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Call me Eurostar. Some years ago-never mind how long precisely-I left Italy looking for a better life in the God blessed America, like many of my countrymen did before me, for two centuries.

But I had something than most of them didn’t have.

A gift.


Powers granted by the metagene.

I was a superhero.

I was the last of a lineage of misterymen and superheroes, spawned across the centuries. My father, Tailcoat Man, disappeared under mysterious circumstances, along with my mother, when I was a little kid.

I was adopted by the owner of a well-known restaurant in Bologna, northern Italy, Mr. Ciccio Cicciotto. I was given the name Edulcore, and began studying Classic Italian Cooking. But, in the night I was practicing my powers, and when I was seventeen, in the year 1984, some heroes from the future came to ask for my help.

I ended for a few time in the year 2001, at a sort of Institute for Young superheroes, called TIAMAT, and later I joined an even much more future team, JAMB.

But, even if I prolonged more and more my time in the future, every time I came back to my present.

Finally, I graduated, took the place of my adoptive father in the restaurant and also I stepped in the career of superhero, taking the heroing more and more seriously.

At the age of 32, I considered myself to be experienced enough to go to America to ask for a place in the World known Message Board League.

It was a short but incredible part of my life.

I battled the Antimoderator, Hate Assbury, Big Bob, alongside powerful heroes like Rypta Gud’n, Zod, Nowhereman, the Time Trust, the Indestructible Man, Theory 9 and many others, and I was proud to call them friends. I had an evil clone, and went into an incredible voyage in space, where I became the father founder of many civilization, gained an uncanny powerful morphing exoskeleton and found my father alive and well, stranded in the future.

But the most incredible thing that happened to me was an encounter with a villaines, called MeDuSa, that seduced me and gave me a son. A little boy with serpents planted on his head, just like his mother, but with a little, fatty and rounded face that put smile in every person that looked at him.

He was the Snake Headed Son.

I never had the chance to give him a real name, because a short time after, I died sacrificing myself to free the Message Board League from the Hyperboard Entity.

Jack Eimann took care of my son, placing him in the newly founded TIAMAT institute, at the same time my past self was brought from the past to join the students of the Institute.
I was dead, but soon the high powers of the Courts of Light, asked me, like many others died heroes, to join the angelic flocks battling the Basilisks Armada, the fleet of a demonic alien race, off the rim of the star system of Paraxus, at the other end of the Galaxy.

I was very brave, and after the victorious battle, Metatron, one of the seven Thrones of the Courts of Light, granted me a wish.

I asked to become a Guardian Angel for my kid, the Snake Headed Son.

And now I am here, with a new name, Edulcorael, between the walls of the TIAMAT building, watching over the safety of my son. And being an apprentice, for now, I am backed by Michael, a Guardian Angel much more experienced than me, even if he is only a boy.

But time works a little different for us angels.

I am here, watching over the safety of my son.

Others are watching over the safety of the whole world, and maybe of the whole Hyperboards, the endless line of similar, yet somewhat different realities, that crosses over and then diverges along the mysterious paths of the Time.

They are the Message Board League, the mighty assembly of heroes founded many years ago by the mysterious Mad’67, to battle the evil god Viper and many many villains, monsters and alien tyrants. Many heroes stepped to membership along the years, more than sixty different gifted beings brought their force, their courage and their wisdom to the team.
Lead since the foundation by the Rhymer, Dan E. Boy, after his heroic death battling and defeating his evil twin Happy Noodle Boy another powerful has taken his place, Gooz, the master of shadows, founding member of the now disbanded Seven Soldiers of the Virtual Reality.

But the worldwide known MBL is not the only team of heroes that protect the people from the horrible menaces that every day threaten the planet.

Maybe even more powerful of the MBL, but virtually unknown outside the small boundaries of the little European city of Mandelovia, are the Timeline Ordkeepers of the Message Boards, or, like they call themselves, TOMB. A group of strange people, outcasts, but most people would call them freaks, that cruise the Time and Space to keep safe the flowing of Reality

There are even less known groups, like JAMB, young people from across the Hyperboards that, living outside the timestream, controls the safety of the Hyperboards. And M.A.N., a secret organization of professional metahumans; and there are also many gifted person that one time or another have been part of these teams, of other that were in the past, like the All Ass Squadron, the Message Board Society, the Excelsior Seven, the Seven Soldiers of Virtual reality, and the Warriors, and that today try to live a normal life, ready to come back in action whenever the needs arose.

And, sadly, that need is near. Like some of the actors of this endless drama know, the very fabric of reality is about to be shattered by the final event. Ragnarok. Armageddon. The War of Light and Darkness.

Without being seen, or maybe only noticed by someone, many things have happened in the last months, and now the scene is ready, the player are in the right position. And the Darkness has done its first move.

The moment has been chosen perfectly.

Because TOMB has just disappeared, taken away from the present by a mysterious opponent.

The MBL is battling giant spiders running across Promethean City, spawned by the Colony, the alien exoskeleton that was in symbiosis with me when I was alive, and that now has merged with a little, deadly spider.

The Colony has seized control of some students of the TIAMAT Institute, among them Pete McLebovich, the secret son of Marc Campbell, the Moderator.

The Moderator, the powerful God that much times ago sat in the Courts of Light, and that since has fallen and vanished.

But the kid has power. Power to change reality, to send people across the Hyperboards.

And the Colony is using him to do that. The first victim has been The Indestructible Man, the most powerful metahuman living today on Earth. He has been sent to an Hyperboard which he visited time ago, very similar to the Antimatter Uniboard from which he come from. A reality where anarchy has overcome America, and he his battling the FlowerPower at the head of the Republican Underground. He, there, is happy. And the memories of his true reality, buried somewhere in his brain, can’t reach him.

And now, Pete is about to send each other MBLeaguer to a different Hyperboards, to leave free reign over Athanon for the Colony.

And while the MBL and the teachers and students of TIAMAT are running toward their end, in a different part of the Hyperboards, namely Hyperboard Sector 4992150.3c the Circles of Darkness are about to strike their first hit.

There, hell broke loose, at the order of Lucifer Vandross, a name that don’t hide the true nature of that powerful being, being him the Morningstar himself. And only the Junior Adventurer of the Message Boards are there, fighting Hell while their most powerful member, I-2, a future relative of the Indestructible man is missing, having traveled back to our present.

Confusing, do you think, oh illustrious reader?

Well, that’s nothing compared to what awaits us. So, if you are somewhat interested in the tale of how the end of the Message Board League will come, keep reading.

Wondrous things are looming over the horizon.

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Promethean City

Shadows, a shaded or darkened portion of a picture.

Darkness has fallen over Promethean City at only an hour past noon. An unnatural eclipse, appearing without a warning, a sign maybe of things to come. Huge Spiders, spawned by the Colony, are tearing up the downtown district, with only one force in their way, the Message Board League.

Things have gone from bad to a whole lot worse in just a few short minutes, which have felt like weeks. Gooz looks all around as the city gets darker, shadows engulf the sun. Pain cuts through him as he is all but torn apart by his own shadows, which are forcing there way out of his body. Blood seeps through his new open wounds, as the pain forces him to his knees.

Tobias catches his fallen leader out of the corner of his eye, not noticing a huge Spider only feet away. A shot rings across the battle field blowing the Spider apart, holding the smoking weapon is Doctor Quantum.

Doctor Quantum: You ok?

Tobias: Yeah, I'm fine. Gooz looks like he is in bad shape though.

Doctor Quantum: He'll be ok, just watch your back. These things seem to be multipling by the minut-

Before the good doctor could finish, three more Spiders were around the heroes.

Tobias: This is bad, real bad. We're gonna need a miracle to get out of this!

Elsewhere, Giovacchino and UUG were stuck in a corner. Giovacchino used his heat vision to keep the creatures back, but every second, they gained a step closer. UUG's forcefield would only hold up for so long.

UUG: Um, how do I call for back up?

Giovacchino: I think we were back up...

Disco-Steve and Smasher were both in trouble too, brused and bloody already. It would only be a short time before they would be taken fully out.

Gooz attempted to get up, only to have the shadows rip him back down onto the ground. He could only watch as his teammates and friends were getting battered and beat bloody. Through his blurred vision he saw two people appear in the middle of the street, a man with six arms and a young boy, Pete McLebovich.

Gooz watched as one by one the MBL and TIAMAT members vanished into thin air, saved from the deadly Spiders. Inadvertantly, the Colony had saved the heroes he wanted to be rid of. Maybe, just maybe, a piece of Eurostar's mind still exists within it.

The Colony remained, almost curious as to why Gooz was still in the street. Pete was crying, knowing that he might have just gotten rid of earth's last line of defense. The Colony lifted him off the ground and high into the air and pointed toward Gooz. Pete concentrated and attempted to send Gooz away, but it did not work. Something was anchoring Gooz on this world, not letting Pete's powers work on him. Fustrated, the Colony threw Pete to the ground and walked over to Gooz, the hundreds of Spiders all around the two.

They are gone. Only you remain. One man can not hope to stop what is approching. No one man can stop what is to come. It has been set in stone.

Then, as fast as the Spiders had multiplied, they were gone, back underground. The Colony, with Pete, was also gone, to parts unknown.

Gooz layed on the hard city street, rain starting to fall from above. His team gone, defeated. His body brused and broken.

Yet the one thought that occupied his mind, why was in dark in the afternoon?

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Tobias opened his eyes and saw he was lying in the street. He sat up and looked around at the city around him. Everything was decimated, and the sky was an evil red color.

"What the hell happened?" He thought as he stood up. "This isn't Promethean City, it's... Underwood."

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One minute before...

Max Yezpitelok is surrounded by at least 12 giant spiders.
"Oookay..." he says to himself, and then starts teleporting them away one by one, as they get closer to him.
Just when he starts enjoying the situation, he hears a noise behind him. He turns back, and sees a giant spider about to squash him.
One of his minds thinks about how fragile the human form he uses in this dimension is, and how uncomfortable would it be if it was killed.
The other minds think "I'm so fucking stupid..."
One second before the giant spider touches his head, he fades away.
"I did it again! I saved myself!" he thinks in the split moment it takes to "fade in".
"But I didn't do it! Someone else faded me away!" one of his other minds thinks.
"Uh-oh" he replies.

Somewhere else, on another Hyperboard...

Max opens his eyes.
"WHA!" he shouts.
A man dressed as a servant comes to him. There he realises he's sitting on some kind of throne.
As the last remains of his "previous" mind(s) fade away, he thinks "This is gonna be cool..."
Then, the servant says:
"Did you call for me... DOCTOR CHAOS?"

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What the hell happened? It feels like I was thrown across the freaking Hyperboards again.

Smasher gets to his feet and looks around, he is not in Promethean City any more.

Oh shit, no

He begins walking down the street, what at first appears to be a normal city street. He has traveled through many Hyperboards in the past, so this isn't too new for him. The best thing to do is try to fit in, find out about the recent history.

