pop!Jake found himself sitting in what looked a Chucky Cheese restaraunt, only infinitely bigger. And there was only was one kid there. Well, 88 versions of the same kid.
"I'm in hell." Jake said as one of the kids came up to him.
"No, you were in hell." The boy said. "Now you're- Well, it's kind of complicated."
"Wait, wait.... No, I was right. I don't care." Jake said. "Just point me toward the exit."
"There is no exit." The boy said. "There are only beginnings and endings."
"Oh, great, I'm at the Fox Network."
"No, you're outside of the time stream. This is the Nexus, a place where time has no meaning." The boy said. "My name is Randy."
"Are... all of you named Randy?" Jake asked.
"No." Randy said. "Those are my brothers: Andy, Sandy, Dandy, our only sister Mandy..."
88 names later
"Dude, this is totally f*cked up." Jake said. "I've got to get back and help my friends."
"Sorry, but we can't let you." Randy said. "The cards are already dealt, the players already chosen."
"What in the name of Haley Joel Osment are you talking about?" Jake asked. "I can just wish myself home."
"I wish you to be powerless until I say MXLTPLK backwards." Randy said.
"And how do would you pronounce that?" Jake asked.
"Nice try." Randy said. "I may be only twelve, but I'm not stupid."
"Damn." Jake said. "Maybe you should tell me more about this place."