. On the screen is a list of every 'known' superpowered individual from across the planet. From normal people to heroes and villains alike.
Gooz holds the side of his head as he sends out a powerful TK wave through the machine.
The time has come for everyone to show their worth to the world. My name is Gooz, I lead the Message Board League, today I ask you all for help...
City Streets - China
Police are all over attempting to break up riots. Fires are blazing all over the place. A man, known to the public as H20-Man, slides across the street putting out the wild fires. He then strikes hard throwing himself over the rioters, knocking them down, giving the poilce time to regroup.
...in fighting against a being, with the power to destroy all we hold dear. One that could destroy all hope for the future...
Empire State Building - New York City, New York
At the base of the building, the team of superheroes known as the Young Boarders are also attempting to stop a huge riot, formed when the sky blacked out. They are able to calm things up a little bit.
...and bring us into hell. A living hell for all of us. Without your help; the riots, death, extream weather, and havoc will ony get worse.
Maximum Security Prison - Germany
The guard known as the Energie, German for power, is forcing back escaped inmates with all of his superstrength. Switchblades are having no effect on the man's invulnerable skin. He knocks down man after man, not wanting anyone to escape.
Please, I ask for you to answer my call...
MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River
I-2 watches amazed by what is happening.
Thank you.
Gooz takes off the device and falls to one knee. I-2 helps him back up.
I-2: Woah, what you just did, all of that to fight the colony?
Gooz(weak): No. Something much bigger is coming... Something much worse...
Hours Eariler - Downtown, Thunder City
Darkness has fallen over Promethean City at only an hour past noon. An unnatural eclipse, appearing without a warning, a sign maybe of things to come. Huge Spiders, spawned by the Colony, are tearing up the downtown district, with only one force in their way, the Message Board League.
Gooz looks all around as the city gets darker, shadows engulf the sun. Pain cuts through him as he is all but torn apart by his own shadows, which are forcing there way out of his body. Blood seeps through his new open wounds, as the pain forces him to his knees.
For an instant he blacks out, waking up in an all white void. A blurred figure stands before him, a long black trench coat falls to the ground. A light purple haze is around the strangers body, a fedora covers the man's face.
"Mr. Stevens, the time is near. If you do not stop him, all the world will be taken into the hell you have promised to deticate your life to stop."
Gooz: You? Prometheus? Ry-Chard?
"Hell will rise. The boy. Pete McLebovich, the son of Marc Campbel, is the key. The Colony has risen, spreading throughout a city. Death will follow as you attempt to protect the next generation. You can only lead so far, others are needed. An angel will need to find his humanity to understand what must be done. Love will be taken away from he who needs it most, a god will be created at anothers death. This I warn you."
The stranger begins to fade away into the purple mist.
Gooz: Wait, who am I fighting?
"Prometheus X"
Then the stranger is fully gone. All turns black again. Gooz opens his eyes and attempts to get up, only to have the shadows rip him back down onto the ground.
Gooz watched as one by one the MBL and TIAMAT members vanished into thin air.