I have to get back to Daniel... He can't lose both his parents! I willn't let him.


At the sight of Smasher, a little child yelled, before running away.

What the-? That boy was hairy, almost like a big... monkey?

A few "men" ran out of a local store after the young "boy's" scream, all of them, huge monkeys...

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Call me Eurostar, as I said you before, even if Eurostar was the name I was known by when I was alive. Now, that I am dead and have became a Guardian Angel, my name is Edulcorael.

Anyway, I was telling you how the events in the Hyperboards are taking high velocity, heading toward the final cataclysm, the war that end all war. The War of Light and darkness.

Yesterday I told you what is happening to the various teams. Today I want to be more precise. Today I want to tell you about every player in this game.

A complicate task because there are so many heroes involved in this story. I will talk only about them. If I should speak also about the villains, the gods, the demons and the aliens that are taking place on the chessboard, it would take months. And months this story WILL take, to be told completely.

But for now, let’s take a look to everyone that is on the side of the angels.

First of them, the Indestructible Man, certainly the most powerful hero of this time. John Grey II, or Jack Eimann, like I knew him when I was alive, and taking orders from him in the MBL team that he leaded for some time.

Well, yesterday I explained you how Jack Eimann was thrown in an alternate Hyperboard by Pete McLebovich, one of the students of TIAMAT. What I didn’t said is that an unknown force has taken him from that place and brought him in ancient feudal Japan.

The same force has displaced most of the current members of TOMB across space and time.

Bibbo, Captain Nemo, LLance, Prometheus, Avatar, Mordecai, Danny and Shock have been scattered in various era, living a life that is different from their real one, yet somewhat interlaced with it.

Only the android Time Tryst and the crazy Joker1 have been spared this sort. And then, alerted by the Time Trust Infinity, have left the palace, and with the aid of Malvana, the woman of Prometheus, have gathered a TOMB rescue team composed of past and future members or of the group: Hero, Hourgirl, the Invisible Man, Boss Tweed, Tobias Christopher, Dagwood Foreman and Rypta Gud’n.

They are outside the reality. I couldn’t sense them anymore. I am not the one who can tell that story. I, like you, illustrious reader, have to wait to hear this story from the lips of someone other.

But a thing I can tell you. When Joker1 and the Time Tryst woke up after the party to discover that the others had disappeared, they were not, like they tough, the only one in the Mandelovian Palace. There was another one, closed in the bathroom, delving with the aftermath of the party itself. Not a member, nor, for now, an ally of the team. Only a guest, of which nobody seemed to remember.

A visiting mage from a distant dimension.


That now has left the bathroom, and wonders where everybody has gone.

On this side of the Ocean, the things are not simpler.

Down in the abandoned sections of the sewers of Promethean City, things have taken a fast curse.

I briefly mentioned Pete McLebovich before. He is now right at the side of the Colony, the six armed alien monster that is confronting the MBL. The Colony has captured Cheril Warden, the real mother of Pete.

The kid is forced to aid the monster, and now, he has performed his act over nearly all the players on the scene: four of the students of TIAMAT, friends of Pete, Edulcore Cicciotto, Eurostar, which is the younger time travelling version of myself, the cat powered girl, Lorelei, Tommy and the little Jason, the Utterly Useless Guy, or Avery, his true name, one of the current members of the MBL, Tobias Christopher, the uncle of Lucky, and Giovacchino, the supercat, both MBLeaguers , the newer student of TIAMAT, arrived just hours ago, the toy –lizard armed to the teeth, Igor JR, Doctor Quantum, the Golden Age inventor, Drax, the human dragon, Guy Smiley, Brickhouse, head of the Security Department of TIAMAT, the ex-MBLeaguer Smasher, Patrick Walker, now teacher at the TIAMAT institute, and Max Yezpitelok, ex-leaguer and teacher at TIAMAT.

The power of Pete has sent them in different parts of the Hyperboard. How will they regroup to find a way back here?

Only Gooz has remained to fight the Colony?

Well, he thinks so.

But, buried under a pile of rubble, there is the nephew of Tobias, Lucky, one of the students of TIAMAT.

And there is I-2, a future relative of the Indestructible Man, or of a parallel version of him. He came from the year 2020 looking for the Snake Headed Son, my son, that in his future would have been member of his team, JAMB. A member that would have betrayed his friends, being somewhat “possessed” by a minor demon. To save his friends from the demon, I-2 has traveled back in time, but something has gone bad, because he arrived years before his appointed time, in a year where the Snake Headed Son is not older than one year and a few months.

Now I-2, which has not found anyone at the MBL Headquarter, is walking toward the TIAMAT building looking for help.

Inside the TIAMAT Building, now without any warden, there are dozens of metahuman kids, at the mercy of the Colony.

High above in the atmosphere, falling straight from the moon toward our planet, an angel of a rank much more high than mine flies at full speed. He is the Changeling, another member of the MBL, which has disappeared a few days ago, like other members Sir Justin and Daniel Paige.

Meanwhile, across the Hyperboards, I-2’s comrades in the Junior Adventurers of the Message Boards, are facing Hell. Literally.

Under the name Lucifer Vandross, Morningstar is doing the first move on the chessboard of the War of Light and Darkness.

In front of him stand Joker2, the leader of JAMB, Igor JR, a parallel version of the Igor of TIAMAT, Super Sloth and the disillusioned and fat Hourlyquinn, while other members Crush and Jake, the Warrior Sprite, are held captive by the demonic forces.

Whew! I think I have finished. These are the forces on the field. Now we have to wait how the things will evolve from here.

Ah, I forgot one thing.

There is a powerful armada of reptilian aliens heading toward Earth. They are the Basilisks, the worshippers of the antigod Viper, the most powerful Lord of the Circles of Darkness, lieutenant of the Abyss itself.

‘nuff said!

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*Drake Marshall has no idea where he is. Well, that is to say he knows he's laying facedown on the ground. He just has no idea where this particular patch of ground is. He hears a voice in his head, this is the sort of thing that Drake would have once taken as a sign he was losing his sanity, but things have changed recently.*

DRAX: Drake! Get up!

Drake (mumbling): I don't wanna go to school today, dad. I feel sick.

DRAX: I'm not your father, I'm DRAX. You remember, don't you?

*Drake sits up and looks around. He appears to be in a forest of some sort.*

Drake: I know. I know. I was kidding. You need to get out more. Just where the heck are we?

DRAX: I don't know.

Drake: I wasn't expecting an answer to that question.

DRAX: Oh, sorry.

Drake: I'm going to try to find an open patch of ground so you can take off and get a look at our surroundings from the air.

DRAX: OK, you're the boss.

*Drake enters an open field.*

Drake: Here we go. Is there enough room for you to transform and take off here?

DRAX: Sure thing.

Drake: OK, then. Take over.

*DRAX takes control of Drake Marshall's body. As he does, the body changes radically. It becomes much bigger and takes on a very different shape. The neck grows much longer, the arms become front legs, a tail grows as do huge wings. The entire body is covered in white fur and the wings are covered in feathers of the same color. Now, the voice of Drake Marshall comes from inside DRAX's head.*

Drake: OK, now let's see if we can figure out where we are.


*DRAX lifts off.*

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"This is Underwood, but how?" Tobias thought. "The land was bulldozed and turned into a theme park five years ago."

He heard something as turned around. Nothing there. "Too weird." Tobias thought. Promethean City wasn't too far away, he could be there in an hour.

Just as he was about to start running, something hit him in the neck. A dart, and it was coated with something...

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Gooz gets up to his feet, shaking his head side to side, attempting to fix his blurred vision. He takes a deep breath and wipes the blood off his face with his ripped up shirt. He looks around, and still weak he opens a portal.

Before he steps through it, he sees movement in the near distance. He quickly makes his way toward it, finally seeing the arm of a young boy struggling to free himself from fallen rubble from the recent fight. Gooz grins his teeth and lifts the large stones off the young boy.

Gooz: Are you ok son?

Gooz helps the boy up, it is Lucky.

Gooz: Your Lucky right?

Lucky: Yeah, what happened? Where is Tobias?

Gooz: Everyone is gone, we failed.

Lucky: What do you mean...

Gooz: Come on, I'll take you back to the TIAMAT building.

Gooz opens a portal and they step through it. They step out in Jack's office, which is covered in web.

Gooz: This isn't good...

Sitting behind the desk, is the Colony. He turns and smiles. Gooz pushes Lucky behind him.

Welcome to my new home.

Oh no, the kids...

Gooz: Now why would you want this shit hole? Why do you think the MBL abandoned it years ago?

Nice try. But I like it here, feels like home. Don't worry about the children, I'll take good care of them. Very good care of them.

Lucky: NO!!!

Lucky runs at the Colony, Gooz barely has enough time to open a portal infront of him.

Gooz: This isn't over, I'll be back!

Gooz then jumps into the portal.

Lucky hits the grass infront of the TIAMAT building hard. Gooz hits the ground a few second later, he slowly gets to his feet, blocking out the pain from before hand.

Lucky: Why did you do that!?!

Gooz: He would have killed you with ease. Havn't you listened to anything Jack has been teaching you? Sometimes, you HAVE to regroup and plan. You and I alone have no chance against that monster...

Lucky: But... (tears fill his eyes) We have to do something... Can't just leave everyone there.

Lucky breaks down crying, Gooz sits down next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

Gooz: Look, everything will be ok. I just need a few minutes to think, we'll save them. We will. I promise.

Gooz quickly jumps to his feet and turns when he hears the sound of someone walking closer. Still weak from before, he tries to form his coat but can't.

Gooz: Who is there?

I-2 steps out of the darkness.

Gooz: Jack?

I-2: No, I... Well, I'm his son from the future. I came back in time looking for the MBL and the Snake Headed Son. I have a warning from the future.

Gooz: Well, (Gooz points toward Lucky) we are the MBL, what's left of the MBL anyhow. The Snake Headed Son is stuck in the Institute with a lot of other children. It has been taken over by a villain of invincible power. I'm sorry but your warning is gonna have to wait, because things can't get much worse.

I-2: Well than, I guess that means I'm here to help...

Gooz: Good, we can use some extra power. I have a plan to save the children, but it might take some time. We should head back to the HQ.

The shadows form another portal; that Lucky walks through, Gooz then signs for I-2 to do the same. Gooz looks back at the Institute one last time, before doing the same.

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*Tommy Kerr slowly wakes up. Somehow, he senses something moving toward him. Something that doesn't want him to know it's coming. Doing his best t stay as quiet as possible, He quickly takes in his surroundings. Heis surrounded by tall grass and it's very, very hot. He hears a slight rustling in the grass moving toward him. he gets a strong impressing that the thing moving toward him could mean trouble, so he uses one of his powers to turn himself intangible.

Thomas Nathaniel Kerr, or Tommy N. Kerr has recently adopted the code name of Tommyknocker and he has metahuman powers that make him, for all practical purposes, a living ghost. He's been learning to use these powers at TIAMAT. Lucky for him, because just then a huge shape appears and lunges toward him in the tall grass. The shape is huge and feline and orange with black stripes.*

Tommy: OhmyGodthere'satigerafterme!

