Mandelovia, the first strike had occurred, lives taken by the dozens. The split up TOMB members fought hard against the impossible odds.

A world away, the MBL faced a similar problem. Gooz stood in front of the Message Board League, friends and foes now members of the same team… For this one day, the past didn’t matter at all.

The first strike had begun.

Gooz watched from the HQ, Daniel and Lucky by his side, as the Changeling led a small group into the Thunder Institute. Two heroes with teleportation powers brought the group directly into the Institutes auditorium, asides from the web covering the walls, it was clear.

[Gooz, we’re in…]

Daniel had created a mind link between Gooz and the Changeling, it the best way to keep the heroes in contact at all times.

Good, no sign of trouble yet?

[None. We’re going to make our way toward the Infirmary, which is the last known location of most of the children.]

Ok, just be careful, you never know what to expect.

[I’ll be on the look out…]

A few moments passed, before Gooz heard a single word in his mind, […shit…]. Than, the mind-link was dead.

Gooz: Daniel, status?

Daniel: Nothing, the mind-link is down, that can only mean…

Gooz: NO!

Gooz opened a portal.

Gooz: Danny-boy, watch things over here, I’ll be right back.

A Few Moments ago – The Thunder Institute

The Changeling was in front of the small group, containing two of the remaining Warriors, Howard and Jesse, a brute named Power-man, the villain known as Rampage, another bad guy known as Huge and Jessica Patrick, also known as vapor, and Tommy Gordon, also known as Ghost, both of whom have teleportation powers.

Changeling: Ok guys, we’re going to head east to the Infirmary, the space there is large enough to hold a good number of students.

The group slowly made there way towards the doors, which were covered in web.

Power-man: What is this crap?

The large hero pulls down on the web, but something is wrong.

The Changeling: …shit…

Out of nowhere, a sledgehammer strikes the Changeling in the stomach, than swings back around, cracking him in the back. The Changeling looks up, into the eyes of his attacker, Jonathan Hanks, the deceased man known as Hammer. His eyes, no color… fully black. Than, the heroes’ feel the full blunt of the attack. Shadow demons attack from all sides.

A sword rips through the stomach of Power-man, who continues to fight with the blade hanging out of his body. Howard takes to the air, as Jesse shoots out a blast of fire across the room, making sure not to hurt any of his fellow teammates, but frying many of the demons. Huge and Rampage are able to use their super strength and invincibility to their advantage, and rip apart the shadow demons. Tommy Gordon jumps in front of Vapor, saving her, but getting a sword into his chest in the process. The Changeling pulls out his sword and strikes it at Hammer, who uses his weapon of the same name to block it.

Hammer: It has begun, their time here is up angel. You of all people should know this.

Changeling: Dead man, I’m sending you back to hell!

The two continue to exchange blows, as the rest of the room is over run by the demons, who have one thought on their mind, to kill. Out of nowhere, Gooz appears. You can see the pain within his eyes as he uses his powers to absorb the shadow demons, clearing the room. As light now fills the room, Tommy Gordon and Huge are dead, Howard is bloody but ok, as is Jesse, Rampage is fine, standing in front of Vapor, whom is also ok. Power-man limps over to Gooz, holding his stomach as blood pours out. The Changeling is standing over Hammer’s body; he lets his sword fall, taking off the villain’s head.

Hammer’s voice can still be heard, “…it has begun…”

Changeling: We gotta keep moving…

Changeling busted open the door as the now smaller group raced toward the Infirmary, Gooz attempting to use his powers to hold back the shadow demons. With a single blow, the Changeling was able to rip the doors of their hedges, revealing a crowded room full of the institute’s students. Vapor made her way toward the front of the group, opening a big portal.

Changeling: Everyone in! No questions!

As the children began to enter the portal, the Colony ripped through one of the foot thick steel walls.

Changeling: That’s the target!

After the Changeling’s words, the remaining heroes turned their full blunt of power on the villain. He brushed it off with ease, shooting a blast across the room, into Howard’s chest, taking the hero off his feet. The Colony than shot a blast at Rampage, ripping right through his armor, taking a chunk of his arm off. The Changeling moved in between the Colony and the children, his sword drawn.

Move human.

The Changeling didn’t respond, but stood his ground.

I said move human.

The Changeling smiled, “I’m not human!”