*The tiger doesn't seem to take in the fact that it just went right through what it was planning to make its dinner. It does seem confused when Tommy disappears. It tries to find him again, but to no avail and wanders away.*

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Disco Steve came to his senses. He was lying down in the street. He turned his head to look around quickly.
"Where the hell am I? Japan?" he thought as he noticed the symbols that he could sorta read.
Then he noticed the man standing over him about to stab him with a sword, screaming something in Japanese.
"Uh... Dare desu ka?" Disco asked, saying one of the few sentences he can make in Japanese right before his memory was replaced by the memory of another.
"You know who I am! I am Warlord! And now you shall die!" the man said right before he was ent flying by an energy blast.
"Why did I say that?" Disco asked himself as he stood up.
"You okay, Disco?" a man in silver armor asked him as he lowered his arm, which bore an energy blaster of some sort.
"Yeah, Speedy-San," Disco replied.
Then he saw the others fighting Warlord all at once. Rypta Gud'n. Eurostar. Joker1. FlashXIII. Darkknight. Time Trust. Indestructible Man. Digigrrl. The MBL: Tokyo's resident superhero team!

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MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River

The two large steel doors slide open as Gooz walks through, I-2 a few steps behind. Walls all around in a circular motion are covered with monitors; feeds from all around the world. Red lights are flashing all over the place.

I-2: Woah...

Darkness has fallen all over the world, all light from the sun has been cut off. Riots have followed in many major cities; from New York all the way to Toyko. Weather patterns have become chaos; with snow falling over the desert. To make things even worse, small quakes have begun occuring all over the world.

I-2: Oh my God...

I-2 stops dead in his tracks at the sight of all the disasters. Gooz keeps on walking, using all of his willpower to block out the hell that is unfolding.

He has to concentrate.

A Small House - Athanon County

Winds raging over sixty miles an hour have begun to plow through anything in there path; including homes, roads, buildings, people... The winds are heading straight for a small white house. Three figures are standing by the cellar doors; a man, a woman and a baby girl.

The Woman: Just come inside, you willn't be able to stop it, please!

The Man: No, I have to try. I can't lose everything that I have worked for... This life, my home!

The Woman: I don't want to lose you.

The Man: I'll be right back.

He kisses the woman and hugs both her and his little girl.

The Man: I will, trust me...

He closes the cellar doors behind him, locking it tight. As he rushes in front of his home, we can see his long fury floppy ears and pink nose.

Captain Carrot will do anything to protect his new life.

MBL HQ, Med Lab - Power River

Lucky is sitting on a table, Bombshell is bandaging his wounds.

Lucky: Is this nessary? I mean I'm fine, Really.

Bombshell: [Yes. You should fix yourself up before attempting to fight again.]

Lucky: Why? I'm just gonna get more wounds and injuries.

Bombshell: [Yes. But you should fix yourself up before attempting to fight again.]

Lucky hits himself on the head and turns; seeing Speedy laying on one of the beds, wires hooking him upto a computer.

Lucky: What's wrong with him?

Bombshell: [Speedy? He is in a coma. He got shot at point blank rage a few months back.]

Lucky: Is he gonna be ok?

Bombshell: [Unknown. It is the risk that comes with the life of a hero. Pain. Death.]

Lucky: Yeah, tell me about it.

Small Apartment - Uptown, Thunder City

Out of nowhere; an Earthquake hits, rocking the building. Only 6 or so seconds later, its over, but the damage has been done. The walls are crumbling and falling over on themself.

Daniel was on the street just outside the building, trying to find reason for the sudden blackout. His apartment, hell, the whole apartment building was breaking apart.

Daniel: No.

Focusing all of his energy, he holds it in place. Giving some people time to escape. Then, another quake hits, knocking the hero off of his feet. He watches as the building, his home, collapses into a pile of rubble.

MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River

Gooz puts a device on his head and presses a few buttons on the computer. On the screen is a list of every 'known' superpowered individual from across the planet. From normal people to heroes and villains alike.

Gooz holds the side of his head as he sends out a powerful TK wave through the machine.

The time has come for everyone to show their worth to the world. My name is Gooz, I lead the Message Board League, today I ask you all for help...

City Streets - China

Police are all over attempting to break up riots. Fires are blazing all over the place. A man, known to the public as H20-Man, slides across the street putting out the wild fires. He then strikes hard throwing himself over the rioters, knocking them down, giving the poilce time to regroup. fighting against a being, with the power to destroy all we hold dear. One that could destroy all hope for the future...

Empire State Building - New York City, New York

At the base of the building, the team of superheroes known as the Young Boarders are also attempting to stop a huge riot, formed when the sky blacked out. They are able to calm things up a little bit.

...and bring us into hell. A living hell for all of us. Without your help; the riots, death, extream weather, and havoc will ony get worse.

Maximum Security Prison - Germany

The guard known as the Energie, German for power, is forcing back escaped inmates with all of his superstrength. Switchblades are having no effect on the man's invulnerable skin. He knocks down man after man, not wanting anyone to escape.

Please, I ask for you to answer my call...

MBL HQ, Monitor Room - Power River

I-2 watches amazed by what is happening.

Thank you.

Gooz takes off the device and falls to one knee. I-2 helps him back up.

I-2: Woah, what you just did, all of that to fight the colony?

Gooz(weak): No. Something much bigger is coming... Something much worse...

Hours Eariler - Downtown, Thunder City

Darkness has fallen over Promethean City at only an hour past noon. An unnatural eclipse, appearing without a warning, a sign maybe of things to come. Huge Spiders, spawned by the Colony, are tearing up the downtown district, with only one force in their way, the Message Board League.

Gooz looks all around as the city gets darker, shadows engulf the sun. Pain cuts through him as he is all but torn apart by his own shadows, which are forcing there way out of his body. Blood seeps through his new open wounds, as the pain forces him to his knees.

For an instant he blacks out, waking up in an all white void. A blurred figure stands before him, a long black trench coat falls to the ground. A light purple haze is around the strangers body, a fedora covers the man's face.

"Mr. Stevens, the time is near. If you do not stop him, all the world will be taken into the hell you have promised to deticate your life to stop."

Gooz: You? Prometheus? Ry-Chard?

"Hell will rise. The boy. Pete McLebovich, the son of Marc Campbel, is the key. The Colony has risen, spreading throughout a city. Death will follow as you attempt to protect the next generation. You can only lead so far, others are needed. An angel will need to find his humanity to understand what must be done. Love will be taken away from he who needs it most, a god will be created at anothers death. This I warn you."

The stranger begins to fade away into the purple mist.

Gooz: Wait, who am I fighting?

"Prometheus X"

Then the stranger is fully gone. All turns black again. Gooz opens his eyes and attempts to get up, only to have the shadows rip him back down onto the ground.

Gooz watched as one by one the MBL and TIAMAT members vanished into thin air.

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In another board all together...

Jake the Warrior Sprite was running from the demons who on his trail. He'd managed to avoid them for the moment, but didn't know how much longer he could avoid them.

"Why hasn't anyone come looking for me?" Jake wondered as he approached the Klone Dome, but one of the demons grabbed him.

The creature was burning his arms. "I wish I was in another world." Jake yelled without thinking as he vanished into thin air...

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Call me Eurostar, or Edulcorael, if you prefer.

What were we talking about?

Ah, yes. Pete McLebovich, at the orders of the Colony, has sent every MBLeaguer, plus the teachers and some students of TIAMAT across the Hyperboards, and only Gooz remains here to defend Promethean City. I will take a look at this scene later.

For now, I want to tell you were some of the MBLeaguers have been stranded. Especially the two which are somewhat tied to me. Giovacchino the supercat, a superpowered tabby that before my death was my pet, and the young Eurostar, that is actually me, when I was seventeen, brought to the present some time ago by the Time Trust, the Indestructible Man and Dan E. Boy.

Oh, but first I have to tell you another thing, about TOMB. They have come back from the adventure outside the timestream, only to find that time is going haywire around them. But maybe it is not really as it seems. I can’t tell anything more, for now. Only that Ghaleon has been admitted into the team, and that they can’t, for now, come to the rescuing of Athanon County.

Well, time to tell what happened to my cat and to my younger self.

Giovacchino has just opened his eyes over the new reality where he has been thrown in. The sky is completely red, there are rubble around him, and a rusty sign saying Underwood.

The familiar smell of Tobias Christopher arrives at the nose of the supercat….

That’s all, for now.

The young Eurostar, on the other hand, finds himself in the sea, shaken by big waves. In the dark, cloudy sky, passes a V formation of flying beings. “Are they birds?” thinks Edulcore, trying to keep his head outside the water.

Then the flying beings pass right over the young Eurostar, without noticing him.

They have big, membranous wings, like the ones of thebats, long, narrow tail, human bodies and long horns planted on the heads.

“Demons?!” wonders Edulcore. “Oh mamma!”

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Tobias opened his eyes, but couldn't move. He was chained down, and whatever was on that dart weakened him, which meant no speed for the time being.

"This is some nightmare." Tobias said as he looked around. It was dark, like a cave. He could something, or things, moving around him.

"Who's there?" Tobias asked. "Show yourselves!"

"If you insist." A voice said as a large, green mutant stepped into what little light there was. "Welcome to... Mutopolis."
"Underwood?" Giovacchino said. "The place that was destroyed when that power plant exploded, but how? Tobias said it didn't exist any more."

The cat picked up his friend's scent and followed it, but came up with nothing. "He should be right here." Giovacchino said. "Unless he's... underground?"

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California, One Mile Outside Hollywood…

Vidallia Owens sat looking out her window at the destruction that took place outside her window. Hollywood was in flames, but her mind was elsewhere.

“Did you hear that?” Owens asked her roommate, former Hollywood make-up artist Blossom Tanner.

“Hear what?” Blossom asked, looking up from her armory of billiard balls, pool cues, skis, and tennis rackets.

“I dunno,” Owens said, scratching her head. “Sounded like a guy asking for help from something.” Shrugging her shoulders, she opened the refrigerator, pulling out anything that could make a dent. She emerged with two full egg cartons, a whole watermelon, a bottle of peach schnappes, and a mayonnaise jar. “This enough?” she asked Blossom again.

“It’ll have to be,” the woman in bell bottoms and large thick glasses said. Her long hair and tendency to go “retro” made it obvious that she had been a later addition to the “peace-love” generation. Vidallia didn’t know much of her past – not even her real name. She came to Hollywood to act, covering her odd green skin with makeup, one of the reasons she had Blossom as a roomie.

Only problem in living with a hippie… Owens decided as she opened her window and began throwing eggs at the wild rioters on her street. No firearms…

Though her mind was totally focused at the task at hand, two separate thoughts tugged at the back of her mind. One, her past. The other, the man. Asking. Pleading. Needing her help.

If only there was something she could do...

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Igor had no idea what was going on. Just a few minutes ago, he was doing battle with a large group of bizarre spider-thingies and the next… well, he wasn’t quite sure where he was.

The scenery changed around him completely. Suddenly, he was standing before a large crowd, lights of all colors and intensities blaring on him. The roar of the people before him was deafening, especially due to his external reptilian eardrums. Clearing his throat, he barked an order to his armor.

“Armor: retract battle mode. Activate eardrum sensitivity gear.”

“Acknowledged.” his armor chirped, replacing his gun and launchers with two round cylinders blocking out all sound over 120 decibels.

“What the…?” Igor began to mutter as a man dressed in tattered leather vest, tight pants, chains galore, and purple mohawk-ed hair approached him. The man spoke in a gruff British accent.

“Hey, man!” the guy said, scratching his exposed chest. “What’s the big idea, barging onto the stage like that in the middle of a concert?"

“A what?” Igor said, not believing his ears.

“We’re the band Mucus Creek and you’re totally ruining our show!” the man said, emphatically pointing at the drummer and bass player who sat in the background, looking at the odd reptile who had just shown up.

“I can play guitar,” Igor said slowly, trying to sound convincing. He really did play, everything from classical to classic rock, but didn’t know if he’d be needed… and was afraid to think what would happen if he wasn’t.

“Blimey!” the man said, smacking his purple head with his hand. “You’re Hector’s replacement, then, eh?”

“Uh… yeah! Yeah, that’s me!” Igor said, relieved.

“Well, c’mon over, then, mate!” he said, leading Igor, before the thousands of screaming fans, to the left side of the stage. “Here’s your equipment, then. Name’s Rik. What’s yours?”

“Uh… Igor,” the boy reptile said.

“Great to know you, Igor!” Rik said, snapping his fingers and strutting over the microphone. “LADIES AND GENTS! I’D LIKE YOU TO MEET THE NEWEST MEMBER OF MUCUS CREEK! ON THE GUITAR, PLEASE WELCOME… IGOR!”

“Oh, boy…” Igor muttered to himself, clicking the guitar onto the holster he had made specifically for the electric guitar. “What have I gotten myself into now?”


Boards away, Igor Jr. stared pensively at the screens before him. Looking up at Joker2, he shook his head.

“Nope,” he sighed. “The Klone Dome reference logs don’t have any information about anyone by the name of Lucifer Vandross.”

“Crap,” Joker2 muttered, spinning around as fast as he could in his “captain’s chair”.

“Whoa!” Super Sloth said, holding up his hands at his console.

“What?” Joker2 asked, as he stopped his spinning.

“Those demons are really ripping away…” the Sloth muttered. “We’ve got a hull breach in Sectors 12 and 27….”

“Alright, guys,” the clown said, dizzily rubbing his hands through his green hair. “We’ve got a problem and as of right now, I can think of no way to…”

“Whoa! Hold it right there!” Igor screamed, pointing to the external sensory screen.

“What now?” Joker2 said, racing over to Igor’s console.

“I’ve got two distinct Hyperboard variance signatures here,” the reptile said, indicating two closely related points on his screen. “One indicates an exit from this Board and one indicates and entrance.”

“Entrance?” Joker2 asked as Super Sloth came up from behind. “Friend or foe?”

“No idea,” Igor shrugged. “Wanna send out a probe and find out?”

Joker2 scratched his chin for a second, pondering (something he rarely enjoyed doing – so he rarely did it).

“Send out the probe, Eeg,” J2 said authoritatively. Igor Jr. nodded, pressing a button that released a small metal sphere from it’s holster in the bowels of the Klone Dome towards an as of now unsuspecting Eurostar.

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Year 2025, another Hyperboard...

Like Disco Steve's, Mister Mxypltk's mind was replaced with the one of his conterpart in this Hyperboard when he got there. He now makes decitions he would never make, becuase he feels that is what he would do.

Sitting on a throne on his palace, he looks from his enormous window at the dark blue sky, and the city beneath it. A city he (or a parallel version of himself) buildt. A bizarre city, with twisted constructions filled with human slaves that make it work.
The world is full of cities like this one. Nothing stopped him. Noone stopped him. 15 years ago he got rid of every hero that would represent a threat to his plan, in an effective way...

Servant: Sir...? Doctor Chaos...?

His thoughts are interrupted by the voice of his servant. He looks at him, angry.

Chaos: YES?

Servant: I... uh... have news for you... sir.

Chaos: Good news, I trust.

Servant: I'm afraid th-they-they... no, sir.

Chaos: What are you waiting for? Speak!

Servant: I-It's about Nowhereman and his group, sir...

That was the last thing he was expecting to hear... He gets more upset.

Chaos: How is that possible? I thought you said they were dead...

Servant: I-I-I... they are not, sir... Aparently, they survived the explosion of their headquarters...

Chaos: I see... and how do you know this...?

Servant: Buh-Because they...

Chaos: They what...?

Servant: ...they destroyed one of the plants near the city...

Chaos: THEY WHAT??

The servant looks at the floor. His head is shaking.

Chaos: That wasn't a rethoric question, I didn't hear. What did they destr--

A big explosion coming from the city interrupts him. He looks from his window and sees a plant exploding.

Chaos: Ooooh...

Chaos puts his hand in chin and starts thinking. His servant starts calming down, seeing that he's not that angry. He has seen him when he's really angry... he has punished people for doing less than telling him ad news.

Chaos: We must take a fast course of action to get rid of those damn rebelds.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos (stands up and starts walking around the room): Tell the M and Y teams to go to the remains of the plant, in case they are still there.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: Tell teams Z, T, L and P to watch the remaining plants, in case they go there.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: Tell teams X and K to try to find them outside the city... thye must have their new HQ there, after what happened to the old one...

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: And tell the guard outside this gate to kill you.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: That'd be all. Leave.

Servant: Yes, sir. Uh-- wait... y-you said...?

The servant looks at Chaos' disturbingly calmed face, and thinks about the ways he could punish him.

Servant: Y-Yes... sir.

The servant leaves, thinking about how lucky he is to recieve such small punishment.

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Year 2025, another Hyperboard...

Like Disco Steve's, Mister Mxypltk's mind was replaced with the one of his conterpart in this Hyperboard when he got there. He now makes decitions he would never make, becuase he feels that is what he would do.

Sitting on a throne on his palace, he looks from his enormous window at the dark blue sky, and the city beneath it. A city he (or a parallel version of himself) buildt. A bizarre city, with twisted constructions filled with human slaves that make it work.
The world is full of cities like this one. Nothing stopped him. Noone stopped him. 15 years ago he got rid of every hero that would represent a threat to his plan, in an effective way...

Servant: Sir...? Doctor Chaos...?

His thoughts are interrupted by the voice of his servant. He looks at him, angry.

Chaos: YES?

Servant: I... uh... have news for you... sir.

Chaos: Good news, I trust.

Servant: I'm afraid th-they-they... no, sir.

Chaos: What are you waiting for? Speak!

Servant: I-It's about Nowhereman and his group, sir...

That was the last thing he was expecting to hear... He gets more upset.

Chaos: How is that possible? I thought you said they were dead...

Servant: I-I-I... they are not, sir... Aparently, they survived the explosion of their headquarters...

Chaos: I see... and how do you know this...?

Servant: Buh-Because they...

Chaos: They what...?

Servant: ...they destroyed one of the plants near the city...

Chaos: THEY WHAT??

The servant looks at the floor. His head is shaking.

Chaos: That wasn't a rethoric question, I didn't hear. What did they destr--

A big explosion coming from the city interrupts him. He looks from his window and sees a plant exploding.

Chaos: Ooooh...

Chaos puts his hand in chin and starts thinking. His servant starts calming down, seeing that he's not that angry. He has seen him when he's really angry... he has punished people for doing less than telling him ad news.

Chaos: We must take a fast course of action to get rid of those damn rebelds.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos (stands up and starts walking around the room): Tell the M and Y teams to go to the remains of the plant, in case they are still there.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: Tell teams Z, T, L and P to watch the remaining plants, in case they go there.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: Tell teams X and K to try to find them outside the city... thye must have their new HQ there, after what happened to the old one...

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: And tell the guard outside this gate to kill you.

Servant: Yes, sir.

Chaos: That'd be all. Leave.

Servant: Yes, sir. Uh-- wait... y-you said...?

The servant looks at Chaos' disturbingly calmed face, and thinks about the ways he could punish him.

Servant: Y-Yes... sir.

The servant leaves, thinking about how lucky he is to recieve such small punishment.

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"Mutopolis?" Tobias asked. "Where is that?"

"Directly underneath Underwood. When the plant exploded, the fallout mutated what people that never evacuated the city." The creature said.

"Wait a minute." Tobias said. "There was an amusement park built over the land. What happened to it?"

"Amusement park?" The creature laughed. "Such a place would never be allowed under his rule."

"Whose rule?" Tobias asked.

"His." The creature said as he sank back into the darkness.
Giovacchino was trying to find a way underground. Tobias was down there, and he's in trouble, he could sense it.

"There has to be a sewer duct somewhere." The cat said as he noticed another familiar scent. "That's odd. It's like Tobias is in two different places."

The cat followed the scent down the street. There was something buried under the years of dust and debris. Giovacchino started digging when he finally came across a dog tag.

"Property of Tobias Christopher?" The cat read. "But how-" He started digging some more until he came across something he'd hoped he'd never have to see. It was a skeleton. The skeleton of Tobias Christopher...

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The basement of the MBL HQ...

For more than a year, a hero that was only a hero in the mind of an imp, has been stored in this place. He was bought by I-man in a flea market, to make Mister Mxypltk stop asking him to send him more members for his MBLI.
His name is Nobody Else, founding MBLI member.
In the belt of this fake hero, lies a MBL buzzer, that now buzzes for the first time, and shows Gooz's message.
The time has come for everyone to show their worth to the world. My name is Gooz, I lead the Message Board League, today I ask you all for help...
As soon as Gooz says "help", a weird little light comes out of Nobody Else's cotton filled body, and starts going in circles around his body. When it gets to his head, it starts growing and growing, until the whole room is filled with light. Then, it goes away, leaving the room exactly like it was before, except for one object...

Nobody Else: Oh, man, what a headache...

Nobody Else stands up, and strats scratching his head.

Nobody Else: Wait... I can talk?

He stands motionless for a second.

Nobody Else: I can talk! And I can move!

He starts jumping around the room.

Nobody Else: And I can think! At least I think I can think... But, how is this possible? I'm suppoused to be nothing but a big doll...

Then, he remembers... About one year ago, when the MBLI was closed...

Mxy: I'm guess I'm gonna stay with you guys now...
I-Man: Yeah, I guess you are...
Mxy: And what's gonna happen to Walter? and to Nobody Else?
I-Man: Walter's going back to the circus... and Nobody Else is in the basement.
Mxy: In the basement?? Why?
I-Man: He, uh, he's sick... he has to stay in the basement. Doctor's orders.
Mxy: I can heal him!
I-Man: Uh... you shouldn't do that... you see, he told me... before this whole thing... that if anything ever happened to him, he shouldn't be healed by magical conditions... because it's unnatural... and he comes from a very conservative family... yeah, that's it.
Mxy: Oh. But... he's an hero! What if he's ever needed? Isn't his responsability to do as much as he can to save people?
I-Man: I'm sorry, Mxy. His family could sue us if we dissobey his wishes. And we might have a great lawyer on our side, Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, but we don't wanna go to court.
Mxy: OK, I see... Can I... Can I say goodbye to him...?
I-Man: Of course, he's down there...
I-Man walked away, sighing, as Mxy went down to the basement...
Mxy (with one of his hands on Nobody Else's body): Listen to me, old friend... If you are ever needed, you shall come back to life!
When he finishes that sentence, he puts a light inside Nobody Else's body, the same light that came out of it moments ago.

Nobody Else: That must mean I'm now needed! Watch out, evil-doers, cause Nobody Else is back!

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"Forget it." Howard said. "The Warriors disbanded, remember?"

"We all got that call for help." Grover replied. "We have to go into battle one more time."

"Even if it is just the four of us." Jesse said. "Tobias and Lucky are in Promethean City, which means we have to help them."

"Let's go." Howard said as he grabbed Andy and flew into the sky. Jesse ignited his flame powers and flew off as Grover found his special pair of "tennis" shoes and ran for Promethean City.

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Tokyo, Japan:

Warlord, being a minor threat, was taken down by the MBL quickly. After being taken into custody by the police, the MBL returned to their headquarters.
The building was like any other 22 story building in Tokyo, but it bore the official MBL logo in front.

Disco was at the back of the group of superheroes that walked into the building. He looked into the gift shop as he walked by, as he always did, checking out the Disco Steve souvenirs.
Whoa... that's me... he thought as he greeted Sakuya, the cute secretary and waved at the tour group.
He entered the meeting room and sat at the chair that bore his name plate on the back.

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'The End is near' read the sign of one grizzled old man who had come in to buy a drink, but he paid, so his philosophy didn't really phase Joe McGregor all that much.

Of course, once the sky turned black and word came that the MBL was missing, then he felt a chill as he thought back to the patron's propoganda.

The bartender at the Ace o' Yahoo Clubs took advantage of the quiet time to clean up the bar. However as he watched the news, he realized that he had to do something. Not all the patrons of the bar were members of the MBL. Maybe if he could find some aid for the remaining heros, the nagging guilt in the back of his mind would stop.

Hopefully Bibbo wouldn't mind if he closed the place early. He had closed up early before, though the reason escaped his mind. This time though was surely a good excuse to do so.

Flipping the sign to 'Closed - out saving the world' (Bibbo had a sense of humor), Joe locked the door and went out into the chaos.

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Someplace else...

Dev was straining his powers to their limit. The Shadows had been attacking Europe for days now. This was one of the LMB's last lines of defense. Part of that was due to Dev's Daxamite abilities. The problem being, he was only half Daxamite, the other half was Durlan. He didn't know how much more he could take.

His eyes hurt from the constant use of his heat vision. His mind was tired from lack of sleep.

"I've gotten the main group of Shadows gone. Only smaller pockets are left" Dev said into his communicator. He flew around for another pass. "I'm going to have to rest soon, I'm about done."

"You should be able to get a breather here soon. We have most of Europe secured from these things, aand barriing another wave showing up, we should get a small break." Brian (aka Seahorse, the current leader of the LMB) said.

Faraway Lad was moving back towards Brian, as he had secured the area to the south. "C'mon Dev," he said, "just a few more passes, and we should be good for a rest."

"Great. I need the rest. He scanned the countryside, that was when he noticed it. The shadows were coming up on Brian .

He didn't see them, and they were almost on top of him.

"BRIAN!!!" Dev screamed as he raced towards his friend. "Get Down!" There was no time for finesse here. He had to go full throttle at them, and hope that he'd survive.

Brian looked up and saw Dev flying at him at a high rate of speed, a fury filing his eyes. "Oh...Lord" was all the Brian managed to say before Dev was flying past him, into a group of the shadow demons. >blink<

"Dev!" Faraway Lad was screaming as he reached Seahorse, but it was too late. Dev was gone.

"Oh," Seahorse said as he regained his footing with the help of Faraway, "this is bad, really bad."

"He just blinked out after he hit the shadows." Faraway said as he ran up to Seahorse.

They stood there, back to back, alone against the shadow demons.

Greybird flew in from what seemed like nowhere. "C'mon, Lardy has a plan."

They left to try one last attempt to save their beloved planet

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

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Call me Eurostar, you should know it by now.

Well, things are going amazingly fast, don't you think?

The truth is, the End is really near. Soon we will take a look at the sky and at the underground, so to speak. For now, I will keep my eyes focused over the persons which are more dear to me.

The first person is, obviously, my son. Prisoner of the Colony, just like all the others students, caged into the building tied up in webs strong as steel ropes.
The older boys and girls try to keep calm the younger ones, while the strongest of them uses their power to find a way out of the palace. But the mutated spiders covers the building like bees on honey. For now my baby sleeps, while Sereena, the invisible girl, put the bottle of his milk to warm up. Good girl, Gob bless you.

The second person could be a surprise for you. He is no one other than the Colony itself. The horrible monster, like some of you should know, was some time ago, my body. Sometime I called it an exoskeleton, but it was more than that.

My original body meddled with the colony of microscopical superbeings after I accidentaly destroyed their little planet, really a chunk of rock floating in space.

The millions of beings did a symbiosis with my body, and granted me uncanny powers. But when my old nemesis, Doktor Klone, stole the Colony, I did became a ghost.

Well, all of this to say that something of myself is still inside the Colony. Call it a piece of soul, a brain pattern, an immortal mind... whatever it is, is concentrated into one single cell/superbeing that form the alien monster.

It is called Micromino, and it was the leader of the population of minuscular superbeings. Now he is held prisoner by the spider that entered and took control of the whole Colony.

The key to defeat the monster lies in him.

Ah, Michael, my superior, has just come back from Heaven with news. I will make you apart of them soon.

Back to what I was saying.

The third person I want to talk about is not a true person, is my cat.

He has been stranded, it seems, in the same Hyperboard where Tobias has ended up.

He has just found a skeleton. Let's hear what he is thinking.

"This is the skeleton of Tobias Christopher" thinks Giovacchino, "the only problem is that the Tobias I know has been reborn with the body of an other person. So, this is either the skeleton of the original body of Tobias, or I am in a parallel Hyperboard, and this is a parallel version of Tobias. Being this Underwood, and being Underwood destroyed, now I'm sure in a parallel Hyperboard. And Tobias, the real Tobias is here".

Giovacchino begins to search for a way to the sewers, when a big shadow falls over him. He turns back, and....

Suspence, eh. Well, I know how the entertain you, don't you think? We'll see what happened to Giovacchino tomorrow.

The last person to keep tabs on, at last for me, is myself. Well, my younger self, the seventeen years old Eurostar that has ended into the Earth of Hyperboard Sector 4992150.3c, where Hell is taking over the planet, just like here on our Earth, as TOMB is about to discover.

Eurostar is floating in the Athanon gulf, the big bay that occupy much of Athanon County, the rural country that here, in the year 2020 is nearly totally deserted.

"What's that" whispers Eurostar, seeing a strange metal sphere levitating just above him. Then the sphere emits a green ray, which sucks Eurostar inside.

After a few minute, the sphere opens.

The eyes of Eurostar take a few moments to adapt to the bright environment. It's a strangely shaped room, with many organic metal pipes crossing the walls. In front of him stands two young people, one with the make up of a clown, but with a deadly serious looks, the other is a small humanoid lizard wearing a futuristic armor.

The clown open his eyes, amazed, and say: "I can't believe it! Are you really... Eurostar?"

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A prison in Mandelovia...

*A man sits in his cell, he's mumbling to himself.*

Prisoner: Stupid magic elf guy buying a stupid fruity drink shattering my stupid armor...

*Suddenly, three more figures are in the room. One is huge and wolflike in appearance, another is a large man with mechanical arms and the third is a smallish man in a lab coat, his hair is messy and he has a crazy look in his eyes, which are covered by thick glasses.*

Prisoner: Huh? Wha?

Lab coat guy: Surely you recognize me, for I am the one who created and gave to you your Robitically Articulated Manned Protective Assault Gear Exoskeleton, allowing a petty criminal like yourself to become the supervillain RAMPAGE!

RAMPAGE: Oh, it's you, uh do you got another suit? The other one was kinda shattered by a magic elf warrior guy.

Lab coat guy: Indeed I do! For Tommy Evil prepares for all situations!

RAMPAGE: Uh, OK. Who are dese other guys?

Tommy Evil: Ah, yes you haven't met my other creations! My wolflike lackey is a genetics experiment! His intelligence is low, but he's physically unstoppable! He is Attempt W! The cyborg is a man I enhanced using my astounding intellect! I turned a mere mugger into a fighter without equal! He is Taserfist! Now, come with us RAMPAGE!

RAMPAGE: Uh, where are we going?

Tommy Evil: To help the MBL! None save Tommy Evil shall know the pleasure of grinding the Earth beneath their heel! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Taserfist: Let's do it already! I've got a sandwich card that's about to expire!

Attempt W: ME...LIKE...SAND...SAND...WICH.

Tommy Evil: Then we shall leave this place and go to the MBL's headquarters, where they have no choice but to greet us with open arms! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!

*All four of them vanish.*

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Another Hyperboard, two days after our last visit...

"They what??" Doctor Chaos, a.k.a. Mister Mxypltk yells at one of his warriors through the comunicator.

Warrior: Nowhereman and his group! The TEAM MBL! They --SQUAAACK-- are here!

Chaos: Damn it! Listen carefully, I want you to--


Chaos looks at the now useless comunicator and destroys it with his hand.
He sits in his throne in the last floor of his castle.

"Nowhereman and his group... The "Team MBL"... They are the only thing standing between my kingdom and perfection. I thought I had killed every Leaguer 15 years ago... Nowhereman somehow escaped, I never knew how... Now he comes back with a team of brats that dare calling themselves MBL... They can't even imagine the greatness the MBL had..."

Chaos stops for a moment.

"Damn brats... Some of them like Disco Stu, Darkagent86, HEROIN and Unfrozen Caveman Law Student think they can use the name of REAL MBLers just because Nowhereman raised them... Others, like Winged Bear, Hiya-Kakunga, L.E.G.O. and Fartgirl are just cannon fodder... because they aren't emotionally tied to Nowhereman. In that I admire Nowhereman... they way he has adjusted himself to the current times..."

In other part of the castle, the Team MBL splits to reach their purpose... Kill Doctor Chaos. He literally runs the city. The planet. He makes humans slaves just to "keep the busy". Whitout him, it would all fall apart, leaving humankind free again.

One half of the team goes to the lower part of the castle, to destroy the power plant that lies there, leaving the Warriors in the castle powerless. Chaos's powers are huge, but not infinite. He can't keep the bizarre cities and his Warriors working at the same time. That's why he has power plants.

The other half of the team, along with their leader, tries to stay alive until the first half completes their mission. Then, they will be able to get to Chaos's chambers, without having to fight any Warriors.
Winged Bear, HEROIN, Darkagent86 and Hiya-Kakunga form a semi-cirvle. Their leader is in the middle, wearing his armor as always. Darkagent86's force field keeps them protected from the Warriors.
DA86: Boss... why don't you check on the other team? This thing won't last forever, you know...
Hiya-Kakunga: I'm ready to fight if it's necessary...
Nowhereman: We're all ready, son.
Winged Bear: Yeah, but we gotta hold our energies for the great fight, boss... you said so...
Realizing the winged talking bear has a point, Nowhereman presses a button in his helmet that allows him to comunicate with Disco Stu, leader of the other team.
Nowhereman: How are you doing over there, son?
Seeing there's no answer, Nowhereman insist.
Nowhereman: Son...? Stu...?
Disco Stu: ZZZZZZZZZT--- Fartgirl... SQUACK--- She's... She's... Oh, Tina... TTTZZZZZZTTT---
HEROIN, unable to hold her tears, covers her face with her hands.
Disco Stu: KKKKKZZZTTT-- Boss... I'm sor--
Nowhereman lowers the volume of the comunicator in his helmet, so only he can listen what the favorite of his "sons" says.
The others stand there, on of them looking at him, another looking away trying to hide the sadness, another crying and the last one trying to focus his super-hearing powers in another place away from Nowhereman's helmet. None of them remembers now the mass of Warriors trying to get into DA86's force field.
When Winged Bear (the one with the super hearing) notices the buzz in Nowhereman's helmet stops, he asks:
Winged Bear: What happened?
Nowhereman: Darkagent, take the force field away. Team, we are on our own.

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: I'm Not Mister Mxypltk ]

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"Why did you bring me here?" Tobias shouted. "Why am I here?"

"You're here because you may be of use to us." Tobias heard the creature say. "Unless you are already working for him."

"Who are you talking about?" Tobias asked. "Who is him?"

"The one who destroyed this world. The one who made everyone's life a living hell. The one called Burdette."
Giovacchino jumped out of the way as a robot drone headed for him.

"Subject: common cat. Analysis: Expendable." The drone said.

"I'll show you expendable." The cat said as he saw three more drones come up.
"Burdette died." Tobias said. "He was killed and the world was saved."

"You have been living in a dream world." The creature said. "I shall explain what happened..."

"I know what happened." Tobias said. "An alien named Darkheart blew up the power plant and destroyed Underwood, and trapped the remains under a dome so he could amasss his army for invasion. He was double crossed by a slimeball named Burdette, who stole the powers of Darkheart and his son before banishing them to another dimension. Burdette then killed off all the Warriors, except for Walker, who defeated Burdette and made a deal with death to save the rest of us." (Warriors #161, #170-#173)

"You're facts are confused." The creature said. "Burdette killed the Warriors, but was never defeated because Walker died before he could face Burdette."

"No." Tobias said. "He couldn't have."

"He did." The creature said. "Come, I will show you the evidence you seek."

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“I don’t believe it!” Joker2’s mouth hung wide open, glaring at the newly-arrived, spandex-clad teen. “You really are Eurostar, the European Phenomenon, aren’t you?”

“Uh… I’ve never heard it put quite that way,” the Italian adolescent answered, “but, yes, I guess you could call me Eurostar. My real name is Edulcore…”

“Ed-yoo-whatsit?” Joker2 interrupted, contorting his face with every syllable. “Uh… you don’t actually expect us to call you that do you?”

“I don’t see why not,” the young hero answered. “After all, it is my name.”

“Well, we’re pretty big into nicknames, here,” the reptilian boy answered. “For example, my name is Igor, but everyone here calls me ‘Eeg.’”

“Eeg?” Eurostar asked, raising an eyebrow. “What about you?” he asked, turning to the clown beside Igor.

“Oh, I’m Joker2,” the clown said, offering a gloved hand. “I’m the leader of the Junior Adventurers of the Message Boards.”

“And your nickname?” Euro asked, taking the clown’s offered hand.

“Oh,” Joker2 said, remembering. “They call me Jo. Short for Joker. Get it?”

“Ah, yes,” the time-lost teenager nodded, a slight smile creeping across his lips. “I see.”

“That guy over there is Super Sloth,” Joker2 said, pointing to the young man sitting at a console across the room. Unbeknownst to the other members, pictures of half naked women scrolled across his control screen. “We call him SS,” Jo explained to the new guy.

At that moment, a wide-hipped, wide-bellied, and just plain WIDE Hourlyquinn waddled into the room, carrying in her girthy arms a bag of pork rinds, two cans of lard-flavored dipping sauce, and two Super Greaseball Burgers, with extra slices of processed cheese food. Without looking up, she plopped herself down at the chronology console and began to devour her “snack”. Joker2 grinned sheepishly at Eurostar, who stared at the obese Hourly, utterly appalled.

“Who’s she?” he whispered to Joker2, who tugged wildly at his seemingly shrinking collar.

“Uh… that’s my sister… Hourlyquinn…” the clown explained, trying to maintain some dignity in explaining his relationship to the girl who was now the size of a heifer.

“The family resemblance eludes me…” Edulcore said, shaking his head.

“Heh…” the clown mock-giggled. “I get that a lot.”

“How’d she get so big?” Euro hissed. The boy wanted to turn his head, but he found it hard. It was like looking at a train wreck. All the carnage and sordid details… and yet he couldn’t help but stare.

“She’s getting over a pretty serious relationship right now,” Igor interjected, giving Jo a chance to breathe.

“What? Did her boyfriend dump her or something?” Ed asked.

“No,” Igor said, shrugging. “He was murdered by a weird shape-changing demon, who used his persona to infiltrate our team and strand the two of them on an alternate Hyperboard version of Mars in an attempt to become the second Adam and Eve. But you weren’t that far off.”

Eurostar’s jaw dropped at the reasoning Igor gave. “Really?” he asked, flabbergasted.

“’Fraid so,” Joker2 piped up, straightening his gunbelt. “Hey, let me introduce you…”

Joker2 grabbed the wrist of the new arrival and pulled him over to the Hourly, who was downing the last of her bag of pork rinds.

“Uh, Hourly?” Jo said quietly, feeling suddenly that he didn’t want to make any sudden movements.

“WHAT?” the angry young lady said, her thick neck trying to whirl around. After a few failed attempts at trying to look over her shoulder, Hourly finally swiveled around in her chair, pork rind crumbs and lard sauce stains adorning her blouse. “WHAT IS IT YOU LITTLE LOU… hubba, hubba…”

Upon seeing the young Eurostar, Hourly’s eyes immediately bugged out and her mouth dropped open. The young Italian merely raised his eyebrow and gave her a weird look.

“Hourly,” Joker2 chimed in again, his grin spreading from ear to ear, “I’d like you to meet our new friend… Eurostar.”

“Holy mama!” Hourly said, quickly rising, knocking her snack foods to the floor. “Jo. Eeg. I need a word…” Grabbing the two Junior Adventurers by the wrists, she pulled them into a now incredibly restricting hallway.

“Who is that?!” Hourly asked as soon as the trio was alone.

“Name’s Eurostar,” Eeg answered.

“Can you believe it, Hourly?” her brother asked. “THE Eurostar! I haven’t asked him his Hyperboard number, but STILL! He’s here! On our beat!”

“He’s cute…” the corpulent vixen said, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

“Oh, that is WRONG!” Igor said, burying his head in his hands.

“What?” Hourly asked innocently.

“He’s an alternate Hyperboard version of your last boyfriend’s FATHER!” Eeg explained, trying not to raise his voice too much. “Can you be any more disgusting?”

“Geez, you are just like mom…” Joker2 said, turning his back to his sister.

“So?” Hourly said, trying her best to straighten her rapidly expanding costume.

“It’s just wrong, okay?” Jo said, leading Igor into the main bridge area. The duo entered to find Super Sloth showing Eurostar how to find porn on the Klone Dome computer screens. When SS noticed the two walk in, he quickly flipped the machine over to it’s regular scanning image.

“What’s going on?” Joker2 asked, looking over at SS and Euro.

“Nothing…” the Sloth said hastily. “Nothing at all…”

“Hey, what’s this?” The three Junior Adventurers looked over to where Eurostar was pointing. A flashing red dot on Super Sloth’s control screen said everything they needed to know.

“It’s Crush!” Joker2 exclaimed, doing an excited backflip into his command chair.

“Who?” Euro asked, scratching his head.

“One of our members who’s been kidnapped,” Igor explained, leading Euro to a seat at the Tactical station. “Now that we know where he is, we can get him back.”

The sound of the doors whisking open caused all eyes to turn towards the back door, where a now slender Hourlyquinn entered, her costume free of all food stains. Joker2 rolled his eyes as Eurostar’s jaw almost hit the floor.

“Hello, Eurostar,” she said, as seductively as possible as she slipped behind the Chronology console. Then, almost venomously, she greeted the other Adventurers. “Fellas…”

“What’d I do?” SS muttered to himself.

Joker2 shook his head as Igor Jr. took his place at the helm. “Eeg!” he commanded. “Take us to wherever it is that blip on Sloth’s scanning thingamajig is.”

“Aye, aye, Jo!” Eeg said as the Klone Dome began to move, demons still clinging to the outer hull.

Meanwhile, Hyperboards Away…

Igor Jr. tiredly pulled his bandana from his head as he put his guitar down. He had played as good as he ever had before… and the crowd loved it. Mucus Creek was a hit that night, and it was all thanks to Igor.

The tired little reptile sunk himself into a beanbag backstage, but not before grabbing a couple of deli slices and a water bottle off the counter. The other band members did the same and soon, Igor was acquainted with every member of Mucus Creek. Rik, the lead singer, was a boisterous Brit who loved punk rock, ladies in mesh stockings, and aerosol cheese. Nigel, the drummer, was the most pierced, tattooed man that Igor had ever met. The little lizard had a hard time looking the man in the eye… as he even had his left eyeball pierced. That was enough to weird even Igor out. The bass player, a man by the name of Sunday, Billy Sunday, was quiet, not even saying his own name. Rik convinced Igor that Sunday’s silence was due to the aloof nature of the bass player, but Igor wasn’t quite sure.

“So, mate, tell us your story,” Rik said, pulling a swig of his water. “Where you from? How’d you go about getting that bizarro lizard mask?”

Igor sighed, looking around nervously. “Well, I originally come from Cleveland. My parents were into the whole disco scene, which, quite frankly, made me cringe, so I decided that punk was the angle for me…”

“Right on, mate!” Nigel said, raising a tattooed fist into the air. Sunday just nodded his head, his long, greasy hair swaying about with every bob.

“Anyway, the mask?” Rik said. Igor could tell the rocker was really interested, so he went ahead and did what came naturally… he made something up off the top of his head.

“A friend of mine picked it out on an African safari he went on,” Igor said. “When he brought it back, I loved it so much, I just never took it off. It’s kinda like we’re inseparable.”

“Cool,” Rik said, smiling and nodding. “So… wanna go grab a burger or something?”

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Somewhere else...

Awareness. It washed over Dev in the way a shiver washes through your body on a hot summer day when you enter a air conditioned room.

He shivered, and then thought "I'm dead, I have to be."

He could tell that he was floating, for lack of a better description for the sensation he was feeling. He slowly tried opening his eyes. He looked around. Everything was black. No light anywhere. His eyes kept trying to adjust to see, but to no avail. There was also no sounds. He was straining his Daxamite hearing, and was getting nothing.

"Did I get thrown into deep space?" He wondered. Not being able to even see a hint of starlight was beginning to worry him.

He tried penetrating the darkness with his vision powers. X-ray, heat, telescopic. Nothing was working. "Where the hell am I?" He asked himself.

"YOUR TIME IS NOT AT AN END, YOU ARE NEEDED ELSWHEN..." A voice said, coming from nowhere, and everywhere at once. A bright light flashed, and Dev had to shut his eyes to avoid being blinded.


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Dev could tell that it was dark again. The thing was, he could tell that there was light coming from somewhere. Dev opened his eyes again. He was in space now. Earth was below him.

Gravity had just starting to take hold of his mass. He was falling, and he did not have enough strength to fully stop himself. So he tucked and prepared for the re-entry process, needing to slow his decent as much as possible

As he entered the atmosphere, he could tell where he was most likely to impact. Off the eastern coast of the US.

"Gotta get a move on here, hit some water. Maybe I can survive that." He thought as he continued to fall. "Wait a minute, something looks wrong, there's more land here than there should be." His mind was racing now. Where was he.

It hit him that he was in the past. That had to be the only logical explanation. The US was much bigger here, and Florida still existed. What to do. He was tired, and exhausted from the events of the last few days of his life. He was worried about his family, were they alright, did they survive? What about the LMB. Did they stop the threat? How do I get back?

He was getting close to aplashdown, and his plan was to enter the water, and use it to propel himself to land. Hoping that he had enough energy to slow enough after hitting the water. He figured he would end up a little ways into the country. Maybe try to hit a inland lake or something to stop himself if worse came to worse...

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Dev Em ]

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Dev Em opened his eyes despite the pain caused by the heat of hsi reentry. Apparently, whatever sent him here didn't make sure to play nice. He was heading straight for the center of a major city. His physiology would probably allow him to survive the fall without any major injuries, but he didn't want to introduce himself wherever he was . . . or whenever he was . . . by causing the death of a group of civilians. If only he could push himself towards the river . . .

Suddenly, the landscape changed as a silver blur pushed him aside. Before he knew it, he was sitting in an empty field, looking up at a silver winged man.

"If that was an attack on Promethean City, it was the saddest I've ever seen," the man spoke.

"No, it wasn't an attack. Something brought me here," Dev explained, "my name is Dev Em, I'm with the Legion of Message Board Posters."

"The LMB? I read about you guys. Aren't you fromt he future?," the man replied as he helped Dev to his feet, "you can call me the Changeling, I'm with the Message Board League."

"You can rest assured I've read of the MBL as well," Dev replied, "what year is it? Maybe Rypta can help me get back to my time, we were under attack by some kind of shadow . . ."

"It's 2001, and Dan's dead," the Changeling interrupted, "why don't we go back to the Citadel and see what Gooz wants to do about all this."

As the two took flight, the sky began to darken.

"Is there a storm blowing in?" the Changeling asked.

"No, look!" Dev exclaimed, "shadows like those over Europe in my time!"

"Shit, we better get the rest of the team . . ." the Changeling began before feeling a sudden burst in his mind as a TK message hit him.

"What?" a worried Dev asked.

"The MBL's gone," the Changeling replied, "we've got to find Gooz now."

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Call me Eurostar, or Edulcorael, or Cicciotto, as you like.

My supervisor, Michael (not to be mistaken for that Michael) has just returned from the Courts of Light with the news that the Book has been opened, and the first four seals have been broken.

He doesn’t know more, but he’s also sure to have more news from, well, someone within the higher ranks.

Meanwhile, let’s check on the rest of the Eurostar Family.

First, Amuro “Eurostar” Rei. He’s my counterpart in the Hyperboard where Disco Steve have landed, where Japan is the center of the whole world, and the MBL is a peacekeeping force, fighting the robotic minions of the evil Emperor Moon.

Why a Japanese superhero is called Eurostar, frankly, is out of my knowledge. But he is very different from the token American hero. And it is the same for all the other members.

They are now around the meeting table, and a tall, mustached man, with an iron hand, adjourn the heroes about the recent actions of the evil Moon. He is Doctor Quantum, the scientist that runs the MBL Headquarter.

Eurostar, dressed into a red costume with various white ornaments, and a white, and silver helmet, is very young, like the other Leaguers, no one older than twenty. He is tall, with long hair, and a shy appearance. He stands far from the table, his back on the wall, looking outside the window, while his comrades, an assorted mix of tall, short, slim, fat boys, discuss the plans. The only female of the team, half naked in her transparent uniform coupled with a bio-armor that covers her arms, neck and head, sits at the computer.

More on them later.

Giovacchino is quickly defeating his opponents, thanks to his superpowers, when a robot produces a bunch of cat’s grass. The supercat is suddenly out of commission, but instead of being terminated, he is put inside a bag and brought away.

My younger self, sits near Joker2 in the Klone Dome, which is moving toward the point where the computer has located Crush. They are talking…

“So, you know who we are, it’s time you explain how and why are you here, Ed” says Joker2 to Eurostar, which is marveling at the features of the Tactical station.

“Ed? Short for Edulcore? OK, Jo! Well, I was in the year 2001, when a friends of mine displaced me, and I presume some other friends of mine, to this Hyperboard. Maybe each one in a different board…”

“The year 2001? The MBL? Hey, do you know that I have been in the MBL headquarter the year before?”

“In the year 2000, you mean? Which year is this?”


“Why did you come to the MBL? I have never read this story in the files!”

“Is there anything about a meeting where suddenly each Leaguer felt being grabbed in the butt?”

“Well, yes, I read something about… Care to explain, Jo?”

“Well, it’s a long story. You see, in the year 2010 in many Hyperboards the MBL have been destroyed by a member of the team, that betrayed his friends and arose to rule the World under the name Doctor Chaos.
Nowhereman, the only surviving leaguer, had gathered the kids and protegee of many leaguers, to form a group, Team MBL, to fight Chaos.
When Nowhereman found a meta with time powers (at the time Hourly didn’t have yet developed her own), called Wavebyker, he send a mission to your time to explore the future of each member of the MBL, to discover the would be betrayer and kill him, to prevent the advent of Doctor Chaos.
The team was me, Hourly, DiscoStu and DarkAgent 86, along with Nowhereman, which joined us later”

“What did you find?”

“Nothing. Wavebyker grabbed the butt of everyone, but he didn’t find anything. So, we had to come back to our time. But in the time travel back, Hourly manifested her powers, and we were stranded away. Then we met Eeg and I2, and… and another kid, and we founded JAMB. ”.

“What have been of that world?”

“Chaos rule it like before. There was no way of defeating him, that’s why we tried to travel back in time to kill him. But that didn’t work. That world, our original world, sadly, is doomed”.

Eurostar seems to think, than asks: “Which were the members that you scanned?”

“Well, there was the Indestructible Man, Time Trust, Nowhereman, Smasher, Darknight 007, Disco Steve, Farenheit 451, Speedy, Hourgirl, Joker1, Kid Psycho, Steely, Speedyboy, nuriko and Mr. Mxyzptlk” answer Joker2.

“Mxy!” shouts Eurostar. “ You grabbed the butt to MXY and saw his future! Mxy is a five dimensional being, it is simply impossible for a 3D like us to even understand the concept of his future. Time goes in two directions for him. If one of them was to become Doctor Chaos, I bet it was him. Rthere was no way for you to read his future”.

A strange light appears in the eyes of Joker2, just when SuperSloth exclaims: “Jo, we are on the target!”

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Gooz's Office, MBL HQ - Power River

The office is darkened. Gooz talks to someone whose body is covered by the shadows of the room. A silver outline can be seen on the tall man.

Gooz: I'm happy that you responded so fast to the call buddy. You know what to do?

The Man: Yeah, I'm all set.

Gooz: Thanks, we'll need the extra help.

In a flash of blue the man was gone.

Deep within a cave - Hyperboard Sector 4992150.3c

Many days have passed since JAMB got a call for help, from a world that literaly went to hell. It was so bad that demons had almost over run the ship. The defense was breached, and the creatures were poundng donw the side of the huge steel walls of the Dome. Crush, a younger version of Ritchie Stevens from another Hyperboard, made a last ditch attempt to save the rest of the JAMB team. He opened the main doors, locking them tight behind his exit and ran into the thick of thing. The creatures followed him away from the Dome as he used the full extend of his powers to fight them back. Crush wasn't strong enough and was over run by the demons. Out of nowhere, arrows shot through the fire in the the creatures. A band of men in red hoods fought off the creatures saving Crushes life, hoping that maybe he could help in the fight against HELL.

Crush jumps up, power surging around his hands.

Crush: WHERE AM I?!?!

He jumps from his cot, looking all around. A young woman, who has been tending to his injuries, is the only other person in the room.

The Woman: Calm down stranger. I'm only here to help.

She points over to a medical set up.

Crush: I... I'm sorry, last thing that I knew, I was fighting off demons.

Crush powers down as the woman approches him. She feels his hands with hers, warm from the energy which surged through them. She places his hand on her face, closing her eyes, feeling comfort.

The Woman: You have powers, were able to fight off many hellspawns. I have never heard of such powers. You can be very helpful in the war.

Crush: How did I get here?

The Woman: My family saved you, well, not all my family, but we are the last humans to survive. We have had to build a city underground, which is ironic because that is where the monsters originally came from.

A man enters the room, silence follows. He is tall and well build. His long flowing red hair matches his bushy beard. He is one of the men that saved Crush.

The Man: Jessica, that will be enough.

Jessica: Yes sir, father.

Jessica takes a quick last look at Crush before leaving the room.

Crush: Hey man, thanks a lot for the save!

The Man: We need all the help we can get, time is running out.

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Somewhere... Strange

Patrick Walker, also know as Smasher, is somewhere, somewhere... strange. He has traveled across many Hyperboards in the past, but has never encountered an "earth" like this one, with human sized talking monkeys.

Police Monkey: Hold it right there!

Police Monkey #2: Don't move an arm! Alien!

Smasher looks all around, after his sudden appearence, the police were quickly on the scene. Not that Smasher has done anything wrong, but it was very hard for him to try and "fit in", you know, will all the people being monkeys here.

Smasher: Wait... I haven't done anything wrong, I'm just a little... lost.

Old Bystander Monkey: Oh Gob, it speaks!

Smasher(in a whisper): I wish I was back on the 'No Man's Land' board.

Police Monkey #2: I... am... going... to... put... these... handcuffs... on... you, be... still. Do... you...understan-

Smasher: Yeah, I do.

Police Monkey #2: Very...good.

Smasher shook his head wondering how this world could get any worse. Just than, a huge gorilla brust out of a bank; a gun in one hand and a bag of cash in the other. The criminal stopped short after seeing the police and fired his weapon a few times.

Smasher: Big mistake!

Smasher used his powers to stop the bullets in midair. He then ripped the gun from the gorilla's hand and gave him a single pounch knocking the punk out.

Police Monkey: He's like a superhero or something...

Teen Monkey: Musta got bitten by a radioactive human or something... COOL!

The police quickly locked the gorilla in the handcuffs. The other monkeys were now cheering for Smasher and the cop made his way towards him.

Police Monkey #2: It's a pleasure to have you in our city!

The officer extended his hand to Smasher.

Ok, so maybe it's not so bad here after all!

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: P. Walker ]

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As Disco sat at his chair, he checked out the other members.

Rypta Gud'n. Dressed in what looks like a karate suit with a hood. A god tossed out of heaven. He stands out in the group along with Indestructible Man, not being Japanese. His powers? I'm not too sure...

Eurostar. Dressed in a red costume with white things on them and a white & silver helmet. He can morph into anything that he's seen in real life, not pictures or TV...

Joker1. Wearing the kind of suit a businessman would wear. A former child actor on Japan's most popular sitcom. It's cancellation at the near peak of it's popularity drove him to the brink of insanity, which brought out strange superpowers.

FlashXIII. Another mystery man. Dressed in a dark red bodysuit. He has tremendous telepathic powers.

Darkknight. Wearing a black suit and a cape. He's a total mystery to me. He might be a vampire...

Time Trust. Mystery man #3. He's from some post-apocolyptic possible future. He's got severe psychological problems. I dunno what his powers are, if any.

Indestructible Man. Dressed in a grey and black costume also with a hood. A former foreign exchange student from Pennsylvania, USA, he now lives here, attending college. He's indestructible, and is the current bearer of the holy sword Masamune.

Digigrrl. Usually wears some tiny green costume. She's a cyborg with a human brain. She can change her strength and can interface with computers.

Speedy the Smackhead. Clad in silver armor. His suit is powered by heroin. He shoots energy blasts from his suit, which can go on a "heroin rush," which causes his arms and legs to flail wildly as his body spins.

Doctor Quantum. I rarely speak to him directly, and never asked about him. I wonder how he got that iron hand...

And me. Disco Steve. I'm 15, the youngest member. I have a beatin' stick. And I throw discs. And I've got really good agility. Why am I here? I have no powers. Not like the others The public doesn't like me. I see none of the crap with my likeness on it sells. Even the Tokyo Police is sick of me helping them... Tomoyo included. And she's my girlfriend! Maybe I should just quit.

Then Doctor Quantum began to speak.

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Call me Eurostar, as you know, I’m your host trughout the whole war of Light and Darkness.

As I told you last time, the book have been opened, and the first four seals have been broken: Well, Michael (that from now on I will call Mike, not to mistake him for another Michael, that from now on will be a frequent apparition in our little tale.

Well, Mike has returned from a second trip to the Choir, with a news and with a gift.

“Edulcorael, friend, I have been asked to resume my duty at the Choir, up in the Silver City: From now, you are on your own. I’ve been with you for some month now, you had really only one occasion to show your ability and coolness, but you performed well. The war has arrived, every Wing has to return to his Flock. Only you Guardians can stay with your protegees. I’m sure you will be up to the task. Being the Guardian angel of your own son is a honour that only a few men and women had” he says.

“Somehow I was foreshadowing this” I say: “Well, Mike, I hope to be good enough for the task…”

“Edulcorael, the fifth seal have been broken, too. Take this” and he hand me a book, “it’s the Book of the Revelations.
The Courts of Light has appointed you to be the witness of the events. You have free access to every corner of creation, even the Courts and Circles. Nobody will see you, you will see everything. Now I have to go!”

I open the book.

Revelation, 4
6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal.
And in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.

Originally posted by Changeling
In the Empyrean, in the highest heaven, floats the Silver City, home to the Choir and the manifestation of the Word through Metatron. The City is centered about the heavenly parliament known as the Temple of Creation, where the archangels and their councils keep an eye on Creation. The Temple itself is ringed by twenty antechambers (named by Greek letters) and four towers (Alpha, Chi, Rho, and Omega), the second of which houses the Courts.

The pluralized name is a reflection of the extent to which the Courts deal directly with the multifaceted face of Creation, the infinite conceptions of the Firmament known to Man as the Hyperboards. While the eternal Host focus on the existence of the Multiverse as a whole against threats from within and [insert dramatic foreshadowing shudder] without, those beings granted power through connection to the nergies of the universe have formed a group of their own.

There are four cosmic beings, gathered in the Courts. Beings of infinite power, and with eyes opened over the whole creation. Nothing should be a mistery for them, but the time has come, and even Them cannot know their destiny.
They are Metatron, the mouthpiece of the Word; Michael, General of the Host; the Rhymer, incarnation of the energy of the mind, and Raphael, Head of the Choir.

They don’t speak, but watch three other seats, empty: three are missing from the Courts, Continuity, who watches over the Hyperboard; the Time Trust Infinity, keeper of the Timestream, and RyChard, the Watcher, one time guardian of the forces of Chaos and Order, that now are ripped back in the two original energy, the V and the X.

Metatron speaks: “Ormudz and Ahriman, the X and the V, that since the dawn of creation have been forever in battle, shaping reality from their own fight, have allied: the X is now a pawn in the hand of the V, and Ry-Chard is missing.

The gates of the Hyperboard are unguarded, since the time Continuity has been captured and caged in the Circles of Darkness:

Many forces will ford the Timestream, now that the Time Trust Infinity has been destroyed.

Micheal, reinforces the walls of the Silver City, for now Hell will find a way to knok at our door”.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

In the Tiamat Buiding, The Colony sits on the desk that one time belonged to John GreyII, the Indestructible Man. At his feet, Pete McLebovich, the powerful kid which is his main arm in this war. A kid with the power to alter reality, to open the gates between the Hyperboards, the key for the victory of the Darkness.

And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

The horrible, twisted pale face of Larry Lance, the dead, evil twin of King Aric LLance, smiles while he incites his black horse down the mountain range at the back of the city of Mandelovia. Thousands of back horses, mounted by twist horned demons, follows him, destroying the land at their passage.

Bibbo and LLance observes them, high from the sky, LLance flying on his own, Bibbo standing over a just-created-by-his-ring flying carpet.

“They must not reach the City!” whispers Bibbo.

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

An armored Tirannosaurus rex marches trough the city of Thuner, Terranova. Danny the Dynosaurs, is his name. A mutated, intelligent dynosaur, created over 64 millions of years ago by the scientist of an evoluted reptilian species, and survived in suspended animation until the terraformation of the planet Mars, mere months ago, during an adventure of the Junior Adventureres of the Message Boards, has brought him back to life. He now commands a whole army of carnivorous dynosaurs, T- rexs, Carnosaurus, Velociraptors and such, which are destroying the city.

Ghaleon, Joker1 and Shock looks at the situation, completely unable to cope with the situation.

“I have never seen thousands of Dragon before” whispers Ghaleon.

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

From the deck of the fighter entering in the Mandelovian Harbor, the zombie of Adolf Hitler shouts order at his generals, then rise his binoculars to the eyes and smiles at the utterly destruction of the whole Mandelovian Fleet.

On the beach Captain Nemo and Mordecai watches the Nazi fleet entering the harbor.

Prometheus whispers: “I had to know…”

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held.

Gooz walks alone in the courtyard of the Citadel, in front of the main gate. Lined along the main path are the statues of the dead MBLeaguers, fallen on duty: Eurostar, Dan E. Boy, Hero1, That Orca Guy, Agent 57, Darknight 007, Mick Smiley, Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, LocoMotor, SmasherII, Albino Chameleon.
Gooz observes the statue, thinking of the time he was dead, too, and of the deaths this war will brings.

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

And the darkness falls over Earth….

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

[ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: The Eurostar ]

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TIAMAT Building, Dr John Grey's office

Colony sits in the desk, quiet. Pete, sitting near him, is scared to death, trying not to move at all. He hasn't slept since this started. He has spent most of the time crying, horryfied, listening to colony breath.
"H-he... he has my mom... my mom..." thinks Pete, trying to convince himself that's the reason he obeys Colony, and not because he's scared.
Colony looks at Pete, without moving his head. Pete notices this and starts shaking lightly.
"Remember, kid" Colony says in a deep voice "I have your mother"
Colony waves his hands, and a "door" made of web is opened, revealing a 20-something woman he picked up from the street to make Pete believe he has his mother.
This sight reminds Pete of his cowardness. He lowers his head, and cries.
Colony smiles.

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Another Hyperboard... 10 minutes later

Winged Bear: HEROIN IS DOWN!!!!

The four young heroes and their master fly as fast as they can to get to the top of the castle. Warriors are all over the place.
When Nowhereman hears Winged Bear's shout, he remembers the last thing HEROIN said to him, before DarkAgent86 opened his force field.
HEROIN (notably affected by Fartgirl's death): W-What's the plan...?
Hiya-Kakunga (angry): What the boss said. We will go out there, kick some asses, get to Chaos's room and REVENGE OUR FRIENDS!
Nowhereman stands aparently quiet, next to Darkagent86.
Nowhereman: HEROIN... Joan... if you don't feel youa re ready, Darkagent can give you his shield and--
HEROIN looked at him. Even now, her strong feminist attitude remained.
HEROIN (wiping the tears from her face): No. I want to go.

Now her head falls, as a Warrion holds her armored body.

Winged Bear: ...heroin is down...

Winged Bear lowers his head to remember his friend for a second, a decition that will cost him his life.

Nowhereman watches as his body is split in two by a Warrior, but he's unable to do something because, like Hiya-Kakunga and Darkagent86 he's fighting Warriors.
None of the remaining members says a word, but it's not hard to see that Hiya-Kakunga is thinking about his leader when he furiosly attacks his enemies.
Nowhereman feels sorry for him. So much fury will lead him to death.

The top of the Chaos castle...

Doctor Chaos watches how the Team MBL falls.
As he starts to feel sorry for them, he thinks...
"No... I must not feel sorry... I'm suppoused to be happy because of this... after all, I'm Doctor Chaos... aren't I?

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